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  • Thread starter zer05ive
A real learning experience. Not sure I am good enough for this league, even in D3.

Thank you for the great work by the organizers.

D3 in the HOUSE. Great run tonight everyone. Clean, hard racing, just what i was looking for out of this group. Handlebar, keep at it, hard work pays off.

I agree. This was extremely good fun. I loved racing with everyone, all very clean and competitive. Exactly what I was looking for! I can't wait until May when I will be able to be a more active member of this league. Thanks guys for the amazing experience! :)

In my first official outing I managed one pole (missed the second by a mere 0.022), one win, four seconds, and a fifth. I think I'll probably be in D2 next week. It'll be interesting to see if I can fare as well there.

Thanks to all the new league members who raced with us tonight! It sounds like you all had a really great time. Congrats on your first race in S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Mopar: I'd like to to say Congratulations on your over all win. I thought for sure I had you on both races of Autumn Ring. If my left-rear wheel had not touched the grass in the last turn, but it was my mistake, I let the car run a little too wide.

Zero05ive: I pick Prize B. Please let me know when the voting results are up.

I'm a little curious to know what happened to Naurto tonight. Did he give any notice about not running tonight?
I choose Prize A :)

Great racing all! Some how did a 1'25.394 at Autumn Ring, thought that was pretty cool.

I was suprised by the 2 wins @ Highspeed ring too. The cluster "you know what" at Daytona on the last lap, race 1 was.....a mess lol. 4 cars sat off to the sit with damage/penaltys while Diabolic drove on from 5th(?) to the win :)

*EDIT* Hogster did you race tonight?

And then Karma bit me in the .... as I got damage from an invisible car.
Zero05ive: I pick Prize B. Please let me know when the voting results are up.

I'm working on the results post right now. It'll include the racing results as well as the voting results.

I'm a little curious to know what happened to Naurto tonight. Did he give any notice about not running tonight?

I logged into the D1 account and saw that he posted a message there. I think we need to clarify that all advance notices need to made on this thread, not sent to a divisional account that I don't log onto that often.

Also, I was told that he showed up tonight.. and then left?
Here are the official results from our first ever three-division league night. Mighty_mopar was able to break away from the pack for a convincing D1 and overall victory. The fight for first in D2 was a much closer battle, with myself and AJK-VAIL tied at the end of the night with 39 points each. However, I won the tie-breaker because I had more 1st place finishes (2-1). In Division 3, leadbedr edged out HogsterGT by two points for the win.

Division 1
1st: Mighty_mopar ------- selected Prize A
2nd: M1SS-D3V10US ----- selected Prize B
3rd: Diabolicwyvern ------ selected Prize C
4th: ADR_BRONCO ------- voted to eliminate Round 3
5th: racefan78 ---------- voted to eliminate Round 3
6th: kcheeb ------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
7th: AG07WRXTR -------- voted to eliminate Round 1
8th: rallywgn81 ---------- voted to eliminate Round 1
9th: whatbadgerseat ----- voted to eliminate Round 1
10th: jlbowler ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2
11th: spooble ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1
DNR: ckoerner210 -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: ND_4_SPD_Naruto --- did not race

Division 2
1st: zer05ive ------------- voted to eliminate Round 1 promotion to Division 1 cancelled
2nd: AJK-VAIL ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1
3rd: Psycho-Tuber -------- voted to eliminate Round 1
4th: tcrash15 ------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
5th: MLR_SPARCO --------- voted to eliminate Round 2
6th: dvdoughboy ---------- voted to eliminate Round 1
7th: aubdogg -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
8th: ImToLegitToQuit ------ did not submit a vote
9th: cmbeal317 ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1 relegated to Division3
DNR: Puddin_Head_ -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: g-MachineREX -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: KissMyGlock ---------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: The__Reaper --------- no-showed without advanced notice relegated to Division3

Division 3
1st: leadbedr -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2 promoted to Division 2
2nd: HogsterGT ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2 promoted to Division 2
3rd: rofajole --------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
4th: Lookbeer -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
5th: ChuthuluGoat ---------- voted to eliminate Round 2
6th: a_garris --------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
7th: Handlebar-Man -------- voted to eliminate Round 2
8th: Infinital-NG ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2
9th: SCREAMING_CHIEF ----- voted to eliminate Round 2
DNR: Apmaddock ----------- did not race due to connectivity issue
DNR: aDirtySpic- ----------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: djx2391 -------------- did not race, but provided advanced notice

The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 1 - Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06 @High Speed Ring
Therefore it has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since Mighty_mopar selected Prize A, he gets to decide which car and track will replace it.

