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  • Thread starter zer05ive
you know, of all the bugs we mention, how many people have noticed that no matter the setting, Driving line and active steering are always allowed in a lobby?

I guess that could be because none of us ever care to use them.

I've taken the liberty of 'CliffsNoting' some of your earlier posts so that I could reply to them in a logical manner. I know that most of this has already been addressed by other league members, but I wanted to have a word as well if you don't mind..

I appreciate the responses, but I think it has all been beaten down well enough.

This was simply a case of bad timing. We've completed ten league nights now and you just happened to join for the first time when the hardest car and track combo to date was on the rotation.

I actually don't mind the S2000. It has a shorter wheelbase and more than enough power to kick-out the back-end, but I don't feel it is uncontrollable. Devious mentioned Deep Forest. I think the S2000 at Deep Forest would be fun.

My problem is with Autumn Ring. It isn't really a race course, it is a drift course. To get the best lap times out of that course, you have to slide the car. Now I do see why advanced drivers would enjoy that and see that as a way to break away from the pack. But in D3, there was no pack. We were very spread out. There were a couple people clumped together at the front, but I think they'll find their way to D1 before too long.

Your search for "casual" drivers who don't care about winning is in itself a contradiction.

I take your point, but I guess I worded it wrong. I do care about winning. I am trying to win. But I'm not complaining because I'm losing. I don't want to change anything to make it so I win. I just want the racing to be tighter. If I still can't manage to win when the racing is tighter, then I won't be upset. The fun part was the racing.

If you only enjoy doing something when you are winning, then you don't really enjoy doing it.

You're right. No amount of practice will make you better - if you're practicing the wrong thing! Perhaps you need instruction before practice. I suggest you take Devious or Mopar on one of their many offers to help. I've experienced first hand how helpful they can be. You'd be a fool not to take them up on their generosity.

I didn't mean that I won't get better. I just mean that I'm not going to get but so much better. I'm better now than I was a year ago. I'll be better next year than I am now. But again, practicing makes you better, it doesn't make you great.

And I am more than happy to practice with whomever, but I don't get but so many hours a week behind the wheel.
If Autumn Ring is not a race course, why has it been in every Sunday Cup since GT2? I think...
Glad to hear the NSX was well recieved! :) I liked it too.

So for my first ever (woot woot) Car/Track combo pick,
NSX '91 at Cape Ring


Out of all the suggestions presented to me, I have made my final selection.

I would like to say thank you for all 4 of the people who seemed to want to make the suggestion heard, but I can only pick one.


This suggestion was made by leadbedr. It's been a while since I have run this course, in fact, I usually run Deep Forest. This is going to be fun.

Next week, if I should finish in the top 2 for Division 1, I will do the same thing, and let everyone but the top 3 Div 1 drivers make 1 suggestion for the car and/or track.

Thanks to you both for making your selections on time!

So the combos have been updated? It's hard for me to keep up with this thread! (props to you zero)

I know it's still the super leggera at Daytona.
S2k at deep forest reverse?
What's the 3rd combo?

The line-up has been officially updated. Most of us already have the NSX only a couple weeks ago, so no need to break-in any new cars this week! w00t!
I'm excited. I really like the handling of the NSX. It seems to me to be one of the most stable MR cars.
I guess that could be because none of us ever care to use them.

Neither do I, what I mean is that when you turn them off/on in the lobby setting, no matter which, they always say those two are allowed on the chat window, even though they are off, and not allowed.
My problem is with Autumn Ring. It isn't really a race course, it is a drift course.
DRIFT! actually, thats not fair. Tsukuba and Suzuka are both very popular courses for drifting. But I dont see them as drift courses. Autumn ring is a power course. Much like HSR and and the Top Gear Test Track. Its got a few tighter sections though, and with the s2000, neutral steering (which is NOT drifting BTW, its turning in a manner that allows for the lowest possible slip angle, which is the angle between the direction your car is pointed compared to the line its taking) is the fastest way to get around the car around the track. Neutral steering is the "fastest" way around any track corner, in any car. However, its not always practical in practice as not all cars are capable of neutral steer, especially FWD.
On a technical note about compatibility:

I discovered last night, while racing with some friends in their lounge, that resetting a room while someone is entering the room actually CREATED the very same scenario Apmaddock and I encountered this weekend. The two members that were already in the room (myself and another) could see each other on the track, but could not see the two that were joining during the reset. (they could see each other, but not us). To rectify the issue, we all backed out and re-entered.

I've heard that piggybacking (following a player via the orange circle) can create issues and have been instructed my these other racers never to do that to avoid issues. It appeared that one of the two late entries last night had done that and I noticed that when the host backed out, both of the late entries were kicked out (I backed out anyway as a precaution).

The odd thing was that we were JUST discussing how having people on the track, in their garage, in their settings, or even in the chat box during a room reset seemed to cause problems. Something we've agreed to in an attempt to help prevent these concerns is to make sure ALL DRIVERS are in the lobby screen during any change that would reset the room (track, conditions, regulations, etc.)

Is this something we should try to implement here?

I know I was on the track during the reset prior to the cluster with Apmaddock and I last Sunday. If that's all it takes to correct the problem, I'm in.
Thanks for the info, Hogster. If a problem is caused, does resetting again while everyone is inactive fix it? Or does everyone have to back out? I'm guessing it's the latter.

The obvious solution, then, is as you said. Make sure everyone is in a "neutral" position before resetting the track for the first qualifier and every time thereafter. That can be hard to do when people aren't listening/paying attention, but typically on league night people are fairly responsive.

