That RX-7 seems pretty cool without the tampos. You got it as got a trade deal of sorts with the person? Still a cool error. 👍
As for the Maisto Special Edition Lambo...I saw that on one of Racegroove's videos.. (Appears around 2 minutes into the video)
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>
Unfortunately, from the pictures... it looks a lot like the standard one they sell in stores. Paint finish is great, but the wheels...ugh! I just miss the old Maistos and their suspension...
Speaking of Maisto, bought myself the Elite Transport International Durastar with the Dodge Viper on the back! Walmart finally restocked their Maisto Elite Transport pegs. They've got a 50s Cadillac, foxbody Mustang (with a nice paint scheme, and a current gen Mustang police car. Couldn't find a picture on google and haven't taken a picture of it... So here's one overpriced on eBay...
Can they just stop with the lowering...please...
I checked out my local Walgreens for the scale model R1600 posted in the scale models thread. There was nothing, but I noticed they FINALLY have a real toys section. Before it was mixed with the seasonals and it was a mess. (Store opened only last year) I did find some hot wheels there, for some reason I never saw it before... there were 2011 models like the Nightburnerz Skyline GT-R R32. But they're $1.30... And for some reason they had a 2010 Citroen C4 Rallycar there and it was the only one with a sticker all ripped up saying 2 for $2.

Might just grab the R32 though...
Wow, that reminds me of my past too. But...I actually have them! I've got those 1:42 scale Maisto tuners with interchangeable parts that came with a screw driver in the kit. I'm missing the little add-ons though... It was very much similar to the other Maisto build-kits. I loved the Ferrari ones.

Remember the old days of buying them from Walmart (ugh, wish more retails had scale models) and going to the park and sitting around building them during the summer on a nice day.
Edit: I found an old pic of them. I still have them of course. Is this what you were talking about Otaku? They really did have awful body kits. Absolute ricer kits.

So maybe that's why I lost the parts...or threw them out.
(Of course not the Viper...)
As for the other brand that sold those smaller than 1:64 scale models, I actually have that Honda Accord coupe.

However it's missing a wheel. I still have it and I could probably get pics sometime for everyone else to look at. It was a cool model, despite being an Accord... Going to dig that up from my childhood treasure tin box.
I also had another small model that was almost entirely plastic that came with changeable parts. Have that laying around as well... Might be of the same thing? It's a MKIV Supra in black, thing is missing quite a few parts though.
Not sure if I'm thinking the same as what you are, but nostalgia sure is hitting me!