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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I have a question to ask all of those wheel users.

Would you recommend a Logitech Driving Force GT? Im on a budget and this seems to be in my price range. I've checked out reviews but I want my SNAIL opinions. Thanks!
The difference between a DS three and the DFGT was amazing for a budget I like it.

The guys with more expensive rigs and explain the difference and the cost and what you get for that cost. If I drove better I would probably buy a more expensive... But I don't.
I have a question to ask all of those wheel users.

Would you recommend a Logitech Driving Force GT? Im on a budget and this seems to be in my price range. I've checked out reviews but I want my SNAIL opinions. Thanks!

After using the DFGT for over a year and a half and moving to a G27, no, I would not recommend it. But, I'm kinda there with Handlebar. If I was better at it and had the money, I would probably go with a triples + full on cockpit rig.

Don't know what they are running for now but I got my G27 for about $190.00+shipping and the wheelstand pro deluxe for $170+shipping through Amazon last January.

I still have the DFGT and occasionally get it out for some 1v1 arcade races, but the split screen kinda sucks, so that doesn't last very long. I suppose if we ever get a second PS for the upstairs TV the DFGT would get used up there more often. But not by me.
Sooo. I start a new job tomorrow and I am most likely working weekends. I don't know how that will affect my Sunday nights yet but it does not look good to be honest. Ugh being a grown up sucks :(

hey guys...got alot going on right now won't be racing for the next 2 months or so:crazy:

Come back soon, guys! We have lots of cool stuff planned in the coming months! :)
Well, this isn't going as planned...

Would a quadruple post be a bad thing??

Oh no!! I painted myself into a double post corner!!
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Yo guys, sadly i won't be racing this week guys.. Having internet provider problems. right at this time i don't know when I'll be back... But I'll be back as soon as i can
Well, this isn't going as planned...

Would a quadruple post be a bad thing??

Oh no!! I painted myself into a double post corner!!

:lol: was wondering if this thing was on ;)
The Pit Board


“It's a commonly expressed and rather nice, romantic notion that we are all "sisters" and "brothers." Let's be real. Fact is, we might be better served to accept that we are all siblings. Siblings fight, pull each other's hair, steal stuff, and accuse each other indiscriminately. But siblings also know the undeniable fact that they are the same blood, share the same origins, and are family. Even when they hate each other. And that tends to put all things in perspective.”

Vera Nazarian

When you are down and out something always turns up-and it is usually the noses of your friends.

Orson Welles

After a week off for Memorial Day, we SNAIL's are getting ready to finish yet another monthly championship. I may be just a few points off from having a shot at the May overall, but there a many of you that have a legitimate at collecting the win. Take some time and check out the points standings here and the link at the bottom of the post and start planning your race strategies for Sunday night!!

Over the past break, I didn't race at all. I actually got into a huge Grand Theft Auto marathon. For some quick yee-haws, there is just something really cool about drifting the hell out of everything on wheels. A little cartoonish compared to GT5, but there is always a bonus smile to be had when pulling off a perfect power slide in traffic and clipping some hapless pedestrian.... I still had SNAIL on the brain. One of the vast things that that really makes our league stand out is all of the side racing that have spawned with the community. The creativity and the love of cars, racing and GT5. It never gets old for me to see all of the new series and race ideas form and grow. I guess what really gets me is the absence of arrogance, ego or negativity. I have watched many SNAIL sub series come and go but the one common denominator is the support that the SNAIL community gives to anyone with a new idea. No matter what has been suggested, there is always a big Hell Yea!! Lets Try It!! No matter what it has been, there is always a ton of encouragement from everyone. Well, as long as the Samba Bus isn't involved! Here are some that I remember. I am sorry if I missed some...

Again, I am sorry if I missed anything... Some pretty cool stuff!

This is more of a service announcement: With the May season coming to a close this Sunday, there are a few things that we should think about. While it is always important, getting all of the replays uploaded and all of the data logged early is really needed this week. It will make the task of promotion and relegation go smooth next week and really help the folks that handle that side of the house. Speaking of promotion and relegation, every month there is movement between divisions and there are times that key personnel get switched around. If you have some spare time and want to help the league, the beginning of the June is a great time to become a part of TEAM SNAIL! We are still looking for a better name for the SNAIL Results doc, so if you have an idea!! See you all on the grid!!

Race hard, Race Clean, Race S.N.A.I.L.
:lol: was wondering if this thing was on ;)

cheeb, your timing couldn't have been any better! Your SNAIL senses must have been tingling!! I was really beginning to worry that I wouldn't get the TOTPP!!

...um and yea I still ended up double posting but I think it is a legal one!!
cheeb, your timing couldn't have been any better! Your SNAIL senses must have been tingling!! I was really beginning to worry that I wouldn't get the TOTPP!!

...um and yea I still ended up double posting but I think it is a legal one!!