Thanks, again.
It is missing Deep Forest, I think.

lineup states autumn ring still zer0

Oops, sorry about that. That's the second week in a row I've done that.. I focus on making all the format changes to the font, color, strike-though, and italics, that I don't even remember to change some of the most important parts lol.

Btw, I've also added a shiny new note at the bottom of the line-up. Hopefully it's in a place that'll make it hard for anyone to overlook..
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You're welcome.

I'm not sure if resetting it while everyone is "neutral" will fix it or not. We didn't try that.

However, we did have the late entries enter the track and try to start the race. All drivers got the countdown, but when it went to 0, we all got a message stating that the race did not start because there were no cars on the track.

*EDIT* As I recall, on Sunday we could see each other in the room and in the chat box, just not on the track, right?
Last night, we could all see each other in the room and talk to each other. It was just on the track that we couldn't see each other (which is no big deal except that it's the primary reason for coming together in the first place).
As I recall, on Sunday we could see each other in the room and in the chat box, just not on the track, right?
Last night, we could all see each other in the room and talk to each other. It was just on the track that we couldn't see each other (which is no big deal except that it's the primary reason for coming together in the first place).

Right. We could see each other and chat but we each had loading bars on one another's screens.

I'll try to get together with you some time to test things a bit.

In other news for a broader audience. I saw my name in the "eligible to race" category. I intend to race Sunday night, but can only hope that there are no problems barring me from doing so. I was there last Sunday but since Hogster and I couldn't see each other on the track I stepped out after about two turns on the first race.
Right. We could see each other and chat but we each had loading bars on one another's screens.

I'll try to get together with you some time to test things a bit.

In other news for a broader audience. I saw my name in the "eligible to race" category. I intend to race Sunday night, but can only hope that there are no problems barring me from doing so. I was there last Sunday but since Hogster and I couldn't see each other on the track I stepped out after about two turns on the first race.

Hey Apmaddock, I did a double take on that myself. The list is based on the published Sunday results. Your id was not in the list, so I moved it to the eligible to race list. I'll edit it to reflect what happened.

There's nothing I know of that will bar you from racing Sunday, sorry to cause the confusion.

EDIT: Driver Listing Corrected.
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Kcheeb- ap showed up Sunday but after the race started there were problems between him and hogster so I asked him to back out, which he did.
Sandbagging the qualifier, eh?

Not a chance. I did win one so I really just had to focus on five races. I don't qualify well on high speed ring or cape ring as you'll see because the dpad is very tricky at places, ie the last corner on high speed ring and the ring section of Cape ring.
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Hey Apmaddock, I did a double take on that myself. The list is based on the published Sunday results. Your id was not in the list, so I moved it to the eligible to race list. I'll edit it to reflect what happened.

There's nothing I know of that will bar you from racing Sunday, sorry to cause the confusion.

EDIT: Driver Listing Corrected.

Kcheeb- ap showed up Sunday but after the race started there were problems between him and hogster so I asked him to back out, which he did.

That was my bad. I didn't see Apmaddock on the Google Doc that we use for scoring. After the points were logged, I think dvdoughboy cleaned up each leadbedr's spreadsheet by deleting any columns that didn't have points recorded. I think he assumed (understandably) that anyone who didn't have any points must not have raced at all.

Regardless, Sunday's results have been updated to reflect that Apmaddock did indeed show up and attempt to race. 👍
Kcheeb- ap showed up Sunday but after the race started there were problems between him and hogster so I asked him to back out, which he did.

Thanks leadbedr, I think I have it sorted out now 👍

Hopefully ap's troubleshooting sessions will get it sorted for a trouble free Sunday!
I have a co-worker that would like to join this weekend if possible. He's only got limited PC use now as his laptop is being repaired.
His PSN is Jellis1

If he is mandated to join these forums, I'm sure he will. He's just hoping to put it off for a while if he can. In the meantime I've printed off the rules and combos for him to begin practicing.
I have a co-worker that would like to join this weekend if possible. He's only got limited PC use now as his laptop is being repaired.
His PSN is Jellis1

If he is mandated to join these forums, I'm sure he will. He's just hoping to put it off for a while if he can. In the meantime I've printed off the rules and combos for him to begin practicing.

How about an app for his phone?
It's no problem, but thanks for ensuring that I appear a reliable individual. :D

Speaking of reliable individuals..

I'd like to honor cmbeal317 for his unwavering reliability in our league. We've had a total of ten league nights since we started this thread on gtplanet, and he is the only member (besides me) who's been a participant in every single one of them! He's also always the first to step up and help the division directors with hosting duties.

Therefore, I'd like to award him a "10 for Ten" prize of a $10 PSN card

Thanks cm!! Congrats on ten awesome Sunday nights with S.N.A.I.L.

Here's to a hundred more!

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I have a co-worker that would like to join this weekend if possible. He's only got limited PC use now as his laptop is being repaired.
His PSN is Jellis1

If he is mandated to join these forums, I'm sure he will. He's just hoping to put it off for a while if he can. In the meantime I've printed off the rules and combos for him to begin practicing.

Hey Hogster, it would definitely be best that he join GT Planet as soon as possible. It's the best way to keep up to speed with our ever evolving group :D

Zer0 will be sending him a friend request from the SNAIL_Divsion3 account and I'll add him to the official driver list. He'll then need to follow the remaining steps in the How To Join Us section of the OP.

Thanks for recruiting :)