• Thread starter Lessen
Results from race 1,1st-SGETI,2nd-Filapino,3rd-lobbanmike,4th-Rally,5th-swjaxon,6th-sccaracer
Results race 2,1st-Mopar,2nd-SGETI,3rd-Filapino,4th-swjaxon,5th-Rally,6th-austindecker,7th-lobbanmike
Disconnects I didn't keep up with
Results from race 1,1st-SGETI,2nd-Filapino,3rd-lobbanmike,4th-Rally,5th-swjaxon,6th-sccaracer 7th -Mopar (texting Lessen didnt finish), 8th AustinDecker, 9th Lessen, 10th-The "V???" guy
Results race 2,1st-Mopar,2nd-SGETI,3rd-Filapino,4th-swjaxon,5th-Rally,6th-austindecker,7th-lobbanmike, 8th -Lessen
Disconnects I didn't keep up with

@Filapino Dude in the 2nd BMW race, i watched the replay and you hit a "pothole" and stopped dead in your tracks! I nailed you 1/2 second later then Sgeti went cruising by narrowly missing us both! Awesome swerving Sgeti =)
Fun times tonight. After 7 months I finally decided to try again my photo skills with this game. Taking pictures is not a friendly time. In GT6 I was able to change view very easily, here, not so easy. I will dig deeper and hopefully figure out for next time.


Voting options for S6 Round 4 have been posted. I will have the form updated and open this afternoon. Happy Voting!

and as a general reminder, the following policy are expected to be followed please...

12: Reset to Track:

Under no circumstances may any driver at any time utilize the "Reset to Track" action. Drivers who find themselves off-track or in uncommon positions on-track are to right themselves via traditional driving methods as quickly as possible and as not to further interfere with the progress of other drivers.


Beginning January 19, 2016, SNAIL WRC will begin to utilize it's own IR reporting and tracking system. Just like the Sunday Series, the purpose of the IR system is to both disuade rough or ungentlemen like driving and promote clean competition & driver development. Although not currently stated within WRC policies it has long been a standard of SNAIL that incidents are not to be discussed on the forum or in the lobby on race nights. This is vital to maintaing good comraderie and I take it extremely seriously. When the details of the IR system are posted in the OP, this policy will be stated within, just as it is within the Sunday Series' policy.

Fun racing last night.....at least with one car. We complain about how the Yellow bird skates, man, that Mustang is like skating on very dull skates when the tires go off. I performed a couple of really good tripple sow cows,(figure skating reference).
I missed a braking point in one raace and took Sgeti out. I would feel more sorry if he didn't come back and win the race.
I did better with the Boss than the M1 for whatever reason.

I tell you one thing though, this game is really forcing me to up my game when it comes to threshold braking.
Having a wheel is more fun. I bought this game when it first came out. After a couple of weeks I stopped playing. Got a wheel in December, now I can't stop playing! Good race last night guys!
General Announcement_zpssunv3eju.jpg~original

Vote Form is live gentlemen!

Who was on pole for Race #1? Does anybody know who all started Race #1 but did not finish (essentially the qually list)?
Congrats to @SGETI for his overall win last night. Little bit of bad luck for @irmopars , but thanks to him anyways for trying to help the situation.

Clearly we need an official backup scorekeeper(S). Responsibilities include taking a screenshot(S) of the qualifying and race results as well as saving and sharing race replays.

I also would like to have a couple backup host options as well. Responsibilties include assuring that all races are setup properly according to WRC specifications and the applicable WRC race schedule, communicating with the lobby to ensure everybody an opportunity to choose their selected liveries & being aware of disconnects during qualifying.

All those willing to help out with these roles please let me know. :)

...and, since we don't know what we're racing next week I guess it's time to pick a GT3 and Road B car! 👍👍
General Announcement_zpssunv3eju.jpg~original

Vote Form is live gentlemen!

Who was on pole for Race #1? Does anybody know who all started Race #1 but did not finish (essentially the qually list)?
Congrats to @SGETI for his overall win last night. Little bit of bad luck for @irmopars , but thanks to him anyways for trying to help the situation.

Clearly we need an official backup scorekeeper(S). Responsibilities include taking a screenshot(S) of the qualifying and race results as well as saving and sharing race replays.

I also would like to have a couple backup host options as well. Responsibilties include assuring that all races are setup properly according to WRC specifications and the applicable WRC race schedule, communicating with the lobby to ensure everybody an opportunity to choose their selected liveries & being aware of disconnects during qualifying.

All those willing to help out with these roles please let me know. :)

...and, since we don't know what we're racing next week I guess it's time to pick a GT3 and Road B car! 👍👍
I'd be willing to help with score keeping and an alternate for host if need be,I have premium cable internet and have my PS hard wired so I don't normally have issues with disconnects
Sure has been quiet around here for a couple days,anybody still out there :confused:
I've been lurking around the forum, I have a GTPSS race this weekend so I had to concentrate on that. Plus tuning is allowed so I spent a lot more time tuning than I should.

Voting for S6R4 has concluded and results and schedule have been posted.

Due to a tie in the drop count, both current cars will return and be raced at the next tracks on the schedule. See you guys tonight for practice!


4 votes and they're all different cars. That surprised me. Maybe I selected a good group of options this time. Oh well, they'll return again someday I'm sure.

I wish I could employ handing out these options as prizes, but I think it becomes a catch 22. I had been thinking of having 2 divisions within one lobby. Points would remain the same, but we could have a D1 and D2 winner/runner-up every week. But, with participation at a minimum we may end up with this result quite often.
So, I started making a video compilation today using SHAREfactory. It's pretty neat and fairly easy to use I'd say. I gotta remind myself to get rid of the onscreen controls when I'm making clips though, doh! :D

All Drivers, please read and become familiar with the following ammendments to our policies & procedures. They go into affect immediately.

Disconnect Procedure
18: Disconnect Procedures

A: If a driver becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, that driver is responsible for contacting the host so that the session can be restarted. Each qualifying session may be restarted 1 time only.

B: If a driver becomes disconnected from the race lobby during the race, the event shall continue until the race has been completed. The disconnected driver is still responsible for contacting the host if he/she requires an invite for the next race. (the previous invite may still work)

C: If the host becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, the backup host shall immediately notify the lobby vocally & via WRC Community message that the session is being abandoned and that a new lobby will be created immediately.

D: If the host becomes disconnected from the race lobby during the race, the event shall continue until the race has been completed. The backup host shall create a new lobby after the completion of the affected race.

Penalty Guidelines are now in effect.
SNAIL WRC Penalty Guidelines
These guidelines are taken from the SNAIL Penalty Guidelines 1.3 and modified to suit the World Road Racing Challenge series.

Level 1 (1 - 4 point penalty) - Likely caused by a lapse of concentration.

  • A bump
  • Shortcutting the track boundaries (1 pt. /incident)
Level 2 (5 - 8 point penalty) - Showed a lack of situational awareness.
  • A shove
  • This may be the result of carrying too much speed into a corner or braking too late, causing moderate to major contact.
  • An unsafe track re-entry & use of "reset to track" also falls here (6 pts. cannot be halved for concession)
Level 3 (9 - 12 point penalty) - Demonstrates a lack of good race craft.
  • The offending driver was likely too aggressive in a pass, creating a situation where his car met another at a drastic difference in speed.
  • Excessive blocking or weaving.
  • This is the lowest level that a dive bomb pass attempt would be penalized at.
Level 4 (13 - 16 point penalty) - Clearly showed a lack of judgment and a disregard for the tenets of good race craft.
  • This is an incident from which complete recovery is realistically impossible.
  • The offending driver likely came on an overtly aggressive line or made a move that directly put others in jeopardy.
Level 5 (17 + point penalty) - Intention may be believed or even known.
  • Incidents of this caliber are race-ending and reputation-scarring.
  • This level of penalty would require extensive discussions by the Stewards, and would be open to any penalties as we see fit up to and including placement on the last chance list, suspension from SNAIL events, or removal from SNAIL.


- These levels are guidelines for us and you, and other penalties may be assessed as deemed necessary.

- Any of these penalties except for level 5 and unsafe re-entry could be halved with the proper concession after the fact during the race. Shortcut violations can be eliminated with proper on track concession. Penalties will only be assessed in whole point values. Example: A driver receives a 7 pt. penalty and makes a proper concession, they would be assessed a 4 pt. penalty (7/2=3.5 rounded to 4).

-A proper concession consists of a separate and deliberate act on the part of the offending driver to return any position gained or to negate any time gained during the incident. Ending up in the grass or sand trap and losing time because of your own action is not considered a concession.

-If a driver chooses to report a violation of the SNAIL WRC OLR that they committed themselves, that action will serve to cut the value of the penalty in half, provided the offending driver has met all prerequisites. This would apply to all penalties including unsafe re-entry to the track. This would still not apply to any level 5 penalties.

- Each of these penalties will bring about a probation period based on the level. A level 1 penalty will bring a 1 week probation period; level 2 brings 2 weeks, etc. The probation period doubles the effect of any incurred penalties.

- Multiple penalties in one week will be added to create a longer probation period: i.e. Level 1 + Level 3 penalties = 4 week probation.

- Multiple penalties during one week will not multiply the penalty points for that week.

- Drivers earn their way off of probation by racing without a reported incident for a full race night. Each night raced will remove one week of probation. In order for a night to be considered a full race night, a driver must earn a minimum of 3 participation points in a single race night.

- Penalties for corner cutting will be totaled for each race. Four shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 1 penalty worth four points. Five shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 2 penalty worth 5 points. Any time an OOB violation is reported, the stewards will look at that driver's entire race for other possible violations.

-Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize (except in rare instances and only by decision of the chief steward). Any violations discovered by the stewards during review will not be subject to the filing deadline for race complaints. As a result of this, any IRs filed by stewards after prize winners have been cleared will not affect prize winners for that week.

Last Chance List Policy
-Once a driver reaches the maximum six week probation period or receives one level 5 penalty an automatic stewards vote is triggered to determine if the driver goes on the last chance list.

-Once on the last chance list, any penalty would trigger another vote by the stewards to determine what action should be taken. Those options will be: no action, suspension of a duration to be determined by the stewards, or a ban from SNAIL WRC. In addition to these options the stewards will have at their disposal the use of any other stipulation to membership that they wish to assign to a driver on a case by case basis.

-If a driver is found to have used a glitch or cheat while racing the stewards will have the option to place that driver on the LCL, suspend the driver for a duration to be determined by the stewards, or ban the driver from SNAIL WRC upon the first offense.

-During any stewards vote, the stewards would have until 6:00pm Eastern Time on the first racing Tuesday after the vote was triggered to cast a vote and the majority of those voting would make the decision.

-In order for a driver to work their way off the last chance list, they must race without incident for how ever many number of weeks of probation they have.

Livery Policy now in effect
Livery Policy

Although livery assignment is not mandatory in WRC events, it is strongly encouraged.

Assigned liveries help drivers awareness of their situation and also ensures a field of competition that is visually striking for photography and videography.

Proper assigned liveries (with no duplicates in the field) also makes IR review much easier for the stewards.
  • Drivers are responsible for keeping track of what liveries are available each week via the applicable Livery Assignment post (post #2) and the entire WRC thread.
  • Drivers who wish to partake in assigned liveries shall post their choices either in the WRC thread or PSN WRC Community no later than 11pm EST Sunday evenings. No other form of communication is acceptable.
  • IMPORTANT: Drivers who choose NOT to assign specific liveries to themselves by the noted deadline or are found to have failed to use the liveries they have assigned to themselves shall:
    • forfeit the right to self-report any IR's upon themselves for any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.
    • receive the maximum point penalty for any IR's incured (dependent on penalty level) in any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.

Driver Earnings
DNF Scoring
  • Drivers who become disconnected during a race or are otherwise not scored via the Project Cars game will be given last place points (relative to the quantity of drivers that started) regardless of the number of laps completed unless they submit to the scorekeeper video proof of the extent of their race completion just before disconnect or the end of race.
  • Drivers who qualify for but do not start its associated race shall not receive championship points

Incident Report Instructions
Incident Report filing instructions:

This process has been adapted from the GTP OLR Rules (Section 17), but simplified, automated and made more applicable to our league. Failure to use the SNAIL WRC Incident Report (IR) form will result in your IR not being accepted as "official". Therefore, do not expect any action to be taken, if you do not use the form. Additionally, if the data you provide is inaccurate in any way (i.e. race date, race number, but especially, the timestamp) we reserve the right to invalidate your IR.


Instructions on how to accurately report time stamps in an IR.

The Form asks for time in Hours, Minutes and Seconds. No tenths, hundredths or thousandths are required. Always leave Hrs as is.

From a replay, at the lower center of the screen is the race time. Enter this value from as close to the beginning of the incident as possible.


All racing incident reports must follow this procedure:
  1. All incident reports must be submitted via the SNAIL WRC Incident Report (IR) form, by 11pm Eastern Wednesday night (the form will open for driver submissions at approximately 11:30PM Eastern Tuesday night after racing has concluded. Any submissions made after 11:00pm Wednesday following the associated race date shall be disregarded.
    • Multiple incidents will be entered as separate submissions.
      • Do not group distinctly separate incidents together, in one form entry.
  2. When self reporting an incident, enter your ID in both driver fields.
    • If you like, you may forward a copy of your notification to the driver you commited an infraction against. Recommend using GTPlanet's messaging system.
  3. Our stewards will then review the reported incident(s) and determine what penalties, if any, are appropriate.

In case the procedure regarding race incidents is not followed and the driver decides to discuss the racing incident in public here on the SNAIL WRC forum, the driver may be given a warning or an infraction (in case of repetition or blunt accusations) by one of the SNAIL WRC administrators.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are the driver an incident report is filed against, feel free to tell "your side of the story" to your Division Steward so that he can relay it to the rest of the stewards who will be reviewing the incident. There is no need to reply to the driver who filed the complaint against you unless you want to and are able to do so in acompletely non-confrontational manner.

Combo Voting- Submission cutoff time changed to align with other WRC submission limitations
  • All car/track combination voting shall be done via the applicable Google Form survey ONLY. Any communications outside of this format shall not be honored.
  • Voting options shall be posted and open for reception each Wednesday. Voting shall close Fridays at 11:00pm EST. (Votes are Timestamped)
  • Results of voting and upcoming race specs will be posted Saturday mornings.
  • Eligible drivers are to submit ONLY 1 vote. Any second votes received shall not be honored.

^^^^ Appreciate all your hard work and time on the above.

Your recent video has caught my eye, next time we race remind yourself, (because I know I will forget) to explain to us the procedure to share. Thanks.
As a seasoned racer here at Snail, i have outlined the "Must Know" at a glance points Lessen has made above. Click to expand below to see them.

Know the Disconnect procedures, it could help you get back into that Qualifying session.
Know the Penalty guidelines and watch out for shortcuts, as they can add up easily. @Lessen, only 2 wheels over the white line still apply(?) even if track run-off is provided? (and the game allows it)

Picking a Livery is important in the long run, not picking one & you would be docked Max points per level if a IR is thrown your way.

@Lessen - Also question, if we do a unsafe rejoin/"Track Reset" and no one if near (say im in last due to my F2000 stuck on a "speed bump" at Spa (which did happen and i sat there till the end of the race), will we still be docked points? Or say a +/- 10 seconds from the person infront/behind you?

One more Q - If im racing with RallyBoy, and i miss my brake point and hit him off track, with both of us going into the sand, then rejoining the track in the same position (only time lost). No report is filed from either party as its seen as a accident (for example) but this but it is found during another IR reviewing, would I be docked points?

18: Disconnect Procedures
If a driver becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, that driver is responsible for contacting the host so that the session can be restarted. Each qualifying session may be restarted 1 time only.

C: If the host becomes disconnected from the race lobby during qualifying, the backup host shall immediately notify the lobby vocally & via WRC Community message that the session is being abandoned and that a new lobby will be created immediately.

SNAIL WRC Penalty Guidelines

Level 1 (1 - 4 point penalty) - Likely caused by a lapse of concentration.
  • A bump
  • Shortcutting the track boundaries (1 pt. /incident) = - Penalties for corner cutting will be totaled for each race. Four shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 1 penalty worth four points. Five shortcuts in one race would equal a Level 2 penalty worth 5 points. Any time an OOB violation is reported, the stewards will look at that driver's entire race for other possible violations.
Level 2 (5 - 8 point penalty) - Showed a lack of situational awareness.
  • A shove
  • This may be the result of carrying too much speed into a corner or braking too late, causing moderate to major contact.
  • An unsafe track re-entry & use of "reset to track" also falls here (6 pts. cannot be halved for concession)
Level 3 (9 - 12 point penalty) - Demonstrates a lack of good race craft.
  • The offending driver was likely too aggressive in a pass, creating a situation where his car met another at a drastic difference in speed.
  • Excessive blocking or weaving.
  • This is the lowest level that a dive bomb pass attempt would be penalized at.
Level 4 (13 - 16 point penalty) - Clearly showed a lack of judgment and a disregard for the tenets of good race craft.
  • This is an incident from which complete recovery is realistically impossible.
  • The offending driver likely came on an overtly aggressive line or made a move that directly put others in jeopardy.
Level 5 (17 + point penalty) - Intention may be believed or even known.
  • Incidents of this caliber are race-ending and reputation-scarring.
  • This level of penalty would require extensive discussions by the Stewards, and would be open to any penalties as we see fit up to and including placement on the last chance list, suspension from SNAIL events, or removal from SNAIL.
-Stewards have the ability to assess penalties that are found during race reviewing, but we will not actively look for things to penalize


Livery Policy
Although livery assignment is not mandatory in WRC events, it is strongly encouraged.

Assigned liveries help drivers awareness of their situation and also ensures a field of competition that is visually striking for photography and videography.

Proper assigned liveries (with no duplicates in the field) also makes IR review much easier for the stewards.
  • IMPORTANT: Drivers who choose NOT to assign specific liveries to themselves by the noted deadline or are found to have failed to use the liveries they have assigned to themselves shall:
    • forfeit the right to self-report any IR's upon themselves for any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.
    • receive the maximum point penalty for any IR's incured (dependent on penalty level) in any races in which proper livery assignment has not been regarded.

DNF Scoring
  • Drivers who qualify for but do not start its associated race shall not receive championship points

  1. Yes, the 2 wheel policy is the same as the Sunday series as are general track boundaries by definition.
  2. Known game glitches would certainly be taken into consideration on a case by case basis. "Reset to track" is banned for two reasons. First due to possible collisions with on track cars and at the very least a distraction. Second comes down to the integrity of competition. By short cutting a return to track, one is essentially stealing the advantage of consistency gained by the other competitors.
  3. In response to your last hypothetical scenario... Yes.
Hope that clarifies some. I'm happy to see questions. :) That means regs are being read. 👍