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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Take a look, its on the track, its Sharkies tutoring...Sharkies tutoring

I like that little jingle.

Is practice and tutoring all rolled into one? Are there a lot of cars on track? I'm going to send the D1? account a request in case I'm ever on for practice...like now.

Yes, there is a room of people, but if you need help, all you have to do is ask for it, and myself or Mopar will help you out. :D
I like that little jingle.

Yes, there is a room of people, but if you need help, all you have to do is ask for it, and myself or Mopar will help you out. :D

Maddy,check your email.
If this series is for ALL skill levels as advertised, what would be the objection to allowing the D3 drivers to use some aids (like driving line, TCS, and maybe even skid recovery force) so that they can actually learn in small bites while remaining competitive?

It seems logical to me to have some gradient in the assists to coincide with the gradient in skill level between the divisions...

I'm for allowing driving line and TCS in D3 (both of which I'll opt out of). I'm not for SRF since it is artificial.

...you implied that allowing the aids would allow drivers to actually learn in small bites while remaining competitive? What exactly would they be learning, I wonder? As a former racing/driving instructor, we forced students to turn off all computer assistance because it undermines our efforts to teach the correct techniques to the students... However, I can see letting the lower divisions have more driving aids available, but that's not my call to make.

Moving from one division to another should not force you to learn new rules or new settings. The reason for the divisions is to separate players by skill and skill only.

Imagine that you use all aids. If you move up into Division 2 and aids are as they are now, would you feel that you had any chance? Bouncing constantly back and forth between two divisions is not what anyone wants to see or do.

...even at the lower levels, I don't see the point to TCS , all it does is what you should be taking the time to learn. And to back up devious's point, what do you learn having it on? And when/if you move up in the ranks and now are forced to turn it off, you're going to have to start learning everything all over again. If you let the computer do it for you, then you're just setting yourself up for failure once you start moving up the ranks and have to drop TCS.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on this subject. I spoke to Hogster and others tonight and here is the policy that we decided would allow the league to be truly inclusive to all skill levels without compromising the intent of our Promotion & Relegation system:

Effective immediately, any driver competing in the lowest division may request that TCS and/or the Driving Line be allowed. If that request is made, anyone competing in the division at that time may use those aids if they wish. However, drivers who choose to use those aids will become ineligible for promotion to a higher division the following season.

EDIT: As of July 31st, 2015, drivers will be eligible for promotion from the lowest division regardless of their use of TCS and/or the Driving Line. As a reminder, ABS is the only Driving Option allowed in all other divisions.
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While this is unenforceable, I don't really imagine it will be a problem.

Original Post: It's actually quite enforceable. When the cars are on the track, their aid settings (as well as their tire selection) can be seen by highlighting their names on the ready list. All that the division director has to do is go through them and check to see who, if anyone, is using an aid. It is impossible for them to change their settings without backing off of the ready list. In this way it is also public knowledge, meaning that you won't kill yourself trying to chase down a guy with aids on, because you will be able to know who has them on.

EDIT: I just realized that anyone with a DFGT and possibly other wheels can change their aid settings mid-race. So suddenly there IS a problem...
EDIT: I just realized that anyone with a DFGT and possibly other wheels can change their aid settings mid-race. So suddenly there IS a problem...

Exactly, but... anyone destine for D2 will be faster without TCS than with it. I don't see why they won't be faster than anyone that feels they need TCS.
Also of note: Remapping the buttons on the DS3 also allows controller users to change the use of TCS/ASM/ABS during free run or race through use of the RA function. (Not applicable to Driving Line.)

I know this because I use it for brake balance.
Exactly, but... anyone destine for D2 will be faster without TCS than with it. I don't see why they won't be faster than anyone that feels they need TCS.

Agreed. Just thought I'd point out that oversight.

I was in the room chatting with Zer0 and others last night when this idea popped up. Despite having my DFGT right in front of me while we were talking, I didn't think about the RA until this morning.
Exactly, but... anyone destine for D2 will be faster without TCS than with it. I don't see why they won't be faster than anyone that feels they need TCS.

I think it's more of a comfort feeling and being able to keep the car on the track. Recovery is always slow :)

I was in the same boat. I'm fairly new to driving games. It started with F1 2010 and then on to GT5 and FM. Being new to the driving games I found it necessary to use the assists as I was still in arcade mode driving. Over time I was able to start turning them off, except for TC and Driving Line.

TC because I was still mashing the accelerator and it masked my inability to control the amount of pedal being applied. Over time I've been able to slowly reduce the amount of TC I use to where it's not on at all anymore. The slow reduction in the use of TC made almost imperceptible changes and was really quite easy to get used to.

Driving line because that's what lead me through the course. Without it I had no reference points and would pile drive just about anything that sat still. A friend convinced me to turn the line off. It took me a while to get adjusted, but I'm much more familiar with the tracks now. I have reference points on both sides of the track and more aware of where I am on the track, instead of where I am in relation to the line in front of me.
American needs more roads like this

If we had more roads like that here in the US, I suspect there would be more youth related auto accidents. Given the mindset of most Americans, parents of these kids would sue the state, county and/or police agency for any of the following reason;
* allowing a road that to exist, when the road could be made safer
* not patrolling such an obviously dangerous road.

