◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I am going to go with Red car, white wheels.

If Number 8 is available in D5, I will go to that, or 19 if 8 is taken.

Rock the Red, go Washington Capitols!


Hitting D1 momentarily. The Caterham had been inconsistent for me. Unfortunately for me on Sunday it was only consistently bad. I really need to work on that combo.

I will also be working on the Alfa in Rome. If anyone has any suggestions I am open to listening to them. Thanks!
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Since Im new to most of you people, and Im not the fastest *cough Very Slow cough*,

I know the feeling. I'm struggling to get up the courage to join on Sundays as well. I'm convinced I'll end up being placed in a division that doesn't yet exist. They'll just put me there to make sure the only thing I harm... is myself.
I know the feeling. I'm struggling to get up the courage to join on Sundays as well. I'm convinced I'll end up being placed in a division that doesn't yet exist. They'll just put me there to make sure the only thing I harm... is myself.

For those who do not know these two, they are good. Very good.

You guys need to jump back in when ya can. Enjoy it!
I am going to go with Red car, white wheels.

If Number 8 is available in D5, I will go to that, or 19 if 8 is taken.

Rock the Red, go Washington Capitols!
Updated. Both numbers are taken but I have put you down as 8 but Dabneyd has priority if you end up in the same division.
Since Im new to most of you people, and Im not the fastest *cough Very Slow cough*, was wondering how times look at Autumn Ring Reverse?

I still need to do the Time Trial thing too....Prbly put me in Div 6!
I know the feeling. I'm struggling to get up the courage to join on Sundays as well. I'm convinced I'll end up being placed in a division that doesn't yet exist. They'll just put me there to make sure the only thing I harm... is myself.

Really guys:crazy: I think you do not need to worry about being in a new division unless we create one for people who are incredibly fast yet talk like they are really slow;)
Whatcha got in salt free beef jerky?


Gotta admit, Autumn Ring / Reverse... Not doing so well on it. :-(

Rome was better, but that us not really saying anything. Taking a break.
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I don't have an official color since mine was taken by someone who joined after me but pen me in for #34.
We have you down as number 34.

If you claimed the color prior to them joining we can easily update. Can you find the post number? Unfortunately if we were not told of your color choice we had no way of reserving it for you.
Me as well, i find that you must treat it like a woman. Approach the line cautiously, do what she wants for a bit, and respect it. Only once you do that can you slam laps like there's no tomorrow.

That came out WAY more sexual than it sounded in my head... Seriously not what I intended, but it's too perfect of an analogy to change.

If I could +1 you, I would.

Welcome to SNAIL’s newest Monday Mayhem event!

This is something Wolfsatz and I have been working on for a little while. Our plan is to have a casual, well organized event highlighting a particular car. Think of it as a celebration of that car’s history. We will release a full schedule soon but plan on this being a weekly or bi-weekly event.

Here’s the run down:
On scheduled Mondays, we pick a car to drive, for our grand opening the Mazda Miata, and we will drive several of its variations and generations. We will have 3 races on 3 different tracks with 3 different cars and finish off with a cruise and photo shoot. Each race will have a 10 minute qualifying session just like our normal Sunday night races. The races will be run with boost on the low setting to promote a less serious SNAIL event with closer racing. We have discussed different prizes for the racing but haven't come to a conclusion yet; don't worry, our intention is to give prizes out. If people don't have a certain car, they are more than welcome to use a comparable car with the same PP; I'm not picky as long as everyone is having fun. Our cruise would take place on a custom Toscana track. At the end of the cruise, we would line everyone up so we could get a picture of everyone’s favorite Miata.

Our first event will take place this coming Monday (1/28/2013) and will feature the Mazda Miata. These are abundant in the UCD and NCD. Here is the plan for our grand opening:​

Race 1 – Tsukuba Circuit
Vehicle - 1st Generation Mazda Miata "Pre 1998" (No Roadster TC)
PP Limit - 320
Tire - Sports Hard

Race 2 - Grand Valley
Vehicle - Any Year Mazda Miata - Tuned
PP Limit – 400
Tire - Sports Hard

Race 3 – Suzuka Circuit
Vehicle - Mazda Miata TC or Mazda Miata Tuned
PP Limit - 440
Tire - Sports Hard

30 Minute Cruise / Photo Shoot
Pick your favorite Miata (Any tuning, Any generation)
Typical cruise rules

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. It would also help me immensely if everyone could give me an idea if they would or wouldn’t be interested in this event.​

I also forgot to mention, for race 2 and 3, we are allowing tuning. This means do whatever you want to the car. My recomendation is to use "bolt on" parts and purchase a Fixed Sports suspension. Since we are using boost, the field will end up close even if someone slaves over their setup; it's not worth the effort. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you can't use the fully customizable kit or adjust the gearing, just remember this is a CASUAL event. Hopefully this makes a little more sense.

Prizes will be awarded for the driver that qualifies first for each race. The prize winners will be given a choice of a paint chip from our list. The list will be posted soon but there are several Color Shift, Matte, and Chrome chips to choose from. Also if the winner has a specific chip in mind that we don't have, I will do my best to get one.

Prize List
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Welcome to SNAIL’s newest Monday Mayhem event!
Man life sucks. I am working late or I would so be there. I might be able to make the cruise.

Didn't know it was on. What is it anyway?
It should NOT be on. It basically speeds you up if you are behind. It makes close racing but goes against the idea fo SPEC racing to be on an equal playing field.
Man life sucks. I am working late or I would so be there. I might be able to make the cruise.

Quit that damn job!

Is that just for the opener or long term? Either way, you are more than welcome to show up when you can.

Edit: I'm lucky I didn't end up without a job. If my boss knew what I've been doing at work the last couple days, I'd be ****canned.
is there already a friday event? if theres not we could do a "formula friday" for the people that want to participate (or come up with a super awesome name)
Wolfsatz, I'd like to request that you move the Blue Room into the D1 lobby again tonight. The TV shoot that we did two weeks ago didn't result in a perfect take, so we're going to try it again tonight.

Mopar, let me know if you plan on practicing with us tonight. If so, I'll need to can resend you a D1 friend request since I had to delete you in order to make room for active members.

Blue Room Drivers, please show up to practice on time if you want to be on TV. We're only going to film the qualifying procedure for Round 1, so don't be late! :)