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  • Thread starter zer05ive
If the cars are break can we just change oil or the engine to resolve this problem? I dont have thinking about ask myself what details are in this broken cars. Its so much to care lolll.

If they break? The only issue you might run into is the oil light coming on, and yes, changing the oil or doing an engine rebuild will fix that.
How about the white line going into the last turn and the cement between the red and white kerb and the grass?

I know you have to keep at least two wheels on the red and white curbs as that is the edge of the track. The concrete behind the curbs is not part of the track. You would have to get an official ruling from Apmaddock on the white line approaching the last corner though.
If they break? The only issue you might run into is the oil light coming on, and yes, changing the oil or doing an engine rebuild will fix that.

Me i always change oil whatever miles on before 200 miles but your oil turn brown before the light is on and thats why i always change oil. I think it was only when the light is on your cars start to broke.Now i know something wrong whit my cars sometimes underrated in straight line.
You would have to get an official ruling from Apmaddock on the white line approaching the last corner though.

If the white line that you're talking about is the white line that I'm thinking about, go ahead and go outside of it. Even the AI does.

I may have to fire up GT5 and check on that, though.
If the white line that you're talking about is the white line that I'm thinking about, go ahead and go outside of it. Even the AI does.

I may have to fire up GT5 and check on that, though.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, the laid-down rubber in the braking zone is actually outside that line, too.
I think it's actually before the second (or third) to last corner. That'd be the left-hander before the chicane that releases you onto the final "straight"
Ask that en Francais, s'il vouz plait. I think we're missing something in the translation...

Whatever if i read what all mention about carefully and watch that things on gt5 i will understand. Thanks for trying to understand me whit my basic english. :tup
baaa baa ba baaa, bum bum baaaa: We interrupt this newscast for a special report​

Cyborg Hijinks presents:

Interview with a Diabolic

Tonights Topic: The senseless butchering of horses


"...and so that concludes our conversation on breaking in cars for S.N.A.I.L.. Next, we head over to the research desk for a visit with Diabolic whose been digging up some rather interesting information.... Diabolic?

"Yes, I'm here."

"So, it appears you've made an interesting discovery?"

"Indeed. It appears that many moon ago, in a distant time, perhaps as far back as two, three, seven months ago, it's hard to know for sure, that the members of S.N.A.I.L. had discussions about topics related to today's breaking (pun intended) story."

"And was there a resolution at those time?"

"Of course, what do you think this is, the National Hockey League? (insert phony reporter laugh)

"You were saying Diabolic?"

"My apologies. Someone dressed as a Smurf just came in and offered us all watermelon. We figured it an opportunity to not let pass. Anyway, the research staff and I found Everything about the subject written by it's own members"

"So, you're saying all the answers to questions, all the things anyone could possibly know were there all along??"


"Was it hidden? Did you have to obtain it unlawfully? Actually, Diabolic, I'm being asked to retract that statement....So how long did it take the staff to locate it?"

"Well, it was looking impossible until we found the source of it all. We thought about keeping it to ourselves, but this kind of information deserves to be seen by all. It's all.... publicized online!"


"Yep. It's all there, on one website AND and it's pretty easy to navigate. We've asked the station to run the site name onscreen after we're through here so folks should get ready!"

"So, if the information is all out there for people, why are we having to discuss it?

"Well, let me put it to you this way. I read an interesting post on the website and I'd like to share it with you now."

Walking through the crowded parking lot, Diabolic notices several large heaps covered with canvas. Leading up to each were lines of people, patiently waiting their turns. He pulls side a local...

"What's going on here?"

"We're kicking 'em!"

"What are they?"

"Dead horses."

(Looks at nearest heap)
"Dead horses...really? If they're dead, why are you kicking them?"

"Well....I mean......
you know...we gotta make sure."

(Diabolic heads to nearest heap and gives it a swift kick)

"See, what I mean? We have to be absolutely sure. At any moment they may spring to life and trample us. Very dangerous, these beasts."

"Uh huh...I see.... :rolleyes: "

(Diabolic turns and head out of the lot)
A split second later Rusty, a horse 42 years dead, springs to life, whooping and bucking his way around the lot. Diabolic, now a ways from the afair, noted it with a gentle "hmmph" and continued on mumbling quietly to himself, "Ok..but I still don't get it."

The Amazing Insider Tip

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If the horse were truly and assuredly dead, methinks those beating it would cease.

I think your, umm, ?allegory? actually makes that point above all others.
If the horse were truly and assuredly dead, methinks those beating it would cease.

I think your, umm, ?allegory? actually makes that point above all others.

Ironically, you're the reason for the original dead horse post....post 2921.

See below:

Sorry for the dead horse beating. (Though it probably deserved it.)

By responding this time...you're completing the cycle. ;)

Now let's make like a tree...and get outta here.
If we are talking about drivers on probation not being able to receive prizes I think we need to look at 2 things.

1. The probation system is set up in a way that deters people from racing "dirty" by doubling fines received once on probation. If we were to say, if you are on probation you are not able to receive prizes, I feel it would more strongly motivate drivers to show good racecraft.

2. I think if we go with this idea the point doubling should be done away with. Instead why not have drivers on probation banned from prizes and voting until the probation is lifted.

1. The probation system is set up in a tiered manner: 1st offence points deducted and probation; 2nd offense (while on probation) double points deducted, your suggestion does away with this tiered configuration and makes it a flat while on probation "NO PRIZES FOR YOU!!! NEXT?" look what we have become.

2. I could live in peace with a system where a 3rd offense (e.g. committing an offense after your fines have been double already) would result in disallowing prizes. This not only preserve the elegant tiered configuration of the system it augments it.
It should probably be one or the other. Both is a little intense.

…though I could see merit in disallowing penalties for anyone currently under the maximum six week probation…
Broken in, is the Audi at 333 GP / PP 466?

I agree with Count and AP to some extent. Adding insult to the 'injury' if a self-report would probably did-incentivize the process.

Yet persistence pays off, so to speak... How about only dropping a higher threshold (6 weeks, doubled offenders or something) only.
If we are talking about drivers on probation not being able to receive prizes I think we need to look at 2 things.

1. The probation system is set up in a way that deters people from racing "dirty" by doubling fines received once on probation. If we were to say, if you are on probation you are not able to receive prizes, I feel it would more strongly motivate drivers to show good racecraft.

I agree with this and that the penalization is a process to promote good race craft. However, banning someone from a prize because they had a small incident and 2 week probation is harsh.

However, those that constantly get penalties week to week that is another story; I also like the idea of adding to the probation process the banning from a prize for repeat offenders.
Uh.. So is mine. Sorry!

(Though I would love to nudge a few extra PP from some cars into mine... But 466 would be too obvious... Back to the drawing board of nefarious doingses)
It would be nice if the broken in PP of the car was listed with the lineup:)
Uh.. So is mine. Sorry!

(Though I would love to nudge a few extra PP from some cars into mine... But 466 would be too obvious... Back to the drawing board of nefarious doingses)

Why am I suddenly nervous about you finishing last in the first race with the Audi on purpose so you sart from pole for the reverse grid. Then have you waiting until the last minute to enter the track....with the 466PP one and win easily :lol:
I think he is very happy blasting everyone with the controller... :nervous:

it seems that we have quite a few Sagittarius in the house! Happy Birthday!
Mine was on the 1st.

Cool, and also i do want a wheel, the controller just leaves something missing every time i race