- 822
- Seattle
- Fudman420
I'll throw a couple of numbers out there from the December season. We had 43 drivers race. The number that needs to race to go to four divisions for the next season is 48. There were 10 drivers on the active list that did not race at all in December. If half of them would have raced, we would be going to four divisions for January. On top of that, we have two drivers who are currently in the registration process that have raced with us in the past and represent very high quality racers.
The bottom line is that if you want to see more divisions and the closer skill gaps that come with that, guys have to race to get the numbers up. When guys don't race, they generally stay in the division they are in. Guys that race get evaluated and their potential to get to the correct division is higher than those that don't race.
This really highlights the need for each snail member to recruit. If 40ish people are out there recruiting we are bound to see numbers improve to a point where an increase in divisions is possible