Was waiting for this weeks pit board, when it dawned on me :sly:

Awesome post dude, love reading them :cheers:
That's an awesome picture, Exo....did they stick the landing though? It looks like it might hurt a bit if they didn't :scared:
You have a good point. Originally I was thinking about running 3 different combos every week, but there is merit in having one car for the weekly event and run it on 3 different tracks. Prizes would probably be something like:

1st Place Picks next weeks car (must be changed)
2nd Place picks new track #1
3rd Place picks new track #2
4th place picks new track #3

Tracks are picked after car selection has been made.


Karts (all)
Tank Car

That would be awesome zero5ive!

I need a banner for inspiration but have never made one:guilty:

How do I get a number of cars on the banner at the same time? I envision all the cars jumping out of the banner in a cloud of dust with the F2007 in the middle. Title could be "Open-Wheel Shoot Out" by SNAIL SPEC Racing. Sort of a outlaw theme to it. 💡

How do I do that? I have the full Photoshop but haven't used it. Can someone offer some suggestions?


Is there anyone that could help by making up a banner for us please?
Willing to compensate in GT tickets, paints, etc.
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Is there anyone that could help by making up a banner for us please?
Willing to compensate in GT tickets, paints, etc.

I'll give it a try. I know it's the internet, but is the picture you posted a good starting point?

EDIT: Read what you were thinking for the banner. Well beyond my capabilities :( I was going to go for something much simpler, the image you provided with some S.N.A.I.L. Open Wheel wording.
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I think up difficult stuff.

Cool idea 👍

I'm just not an advanced photo editer :lol:

Edit: not sure if it's available in the States, but, just watching a show on Canadian Discovery Channel, Last Car Standing. 5 people bring junkers and compete in contests, each round the losers car gets impaled on a 50 foot metal spike. The winner gets cash for a makeover. Too funny.
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I have a question to ask all of those wheel users.

Would you recommend a Logitech Driving Force GT? Im on a budget and this seems to be in my price range. I've checked out reviews but I want my SNAIL opinions. Thanks!

You can find the G27s on sale.... Worth the price difference 100% and some. 👍
I have a question to ask all of those wheel users.

Would you recommend a Logitech Driving Force GT? Im on a budget and this seems to be in my price range. I've checked out reviews but I want my SNAIL opinions. Thanks!

Look on ebay, you'll find plenty of G27s for much less than $200. I'm sure you can find one that fits your budget. Like everyone else said, even if you have to save for a bit longer it will be worth it.
What is with all the aversion to cars with mileage? Just refresh it with a car restoration coupon.

Anyway.... I sent you a 0 mileage '84 RS200 435pp.

Thanks for the Ford. It has been added to my favorites:) let me know if you need anything.

Thanks to everyone else that offered to send one:tup:

Thanks for the Ford. It has been added to my favorites:) let me know if you need anything.

Thanks to everyone else that offered to send one:tup:

You're welcome. Does it have the same specs as a true 0 mile?
Anyone down for a little practice? I'm playing a little red dead right now, but if a few guys want to hit the track I'm down.

I'm in d2.

Edit. Temporarily away from wheel.
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Is there anyone that could help by making up a banner for us please?
Willing to compensate in GT tickets, paints, etc.

For the banner, I'd recommend getting a 1 lap race in a closed lobby going with one of each car. Get all the cars driving straight ahead side by side, on a large open straight like Le Mans... You can then take a picture from track level, far enough back that you can get all of the cars together, in some cool aspect ratio kinda view.

Then just erase the rest of the content, find an explosion or cloud pic on google, make 'em coming out of it, and then find a cool font...its all about the layers.

If you get me the pic of the cars, I can try to get the banner done...
For the banner, I'd recommend getting a 1 lap race in a closed lobby going with one of each car. Get all the cars driving straight ahead side by side, on a large open straight like Le Mans... You can then take a picture from track level, far enough back that you can get all of the cars together, in some cool aspect ratio kinda view.

Then just erase the rest of the content, find an explosion or cloud pic on google, make 'em coming out of it, and then find a cool font...its all about the layers.

If you get me the pic of the cars, I can try to get the banner done...

I would have to take several pictures because we can't put the FGT, kart, and Ferrari on track at same time. I'll send you some pictures tomorrow.
For the banner, I'd recommend getting a 1 lap race in a closed lobby going with one of each car. Get all the cars driving straight ahead side by side, on a large open straight like Le Mans... You can then take a picture from track level, far enough back that you can get all of the cars together, in some cool aspect ratio kinda view.

Then just erase the rest of the content, find an explosion or cloud pic on google, make 'em coming out of it, and then find a cool font...its all about the layers.

If you get me the pic of the cars, I can try to get the banner done...

Sadly, it'll have to be three photos. Karts and the Ferrari's can only be on track by themselves :(

Edit, first ninja in a while.