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  • Thread starter zer05ive
3 wins and 2 TQs will do that. Go ahead, check for nitrous; the bottle is under the back seats.

Remember guys, tomorrow is MIATA MONDAY!!!

So if you could stop on by, that would be great.

Wolf, D3 is where the Mayhem happens correct?
Will this be the Snail High Intensity Traffic School that has been dropped?
No race next week due to Super Bowl.

I'm with you Panda. Won't be watching men in tights chasing their ball. Especially when I can sit behind a wheel and race.

So with that. I've seen some interest in that Alpha event I got going. However the manual part keeps some out.

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)
I'm with you Panda. Won't be watching men in tights chasing their ball. Especially when I can sit behind a wheel and race.

So with that. I've seen some interest in that Alpha event I got going. However the manual part keeps some out.

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)

That could be fun, would force me to give manual shifting another try 👍 If zer05ive can do it ... :lol:
I'm with you Panda. Won't be watching men in tights chasing their ball. Especially when I can sit behind a wheel and race.

So with that. I've seen some interest in that Alpha event I got going. However the manual part keeps some out.

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)

We should do a special event for those that don't watch men in tights!
Tied for 1st with race fan headed into last two races and lag decides to pop it's head in and say can I ruin your night, my vote is for combo 3

Yeah, that really sucks danger. I was looking forward to battling it out at Autumn Ring because you and I were easily the fastest at that combo.
I'm with you Panda. Won't be watching men in tights chasing their ball. Especially when I can sit behind a wheel and race.

So with that. I've seen some interest in that Alpha event I got going. However the manual part keeps some out.

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)

Hmm I have been wanting to try doing a race with the h gate... If I don't get drug to some party with my parents I'll be there.

For clarification I'm old enough that it isn't "we're not getting a babysitter" it's "weeeeeee caannntttd driivvew huuoommee canyuuuu do iet?" Plus I always play guitar, which leads to drunk people throwing money at me.
Ganassi definitely had his stuff together this year. That BMW was FAST! I thought Wayne Taylor was going to either have a heart attack or a nervous breakdown with 3 minutes to go. I watched every single minute of tv coverage this year. Proud of myself.

I watched the entire race....10 hours of online streaming between 8pm and 6am (PST of course); only two cups of coffee during that time :D

That's why I didn't race tonight; went to bed around 1:30pm and woke up just after 8pm so we were already an hour into the combos :lol:

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)

I said that in your thread, quit stealing my idea :P

If we do it on the same schedule as our Sunday race, count me in that's for sure.👍

Your sig says you have a G27 so you'll have to join the H-gate room :lol:
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Redsox. That smack you did intentionally shoving me was crap and should result in being expelled from the series. Malicious driving is not wanted or needed.

I watched the replay of that race and I have to say it doesn't help you punted him through the chicane which lead to him getting a little squirly through there and bumping into you lol. Don't think it was quite intentional. If anything karma helped you guys get even real quick ha. Oh and both your connections must of been junk that race. You guys connection wise were all over the place which I'm sure didn't help.

Hope all is calm now ;)

Oh, and who is the steward for D1 this week? I have to turn myself in :(
Nice! 👍 What kind of music do you play?

Nothing in particular. A lot of classic rock (Kansas, Boston, eagles, dire straights, ect), modern rock (theory of a deadman, sixx am, volbeat, ect), hard rock/metal (Metallica, avenged sevenfold, Tenacious D...), today I worked on a little Boston and Neil Young. The way I'm heading is a lot of blues and jazz. I've been hooked on Stevie ray Vaughn and Brian Setzer for awhile. Well, I've always loved em and their style, but now I'm finally good enough to play it!

Depending on how hard my classes are this semester (so far easy as cake) I'm thinking about getting my liquor license and starting and/or joining a band.
The qualifying change was necessitated by the patch that enabled the draft in free-run. There was a long and involved discussion about it, and I think we came to the right conclusion.
Yeah, that really sucks danger. I was looking forward to battling it out at Autumn Ring because you and I were easily the fastest at that combo.

This is your opinion of course. The difference between pole and 5th in qualifying tonight was less than .2 secs at a couple of tracks tonight.

In race 1 of that combo your fast lap was only .2 faster than the next guy and in race 2 your fast lap was .6 slower than the fast lap.

Saying you were easily the fastest is just plain incorrect and somewhat disrespectful of the rest of us. I was leading the night until a couple of unfortunate incidents befell me.

I know you feel good about winning the night but alot has to do with luck. Being caught in a pileup or avoiding one is just plain luck and can win or lose your night. No one is easily faster than anyone else in our division. Hell, Wednesday practices prove that you could throw a blanket over D1-D2 and some of D3.
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Remember guys, tomorrow is MIATA MONDAY!!!