The round that received the second most votes was:
Round 2 - Honda S2000 '06 @Autumn Ring
Therefore, either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. Since M1SS-D3V10US selected Prize B, so she gets to decide which is replaced and what replaces it.

Diabolicwyvern got Prize C, so he gets any car he wants (up to $999,999).
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As you all review the results posting, you may be wondering who is getting promoted and relegated next week. Well, I intentionally left that information off because I think it might be better to post those decisions a little closer to next Sunday rather than post it now and then make a bunch of changes to it throughout the week like we did last week. Let's give time for people to let us know if they won't be able to make next week's races before making those decisions.

That being said, there were quite a few drivers who did not race this week, but provided advanced notice. However, quite a few of those notices were very last minute. That's fine and dandy for now, but going forward should we modify our advanced notice policy by perhaps putting a deadline on the advanced notices? Perhaps 24 hours? That way, I'd be able to post the promotion and relegation decisions on Saturday night with all the advanced notices taken into consideration. Please let me know if you think that's a fair policy or if you think it's a bit too strict.

Also, the situation with Naruto needs to be hashed out. He did not post advanced notice on this thread, but he did send a PSN message to the D1 account. However, he also logged into the D1 lounge (and then left) which added to the confusion. Since Naruto didn't post his advanced notice on the thread, Diabolic figured that Naruto was the last place finisher in D1. Therefore, when jlbowler asked Diabolic how many points he needed to score to avoid relegation, he specifically told jlbowler that all he had to do was finish ahead of spooble. jlbowler therefore parked his car with the understanding that he would not be relegated. Confused? So am I.. We need to figure out a better way to handle these situations. The first thing I would say is that going forward, advanced notices need to be posted on this thread for all to see or it's irrelevant. Thoughts? Objections?
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With no less then 24 hours notice. No need to leave you guys scrambling even more on Sunday. Btw. I think it was obviously a little late when you posted the leader board. Cause mopar. Well. His pretty manly sounding. And quite the opposite is true of Devious.
The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 1 - Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06 @High Speed Ring
Therefore it has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since Mighty_mopar selected Prize A, she gets to decide which car and track will replace it.

The round that received the second most votes was:
Round 2 - Honda S2000 '06 @Autumn Ring
Therefore, either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. Since M1SS-D3V10US selected Prize B, so he gets to decide which is replaced and what replaces it.

I'm sure they won't mind, but thought I'd point it out as Rally did. Great racing last night, really enjoyed it. Sorry for the "oh am I supposed to brake now?" moment at the bus stop (Diabolic knows). And how crazy was the pile-up on the last corner @Daytona with Miss, JL, and some others, unexpected, but that's racing.

MISS and MOPAR, wicked fast on Autumn ring, I didn't have a chance to break in my cars, apparently it makes a huge difference, you two were "out-of-sight" in a matter of 2-3 laps. Love that combination though, S2000 on Autumn ring.

I think 24hr notice is reasonable. Let me give my 1 week notice (sorta). My wife and I are expecting our first child sometime this week or next. I predict that I may miss a race or two in the coming weeks, but rest assured I'll give a 24hr notice when the race approaches.

Props to Diabolic for running the D1 event, and for Zero for his continued dedication to this league, much appreciated.👍
Division 1
1st: Mighty_mopar ------- selected Prize A
2nd: M1SS-D3V10US ----- selected Prize B
3rd: Diabolicwyvern ------ selected Prize C
4th: ADR_BRONCO ------- voted to eliminate Round 3
5th: racefan78 ---------- voted to eliminate Round 3
6th: kcheeb ------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
7th: AG07WRXTR -------- voted to eliminate Round 1
8th: rallywgn81 ---------- voted to eliminate Round 1
9th: whatbadgerseat ----- voted to eliminate Round 1
10th: jlbowler ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2
11th: spooble ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1
DNR: ckoerner210 -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: ND_4_SPD_Naruto -- did not race

Division 2
1st: zer05ive -------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
2nd: AJK-VAIL ------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
3rd: Psycho-Tuber --------- voted to eliminate Round 1
4th: tcrash15 -------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
5th: MLR_SPARCO ---------- voted to eliminate Round 2
6th: dvdoughboy ----------- voted to eliminate Round 1
7th: aubdogg -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
8th: ImToLegitToQuit ------ did not submit a vote
9th: cmbeal317 ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1
DNR: Puddin_Head_ -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: g-MachineREX -------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: KissMyGlock ---------- did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: The__Reaper --------- no-showed without advanced notice

Division 3
1st: leadbedr -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
2nd: HogsterGT ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2
3rd: rofajole --------------- voted to eliminate Round 1
4th: Lookbeer -------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
5th: ChuthuluGoat ---------- voted to eliminate Round 2
6th: a_garris --------------- voted to eliminate Round 2
7th: Handlebar-Man -------- voted to eliminate Round 2
8th: Infinital-NG ------------ voted to eliminate Round 2
9th: SCREAMING_CHIEF ----- voted to eliminate Round 2
DNR: aDirtySpic- ------------ did not race, but provided advanced notice
DNR: djx2391 --------------- did not race, but provided advanced notice

The distribution of votes doesn't scream problem to anyone?

I vote that advanced notice should be at least 24 hours in advance. We discussed in my lounge my reasoning for it but I wanted to post on this thread.

Congrats Mopar. You really shined this week. And why didn't you tell us you changed genders too? ;)

For those that raced in division 2, I did the points wrong on the final race. I gave cmbeal the win rather than Zero. He pointed that out when he looked at the spreadsheet. For some reason, I thought beal won because Zero made a comment to beal about that final race. And then I looked at the standings for 3rd place on down for recording the points. With the correction, Vail and Zero tied for first place and then like Zero said, with the tie breaker, he ended in first place.

Now, on to some of the racing that occurred in Div 2. If you have any complaints, please post here with the details such as which race and time approximate. If you don't want to post, then PM it to either zero or myself and we'll go take a look. Here are some points to things I remembered.
1. tolegittoquit replied to my PM and stated that he had network issues when he left the race.
2. I watched a replay in the first daytona race where Zero said something to psycho about the yellow line and then they both went off in turn 1. After reviewing it, I don't think Psycho did anything intentionally wrong. He had a good run going into that last straight and he went below the yellow line to utilize his speed and draft to pass both Zero and Vail. It looked like he didn't intentionally dive bomb Zero going into turn 1. However, due to both of them trying to occupy the same space, that caused them both to go off in turn 1. I don't know if we have a rule about dropping below the yellow line there so I can't say he did something terrible when he made that pass.
3. I will say that aubdogg, you need to take care of your controller problems. Due to your broken controller, you had a lot of contact with others.
4. Unfortunately, I must have forgotten to save both replays of Autumn Ring so I won't be able to review any incidents that occurred there.

Thanks again for everyone in D2 for participating.
In regard to division placement, it appears that it's all based on rank. That being said, could not everyone be assigned a ranking number at the conclusion of each week so that when it does come time to draw the dividing lines you could just say D1 will be drivers 1-14, D2 will be drivers 15-31, and D3 will be any driver 32 and up, etc.? That way we all will have preliminary idea about where we will be, before it's official.
Btw. I think it was obviously a little late when you posted the leader board. Cause mopar. Well. His pretty manly sounding. And quite the opposite is true of Devious.

I'm sure they won't mind, but thought I'd point it out as Rally did.

lol, yeah it was late and I was just copying and pasting from the previous week's results. I only changed the names and forgot to change anything else. :dunce:

With no less then 24 hours notice. No need to leave you guys scrambling even more on Sunday.

I think 24hr notice is reasonable. Let me give my 1 week notice (sorta). My wife and I are expecting our first child sometime this week or next. I predict that I may miss a race or two in the coming weeks, but rest assured I'll give a 24hr notice when the race approaches.

I vote that advanced notice should be at least 24 hours in advance. We discussed in my lounge my reasoning for it but I wanted to post on this thread.

Okay, that's three opinions on advanced notice.. Please keep them coming.. This involves everyone so speak up please. (P.S. Congrats in advance, Aaron!)

Props to Diabolic for running the D1 event, and for Zero for his continued dedication to this league, much appreciated.👍

We aim to please! :D
That doesn't work, Hogster, because the bottom of D1 and the top of D2 will trade places, so just going off of numbers would be wrong, and would change each week. (i.e. 1-10 and 13-14 go to D1, 11-12, 15-22, and 25-26 are in D2, etc)
I think you should have to give at least 24 hour notice if you are going to miss the race.

Its not fair to the other drivers that come every week and try to move up a division just to be held back by someone who shows up when the feel like it, but because the send you a PM 5 minutes before the race its all good and their spot is held.

Zero - I dont know if you came to a decision on how many drivers you going to move up or down each week, but I think we should come to a number and stick too it.
I may just have to resign from the league. Whether or not it's my connection that's causing the problems, I'm always a part of them. I had hoped that the issue would be resolved if Bronco and I were in different Divisions, but then Hogster popped up and neither of us could see each other, again. It just seems that my connection and some others' don't jibe.

I've done everything that I can on my end. Last night I had cleared the cache, turned off the PS3, plugged the PS3 directly into the modem (no router involved), and started up, but the issue was still there, and the fact that I had the trouble last week meant that I bit the bullet this week.

Until/unless PD fixes the problem (which is highly unlikely given the fact that it's been around for at least a year) I'll just stay out of the Sunday night league. It's just too much of a let down to be looking forward to it and all geared up, only to find that things beyond your control won't let you do it.
I may just have to resign from the league. Whether or not it's my connection that's causing the problems, I'm always a part of them. I had hoped that the issue would be resolved if Bronco and I were in different Divisions, but then Hogster popped up and neither of us could see each other, again. It just seems that my connection and some others' don't jibe.

I've done everything that I can on my end. Last night I had cleared the cache, turned off the PS3, plugged the PS3 directly into the modem (no router involved), and started up, but the issue was still there, and the fact that I had the trouble last week meant that I bit the bullet this week.

Until/unless PD fixes the problem (which is highly unlikely given the fact that it's been around for at least a year) I'll just stay out of the Sunday night league. It's just too much of a let down to be looking forward to it and all geared up, only to find that things beyond your control won't let you do it.

I think it caused more of a problem for the other guys than it did either of us. They kept expecting (or even seeing) contact and carnage that we never felt. I can, however, see how their perception could cause issues for everyone by trying to avoid a wreck that doesn't exist. I wasn't affected at all, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not a problem.

I also cleared my cache and restarted my unit immediately preceding the race. A very unfortunate situation.

And in regard to divisional placement, I understand that there will be shuffling. I meant to assign the ranking numbers after determining who would/should swap. With all the talk of no shows and the positioning depending on that, I just thought a number system might be easier to manage.

Also, this just occurred to me. To prevent notifying drivers from preventing present drivers from competing, an excused absence would allow a drivers division spot to be held for one week only. A second absence would knock them down a division. That divisional spot could be retained for one additional absence (a total of three consecutive at this point) but a fourth would again drop the driver down a division.
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As you all read review the results posting, you may be wondering who is getting promoted and relegated next week. Well, I intentionally that information off because I think it might be better to post those decisions a little closer to next Sunday rather than post it now and then make a bunch of changes to it throughout the week like we did last week. Let's give time for people to let us know if they won't be able to make next week's races before making those decisions.

That makes perfect sense Zer0, that's why you're at the top of the pyramid :)

That being said, there were quite a few drivers who did not race this week, but provided advanced notice. However, quite a few of those notices were very last minute. That's fine and dandy for now, but going forward should we modify our advanced notice policy by perhaps putting a deadline on the advanced notices? Perhaps 24 hours? That way, I'd be able to post the promotion and relegation decisions on Saturday night with all the advanced notices taken into consideration. Please let me know if you think that's a fair policy or if you think it's a bit too strict.

I think we make the advance notice policy 24 hours. We need time to manage the driver lists, not have to shuffle everything last minute, adjust the posts and spreadsheets, right diabolic :sly:

Last minute emergencies will come up and we can deal with them on a case by case basis.

