photonrider, hey I got one of those as well! It was on sale and...for some reason at a book store. Only the orange Gallardo though, no Reventon.
The shop I bought it from (today) had a four-foot high row of 8" pegs crammed with Reventons and both variations of the Gallardo. Easy enough for me to get them for you if you wish, Kevin.
photonrider Challengers.
What means this? How many Challengers Vs How many Chargers in the puzzle picture?
Thanks for playing - haha - it was funny; this thread has been noisy as heck over the last few days - enough to wake the dead . . . but as soon as I threw some homework in, it became extremely quiet - for a whole six hours. Quiet as mice. Homework.
So, yeah, how many Chargers versus how many Challengers; every car in that pic is either one or the other.
Many people confuse the two cars - one for the other - but there are strong visual cues if one knows where to look.
Thought you'd never ask!
You have to go there, you must. Here's the directions:
Take the 401 East to Victoria Park South, head towards Ellesmere - at Ellesmere swing left into the Parkway Plaza (SE Corner of the intersection)
It's a large plaza - Timmies, Staples, and McDees on one side, LCBO and Metro on the other side. If you get in through the Pharmacy entrance (if you or your cousin is familiar with the area) then as you enter that entrance to the building it's the first store on your right - you can't miss it; it's got a wide entrance that looks right into the glitter of the store. Otherwise - once you're in the building head towards the Food Court; it's at the end of the Food Court.
Be prepared to spend or get very, very angry.
By TVL(TLV), you mean Tomica Limited Vintage?
Sorry, I should have specified - these boxes were totally in Japanese; I meant they were like this - teeny-weenie cars. And with great detail.
Thing is, this shop was pretty 'hi-fi'. It was like someone had transplanted a toy shop off the streets of Tokyo - just plunked it there right opposite the Food Court. All the staff were Japanese. All the products I could see were Japanese. I can't wait to sneak back in there, but I'd better brush up on a little Japanese first. Know any good words?