So if you could stop on by, that would be great.

Thanks for the reminder! With so many new events springing up for Mondays, I've updated the S.N.A.I.L. Schedule to try to keep everything organized. 👍

I think it would probably be best to have an entirely separate post dedicated to the Monday events. Rally, since you seem to have something in mind for the Monday schedule, do you want to create and manage a Monday post? If so, please make sure it's a "top of the page" post.

I still think it'd be a good idea to set the Monday schedule based on which number Monday of the month it is (something like this). You could then give Weaver and Wolfsatz two of the Mondays and then you take the other two. And them perhaps have a Cat & Mouse on on the 5th Monday of the month for the months that have five Mondays.

Wolf, D3 is where the Mayhem happens correct?

Actually, let's just keep all of the non-Sunday events in the D2 lounge. It's easier to manage that way. I'm thinking the D3 lounge should be the dedicated practice lounge for all of the non-Sunday events (kinda how D1 is the dedicated practice lounge for the Sunday combos).
Nothing in particular. A lot of classic rock (Kansas, Boston, eagles, dire straights, ect), modern rock (theory of a deadman, sixx am, volbeat, ect), hard rock/metal (Metallica, avenged sevenfold, Tenacious D...), today I worked on a little Boston and Neil Young. The way I'm heading is a lot of blues and jazz. I've been hooked on Stevie ray Vaughn and Brian Setzer for awhile. Well, I've always loved em and their style, but now I'm finally good enough to play it!

Depending on how hard my classes are this semester (so far easy as cake) I'm thinking about getting my liquor license and starting and/or joining a band.

SRV!!! A LEGEND!!! The BEST EVER!!! Played from his heart and soul.
I'm with you Panda. Won't be watching men in tights chasing their ball. Especially when I can sit behind a wheel and race.

So with that. I've seen some interest in that Alpha event I got going. However the manual part keeps some out.

If the powers to be don't mind. We can hold a version of this event in D1/D2 for those with DS3's and DFGT's. maybe extend the length to 1.5 hrs ;)

I had initially proposed some oval racing for next Sunday's special event, but that idea seemed to be a dud.

So if you want to run another version of your Alpha event instead, go for it! 👍

That could be fun, would force me to give manual shifting another try 👍 If zer05ive can do it ... :lol:

Saying I can do it is a bit of a stretch.. I probably missed over 50 shifts tonight! :ouch: By those standards, I'm actually getting worse at it.. :dunce:

Although I did happen upon this thread which explains what might be going on, or at least tries too. (After all, I've been driving with a manual for almost twenty years, and I definitely don't have a problem missing shifts in real life! :lol:) The point is that there's been a lot of discussion/debate as to the cause of the problem and whether or not the latest patch has done anything to fix it.
I'm with Owens...I have had cleaner racing in public lobbies. I'm glad we are taking a break next week for the SuperBowl or like Owens I might be done for good too. I don't have a solution to the over aggressive driving but I have an idea the cause of it.

What caused it?

Can someone please upload all D1 videos asap for them to be reviewed.
I had initially proposed some oval racing for next Sunday's special event, but that idea seemed to be a dud.

So if you want to run another version of your Alpha event instead, go for it! 👍

Saying I can do it is a bit of a stretch.. I probably missed over 50 shifts tonight! :ouch: By those standards, I'm actually getting worse at it.. :dunce:

Although I did happen upon this thread which explains what might be going on, or at least tries too. (After all, I've been driving with a manual for almost twenty years, and I definitely don't have a problem missing shifts in real life! :lol:) The point is that there's been a lot of discussion/debate as to the cause of the problem and whether or not the latest patch has done anything to fix it.

Lol. Kinda in the same boat with IRL vehicles. Practicing h-gate shifting at nurb in any car will help. Once I stopped trying to speed shift and learned the necessary throttle, clutch and shift pattern's programmatically conditional requirements. Still miss a few shifts here and there and 4th seems to be a problem child from either direction, but I've gotten noticeably better in the month I've had the g27.

Water main broke near my house so staying home today. Think I'll hit d1 and practice some of that h-gate stuff.
Freaking awesome racing tonight d3. I'm already looking forward to next Sunday 👍 unless people vote off the Caterham, then I'll be a sad panda.

... and I will be a sad Wolf.. but it seems that the Caterham may be watching Men in tights too. Almost everyone in D4 voted for 3. I prefer this combo 100 times over the one at Rome where passing is almost non existent.