Let's face it, here in the US, you can sue anyone for just about anything and win. It seems that people just do not want to take the responsibility for their own actions. Given that most of the deaths, or injuries would be youth related, the parents would be the ones suing, after it, it couldn't POSSIBLY be their RESPONSIBILITY as parents to raise their children with the understanding and wisdom of knowledge there is a time and a place for everything & you (only YOU) are responsible for you action.

Here in the US, if you are walking down the sidewalk and trip over an uneven slab of concrete, you have the right to sue the property owner, the construction company who pored the concrete, the city for not maintaining the sidewalk properly. The lawsuit would be for the pain and suffering, medical bills & time lost from work. WTF!! Whose fault is it that you tripped? Yours! all you had to do was pay attention.
What about the viral-video of the lady who was walking in the, testing on her cell phone, and walked into a huge fountain? She sued the mall for damaged. Seriously?!?! God forbid it be her own damn fault for not paying attention.

In other countries like Italy, if you bring a lawsuit like either of the 2 examples, the judge would throw out the lawsuits and tell you that you need to pay closer attention to what you are doing.

Until the mentality of the US, as a whole, changes for the better and people are willing to start taking personal responsibility for their own actions & stop wanting to sue each other for every little thing, roads like the one in the video will only exist in race parks or in very rare areas, here int he US. It's sad, but true.
If we had more roads like that here in the US, I suspect there would be more youth related auto accidents. Given the mindset of most Americans, parents of these kids would sue the state, county and/or police agency for any of the following reason;
* allowing a road that to exist, when the road could be made safer
* not patrolling such an obviously dangerous road.

Let's face it, here in the US, you can sue anyone for just about anything and win. It seems that people just do not want to take the responsibility for their own actions. Given that most of the deaths, or injuries would be youth related, the parents would be the ones suing, after it, it couldn't POSSIBLY be their RESPONSIBILITY as parents to raise their children with the understanding and wisdom of knowledge there is a time and a place for everything & you (only YOU) are responsible for you action.

Here in the US, if you are walking down the sidewalk and trip over an uneven slab of concrete, you have the right to sue the property owner, the construction company who pored the concrete, the city for not maintaining the sidewalk properly. The lawsuit would be for the pain and suffering, medical bills & time lost from work. WTF!! Whose fault is it that you tripped? Yours! all you had to do was pay attention.
What about the viral-video of the lady who was walking in the, testing on her cell phone, and walked into a huge fountain? She sued the mall for damaged. Seriously?!?! God forbid it be her own damn fault for not paying attention.

In other countries like Italy, if you bring a lawsuit like either of the 2 examples, the judge would throw out the lawsuits and tell you that you need to pay closer attention to what you are doing.

Until the mentality of the US, as a whole, changes for the better and people are willing to start taking personal responsibility for their own actions & stop wanting to sue each other for every little thing, roads like the one in the video will only exist in race parks or in very rare areas, here int he US. It's sad, but true.
While I agree that blame is hardly ever put in the right place. Roads like this do exist, jsut take a ride in the mountains through the carolinas PA, VT. ect. Even here in MI we have these kinds of roads. a great many are dirt at that. Have a look at M119, goes alone the northern coast of Lake Michigan. Crazy road! But per capita, Japan has the most and best mountain roads.
BTW, my favorite WTF lawsuit. The lady her burn her mouth on Mcdonalds coffees, forever changing the tops of coffee cup lids forever. I mean really? You didnt know your coffee was going to be hot? Did you expect it to be cold? I dont get it. Rewarded for being a dumb ass. No wonder good sense isnt common, it doesn't pay. Anyway. If you see a warning, its probably because no matter how stupid, somebody probably did it. Hence my nubby finger. Although there was a sign, I still got my finger caught and crushed. No pay out, insurance covered the repair of the injury/medical, and time off work. But I didnt go looking for a pay day either. My dumb ass didnt lock out the machine before hand. There is a few more things to the story. But it is what it is. and now Im half a finger shorter for it. Lesson learned. Chains and sprockets and dangerous. I still get kinda nervous when I work around the chain on my CBR.
Sharkie's Tutoring Theme Song
by: Diabolic via the Levar Burton School for folks who write jingles and things

Snails on the track
Wanting to run fast,
Take a look
It's in a lounge
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

We can go anywhere
Snails to know
Experience grows
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

Snails can do anything
Take a look
It's in a lounge
It's Sharkie's Tutoring
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

Sharkie's Tutoring made possible with a grant from the Stig coalition and with the continued support from racers like you.​
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Check your email and enjoy. You'll be back in business by tomorrow.

OMG! Really?

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

When my headset died, I had no reason to expect anyone would offer to help me get a replacement it. So when I had hear comments in the lounge about that, I was deeply moved by the thought. I especially wasn't expecting anyone to offer to replace my ill-fated headset for me as a gift. I'm simply in shock by some of the people in this group. I honestly had not expected such selflessness.