Also, the situation with Naruto needs to be hashed out. He did not post advanced notice on this thread, but he did send a PSN message to the D1 account. However, he also logged into the D1 lounge (and then left) which added to the confusion. Since Naruto didn't post his advanced notice on the thread, Diabolic figured that Naruto was the last place finisher in D1. Therefore, when jlbowler asked Diabolic how many points he needed to score to avoid relegation, he specifically told jlbowler that all he had to do was finish ahead of spooble. jlbowler therefore parked his car with the understanding that he would not be relegated. Confused? So am I.. We need to figure out a better way to handle these situations. The first thing I would say is that going forward, advanced notices need to be posted on this thread for all to see or it's irrelevant. Thoughts? Objections?

In this specific case, I'd say we need to make an allowance for jlbowler. He's obviously a Div 1 driver and I would guess, had a situation to deal with, otherwise I'm sure he'd have driven the rest of the race(s) hard.

For Naruto, it could have been the fact that it was his first time racing with us. When he popped in, we were on lap 2 of an 8 lap race, he may have thought he'd missed it and bailed. To be fair, no one said anything to him when he came in, we were all in the zone :lol:, so I'm going to be very Canadian and say we cut him some slack, this time.

And I agree, we do need to change the first post to say notice needs to be provided IN THIS THREAD :lol:

Zer0, you may want to check your results post, a little cut and paste faux pas me thinks:

The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 1 - Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06 @High Speed Ring
Therefore it has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since Mighty_mopar selected Prize A, she gets to decide which car and track will replace it.

The round that received the second most votes was:
Round 2 - Honda S2000 '06 @Autumn Ring
Therefore, either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. Since M1SS-D3V10US selected Prize B, so he gets to decide which is replaced and what replaces it.

Diabolicwyvern got Prize C, so he gets any car he wants (up to $999,999).
I may just have to resign from the league. Whether or not it's my connection that's causing the problems, I'm always a part of them. I had hoped that the issue would be resolved if Bronco and I were in different Divisions, but then Hogster popped up and neither of us could see each other, again. It just seems that my connection and some others' don't jibe.

I've done everything that I can on my end. Last night I had cleared the cache, turned off the PS3, plugged the PS3 directly into the modem (no router involved), and started up, but the issue was still there, and the fact that I had the trouble last week meant that I bit the bullet this week.

Until/unless PD fixes the problem (which is highly unlikely given the fact that it's been around for at least a year) I'll just stay out of the Sunday night league. It's just too much of a let down to be looking forward to it and all geared up, only to find that things beyond your control won't let you do it.

Apmaddock, one other thing you can try is to put your PS3 into your modem's dmz and also port forward the ports needed to by the PSN to communicate.

I'm not sure how computer literate you are, but if you need a hand with this, let me know I should be able to help you through it. If you'd prefer not to mess with this stuff, I understand. I just hate having a valued participant leave the group over a technical issue.
Zero - I dont know if you came to a decision on how many drivers you going to move up or down each week, but I think we should come to a number and stick too it.

I agree, on a normal week, we should have a published number of people that are relegated/promoted. I think the talk had been 1 or 2.

Moving 1 makes the Divisions more stable, but makes it a little harder for new entrants to move to the Division they belong in.

Moving 2 makes the Divisions less stable, but allows new entrants a faster track to move to the Division they belong in.

One thing that just occurred to me, we could move 1 between Div 1 & 2 and move 2 between Div 2 & 3.

When we add a division we should also have a set of guidelines we follow. I'm not sure it would be possible to make a set of rules that work for every situation, given the addition of another Division.

I think it worked reasonably well when we split for this weekend, thoughts?
Apmaddock, one other thing you can try is to put your PS3 into your modem's dmz and also port forward the ports needed to by the PSN to communicate.

I'm not sure how computer literate you are, but if you need a hand with this, let me know I should be able to help you through it. If you'd prefer not to mess with this stuff, I understand. I just hate having a valued participant leave the group over a technical issue.

I thought that these were just router issues? Let me know if I'm wrong and I'll give it a go.
I'm sure they won't mind, but thought I'd point it out as Rally did. Great racing last night, really enjoyed it. Sorry for the "oh am I supposed to brake now?" moment at the bus stop (Diabolic knows). And how crazy was the pile-up on the last corner @Daytona with Miss, JL, and some others, unexpected, but that's racing.

MISS and MOPAR, wicked fast on Autumn ring, I didn't have a chance to break in my cars, apparently it makes a huge difference, you two were "out-of-sight" in a matter of 2-3 laps. Love that combination though, S2000 on Autumn ring.

I concur, some of the best racing I've been involved with as a S.N.A.I.L. That's saying a lot as there's been some epic nights.

Let me give my 1 week notice (sorta). My wife and I are expecting our first child sometime this week or next. I predict that I may miss a race or two in the coming weeks, but rest assured I'll give a 24hr notice when the race approaches.

Advance congrats :D Get some sleep now ;)
Hmm.. what's the problem? Sorry, it's early and I'm not fully awake. Am I missing something? :confused:

I think he's implying that the d3 drivers voted to boot the toughest combo while the majority of everyone else voted off the one that provided the closest racing. The brera is the easiest car here by a resounding margin, but if we are not ale to take everyone opinion into consideration, we're sunk, so it must go.

edit: i like kcheeb idea of moving one driver between d1/2 and two drivers between d2/3. Not sure why, but i do.
I thought that these were just router issues? Let me know if I'm wrong and I'll give it a go.

I don't know for sure if this can correct the issue, but until some friends and I did this, we were basically pooched when it came to connectivity/compatibility.

I suspect you're having a throughput issue, not enough bits getting to where they need to get to, when they need to be there.

With most modems, putting a device in the DMZ bypasses the built in firewall and may give you a little more throughput. It's a long shot but not very hard to do.
The distribution of votes doesn't scream problem to anyone?

Hmm.. what's the problem? Sorry, it's early and I'm not fully awake. Am I missing something? :confused:

by my count the votes were recorded as:

Track 1: 12 = 5+6+1
Track 2: 11 = 1+2+8
Track 3: 2 = 2+0+0

I know I'm not fully awake yet, but the math seems solid to me.
I agree, on a normal week, we should have a published number of people that are relegated/promoted. I think the talk had been 1 or 2.

Moving 1 makes the Divisions more stable, but makes it a little harder for new entrants to move to the Division they belong in.

Moving 2 makes the Divisions less stable, but allows new entrants a faster track to move to the Division they belong in.

One thing that just occurred to me, we could move 1 between Div 1 & 2 and move 2 between Div 2 & 3.

When we add a division we should also have a set of guidelines we follow. I'm not sure it would be possible to make a set of rules that work for every situation, given the addition of another Division.

I think it worked reasonably well when we split for this weekend, thoughts?

I have to agree with this idea - I Like It! It's not unlike the Leveling System for most games, including GT5, that the higher levels are harder to reach, but if your persistent you'll get there.

Nice idea kcheeb. 👍
I think he's implying that the d3 drivers voted to boot the toughest combo while the majority of everyone else voted off the one that provided the closest racing.


The weakest drivers are having run course combos set by the really good drivers. The winners of D1 pick them. So they are more likely to be pick difficult cars on technical tracks. And car/track combos that produce the closest racing, that actually produce racing, get voted off because they are seen as being too easy/boring/childish/whatever.

I don't see why the three Divisions need to run the same car/course combos.

Mind you, I am too slow for the SNAIL group. I need to actually find a group of slow, casual drivers (cause I don't have enough hours in the week to break in these cars, so I lose on tracks like the HSR even when I drive very cleanly).
You can break them in overnight in B-Spec.

Also, I don't mind if the tougher combos stick. It should lead to an overall improvement in the skill of the group, regardless of their Division. Improvement through challenge and all of that.
You do know you can use your B-spec drivers to break the cars in, right? One endurance race each is enough. I think I used the Laguna race for my Amuse, the 4 hour Nurburgring for the Brera, and the Grand Valley 300 for my S2000.
I don't know for sure if this can correct the issue, but until some friends and I did this, we were basically pooched when it came to connectivity/compatibility.

I suspect you're having a throughput issue, not enough bits getting to where they need to get to, when they need to be there.

With most modems, putting a device in the DMZ bypasses the built in firewall and may give you a little more throughput. It's a long shot but not very hard to do.

I've been searching a bit on this but still don't quite get it.

Since I tried to race last night with the PS3 plugged directly into the modem (no router was involved) would making any DMZ or port forwarding changes actually improve anything for next time?