Anyway, this combo was really fun.
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My greatest regards to WOLFSATZ, SANDBLAZTER and WEAVER for making division 4 so damn tight and mind blowing. I never had so much fun before :)
My greatest regards to WOLFSATZ, SANDBLAZTER and WEAVER for making division 4 so damn tight and mind blowing. I never had so much fun before :)

Kudos to you too buddy! You display great speed and racecraft! 👍


Now learn to drive the Fireblade!:D
Well after my first full month of racing in the group I ended the night with a crazy glitch! After finishing 2nd in the first go around at Autumn Ring the grid is set for the second race . . . . .3. . . 2. . . 1. . . GO! Foot to the floor but the car in front of me doesn't move! No one on track gets off the line! I slam on the brakes and the next thing I know I'm all alone with my car screaming in 1st but not moving . . . .WTF...lol The powers that be finally let me go but at the first split I'm 20 seconds back but shown in first place. After 2 laps (still shown in first) I decided to just pull off so as not to possibly screw up the real grid order.

All in all I've enjoyed myself tremendously this past month. Thanks to all who have put this league together and to those who put up with the new guy while he learned the ropes. Here's to many more races with you guys!

Well after my first full month of racing in the group I ended the night with a crazy glitch! After finishing 2nd in the first go around at Autumn Ring the grid is set for the second race . . . . .3. . . 2. . . 1. . . GO! Foot to the floor but the car in front of me doesn't move! No one on track gets off the line! I slam on the brakes and the next thing I know I'm all alone with my car screaming in 1st but not moving . . . .WTF...lol The powers that be finally let me go but at the first split I'm 20 seconds back but shown in first place. After 2 laps (still shown in first) I decided to just pull off so as not to possibly screw up the real grid order.

All in all I've enjoyed myself tremendously this past month. Thanks to all who have put this league together and to those who put up with the new guy while he learned the ropes. Here's to many more races with you guys!


That's a weird glitch, hadn't heard of that one. Must be a variant of the black screen??? Sorry it happened, you were having a good night 👍

Glad you're enjoying S.N.A.I.L. we do :dopey: Keep learning, it keeps a person motivated!

Nothing in particular. A lot of classic rock (Kansas, Boston, eagles, dire straights, ect), modern rock (theory of a deadman, sixx am, volbeat, ect), hard rock/metal (Metallica, avenged sevenfold, Tenacious D...), today I worked on a little Boston and Neil Young. The way I'm heading is a lot of blues and jazz. I've been hooked on Stevie ray Vaughn and Brian Setzer for awhile. Well, I've always loved em and their style, but now I'm finally good enough to play it!

Depending on how hard my classes are this semester (so far easy as cake) I'm thinking about getting my liquor license and starting and/or joining a band.

Nice! sounds like we've got some similar music tastes. I play the drums and my best friend is amazing at guitar. We ought to get together and jam sometime 💡

This is your opinion of course. The difference between pole and 5th in qualifying tonight was less than .2 secs at a couple of tracks tonight.

In race 1 of that combo your fast lap was only .2 faster than the next guy and in race 2 your fast lap was .6 slower than the fast lap.

Saying you were easily the fastest is just plain incorrect and somewhat disrespectful of the rest of us. I was leading the night until a couple of unfortunate incidents befell me.

I know you feel good about winning the night but alot has to do with luck. Being caught in a pileup or avoiding one is just plain luck and can win or lose your night. No one is easily faster than anyone else in our division. Hell, Wednesday practices prove that you could throw a blanket over D1-D2 and some of D3.

I'm sorry if you took my comments to be disrespectful, that wasn't my intention at all. I know how quick you are Ice, and if it wasn't for the consistency issues you seem to have sometimes you'd be winning D2 on a regular basis, so maybe you were faster than me overall last night. In regards to the lap times in that final combo though, would you be pushing %100 for quick laps when you have a 5+ second lead? I sure wasn't. And in race 2, well, you know as well as I do how traffic can effect your speed on tracks with few passing zones like Autumn Ring.
Nice! sounds like we've got some similar music tastes. I play the drums and my best friend is amazing at guitar. We ought to get together and jam sometime 💡

I'm sorry if you took my comments to be disrespectful, that wasn't my intention at all. I know how quick you are Ice, and if it wasn't for the consistency issues you seem to have sometimes you'd be winning D2 on a regular basis, so maybe you were faster than me overall last night. In regards to the lap times in that final combo though, would you be pushing %100 for quick laps when you have a 5+ second lead? I sure wasn't. And in race 2, well, you know as well as I do how traffic can effect your speed on tracks with few passing zones like Autumn Ring.

I did my best to be that traffic :)

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