In the past 3 years, since my fiance's death, I've watched my life go from having everything I have ever wanted in life to having to fight tooth & nail to get just what I need to survive. Then people like you, Alan and Rob come along and help restore my faith in humanity. I'm actually moved to tears right now, it's not about the headset, it about something much, Much bigger than the headset. Thank you.

From the bottom of my heart I cannot say Thank you enough to express my gratitude for all the kindness you and Alan have been so freely sharing with me. The term "Thank You" is used so freely and openly, that it seems to simply not be enough to express how I feel. In that regard, I'm speechless and I'll simply give you all a hug.

OMG! Really?
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

When my headset died, I had no reason to expect anyone would offer to help me get a replacement it. So when I had hear comments in the lounge about that, I was deeply moved by the thought. I especially wasn't expecting anyone to offer to replace my ill-fated headset for me as a gift. I'm simply in shock by some of the people in this group. I honestly had not expected such selflessness.

In the past 3 years, since my fiance's death, I've watched my life go from having everything I have ever wanted in life to having to fight tooth & nail to get just what I need to survive. Then people like you, Alan and Rob come along and help restore my faith in humanity. I'm actually moved to tears right now, it's not about the headset, it about something much, Much bigger than the headset. Thank you.

From the bottom of my heart I cannot say Thank you enough to express my gratitude for all the kindness you and Alan have been so freely sharing with me. The term "Thank You" is used so freely and openly, that it seems to simply not be enough to express how I feel. In that regard, I'm speechless and I'll simply give you all a hug.


Your very welcome! We are glad we are in the position to do it.
Now, as for the tears, get them out now because I don't want you to get the new ones all wet. LOL! LOL!
Sharkie's Tutoring Theme Song
by: Diabolic via the Levar Burton School for folks who write jingles and things

Snails on the track
Wanting to run fast,
Take a look
It's in a lounge
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

We can go anywhere
Snails to know
Experience grows
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

Snails can do anything
Take a look
It's in a lounge
It's Sharkie's Tutoring
It's Sharkie's Tutoring

Sharkie's Tutoring made possible with a grant from the Stig coalition and with the continued support from racers like you.​

That's cute!

Damn You Diabolic! Now I'll have to work on a jingle/theme song for Sharkie's Tutoring. Arrrggg!!! :lol:
Im going to edit my first ever post to this thread (since it's the 3rd overall) to include my friday line-up.

I will also link up various pages of importance; ie policy updates and the like for folks just passing through. It could be abenefit in the future to include policy update as either links or in full text in the op, but for now (this evening actually) I'll utilize my post for it.

Im going to edit my first ever post to this thread (since it's the 3rd overall) to include my friday line-up.

I will also link up various pages of importance; ie policy updates and the like for folks just passing through. It could be abenefit in the future to include policy update as either links or in full text in the op, but for now (this evening actually) I'll utilize my post for it.


Sounds good to me. Having one place to reference all league policies is a good thing.
Anything going on tonight besides official practice? I should be around, but I don't want to take up a lounge spot that an actual competitor needs.
Anything going on tonight besides official practice? I should be around, but I don't want to take up a lounge spot that an actual competitor needs.

The practice takes place for the first hour, kind of a dry run for Sunday night. After that, the room host will decide whats going on. Not sure what's planned for tonight.
The practice takes place for the first hour, kind of a dry run for Sunday night. After that, the room host will decide whats going on. Not sure what's planned for tonight.

Is it always a specific host on Wed or can any S.N.A.I.L host practice?
Is it always a specific host on Wed or can any S.N.A.I.L host practice?

It usually doesn't matter for the practice races, but they do like the do other games after the practice races. I will be online tonight to do practice/tutoring before and after practice race. As usual, I will make a post here in the forums when I'm going to host "Sharkie's Tutoring".
Is it always a specific host on Wed or can any S.N.A.I.L host practice?

I believe doughboy has been doing the hosting. And by hosting I mean, track selection, room setup and keeping everything moving.

Doughboy, are you hosting tonight?
BTW, my favorite WTF lawsuit. The lady her burn her mouth on Mcdonalds coffees, forever changing the tops of coffee cup lids forever. I mean really? You didnt know your coffee was going to be hot? Did you expect it to be cold? I dont get it. Rewarded for being a dumb ass. No wonder good sense isnt common, it doesn't pay. Anyway. If you see a warning, its probably because no matter how stupid, somebody probably did it. Hence my nubby finger. Although there was a sign, I still got my finger caught and crushed. No pay out, insurance covered the repair of the injury/medical, and time off work. But I didnt go looking for a pay day either. My dumb ass didnt lock out the machine before hand. There is a few more things to the story. But it is what it is. and now Im half a finger shorter for it. Lesson learned. Chains and sprockets and dangerous. I still get kinda nervous when I work around the chain on my CBR.

One that makes me have little faith in the human race is one in Australia last year (I think). A lady was on business trip and staying in a hotel. She invited a man around to spend the night and while they were doing something other than sleeping, the light fixture on the roof broke and fell on her. Her company didn't believe that was cause to claim as a 'work-related injury' and didn't pay her out for it, so she sued them :rolleyes: