[1.9.1] GT5 Master Mod

  • Thread starter Nenkai
One more question. You mentioned an update was coming. Will it break my save if I play with the current version of Master Mode and update? I'm worried if I should start today or wait for the update.
It won't break your save like Nenkai said, however, something worth noting is he did change the credit cap for the game and he mentioned somewhere it requires a new save in order for the credits to not be capped at 20 million. This won't be a problem for you since you just started and even if it is, the worst thing that will happen is your credits won't be able to exceed 20 million when you earn more but it's no big deal.

I say that, but somehow my 12-year-old save is now able to go beyond the limit despite not being able to previously. 🤔
HI! Just installed your

Hi. Just installed the new update. I tried out the Arcade Mode Pikes Peak downhill(PS1) track and am getting a black void with the cars floating. I havent tried all maps but so far this one seems bugged. Issue on my end?
That's just how Pikes Peak is in this game, it doesn't have a proper spawn point in single-player outside of license tests. If I remember right, it does spawn you on the track in split-screen, try that if you want to drive it. 👍
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It won't break your save like Nenkai said, however, something worth noting is he did change the credit cap for the game and he mentioned somewhere it requires a new save in order for the credits to not be capped at 20 million. This won't be a problem for you since you just started and even if it is, the worst thing that will happen is your credits won't be able to exceed 20 million when you earn more but it's no big deal.

I say that, but somehow my 12-year-old save is now able to go beyond the limit despite not being able to previously. 🤔

That's just how Pikes Peak is in this game, it doesn't have a proper spawn point in single-player outside of license tests. If I remember right, it does spawn you on the track in split-screen, try that if you want to drive it. 👍
Oh I see! Got it! About the save, thankfully Nenkai dropped the update just before I started a save with the previous version. This is my first GT game ever. Hell this is my first sim ever. Playing with a controller. I just wanted a game with progression after getting tired of bland forza. I chose GT5 after seeing its UI and falling in love with it.
Oh I see! Got it! About the save, thankfully Nenkai dropped the update just before I started a save with the previous version. This is my first GT game ever. Hell this is my first sim ever. Playing with a controller. I just wanted a game with progression after getting tired of bland forza. I chose GT5 after seeing its UI and falling in love with it.
Well the credit cap portion is not something he just introduced, it's been a part of the mod for a while now. What I said is mostly relevant to those who have saves created before the mod came out.
just a passing thought; it is technically possible to backport premiums and standards from 6 to 5 to replace low quality ones in 5? 5 and 6 share the same engine right. Both games look damn near identical.
Perfect mod, made the game much more interesting, I don't know if there will be more updates in the future, but for now it's perfect. Tested and approved on RPCS3 with version BCUS98114 (2.11).
Thank you so much for sharing this mod with us. ;)
How did you made the mod working on RPCS3? I have 2.11 working, then dragged the PDIPFS folder in place and nothing changes. Any advices?
How did you made the mod working on RPCS3? I have 2.11 working, then dragged the PDIPFS folder in place and nothing changes. Any advices?
I didn't do anything special, I just followed these steps, did the PDIPFS folder replacement and the only thing I did different was start a new game. Make sure you download the right mod for your game version, in my case it's the US version.
just curious, but does this mod make the unused special stage route x layout playable? (not sure if someone asked this already - didn't check)
@yomisimie it must be installed as GT5+6 Master Mods are new contents not present on the disc

I haven't looked @ these in so long, GT5 you stop update to patch v2.11 , there is no one full patch either they must be in order installed one-by-one. GT6 I think patch all the way to end, I forget there is a GT5 utility too if you are patched further than v2.11 to downgrade back
@yomisimie it must be installed as GT5+6 Master Mods are new contents not present on the disc

I haven't looked @ these in so long, GT5 you stop update to patch v2.11 , there is no one full patch either they must be in order installed one-by-one. GT6 I think patch all the way to end, I forget there is a GT5 utility too if you are patched further than v2.11 to downgrade back
It works actually. I installed the updates, installed the 8gb the game wanted, downgraded like in the guide, installed the mod and deleted the save and it works! I have the logo, I have the new cars and tracks, the debug menu. Will test more because I have the Platinum European version of the game, but it seems to be fine for now.
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Master mod is the best!
But... Race Editor doesn't work very well in Beginner League.
I finished my race editing with perfect cars, track choosing->Race saved. Playing with edited race the oil & tyre depletion not working.
Can anybody help for me or make Race editor to Endurance Race Menu?
What can I do for oil & tyre depletion?

Thank you for answer!
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Hi. I'm struggling to get this working.

Using GT5 XL. Added up to the 2.11 update.
Game works perfectly.

But when I add the Master Mod, it doesn't load the game. Just black screen.

Using the newest version of the mod.

Anything I can do?

I'm playing on RPCS3.

So I changed to the 18 mod instead if the newest 19 one. It works.
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I realize I can add however much money I want to my save in the debug menu but can there please be an option to just have 20K like what you start with?

Also, is there a way to delete all my gift car coupons? I want to have all the DLC available (For the sake of preservation) but I don't care to have the cars for free. And is there any way to buy the Stealth and Chrome Line cars?
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I realize I can add however much money I want to my save in the debug menu but can there please be an option to just have 20K like what you start with?

Also, is there a way to delete all my gift car coupons? I want to have all the DLC available (For the sake of preservation) but I don't care to have the cars for free. And is there any way to buy the Stealth and Chrome Line cars?
If you have the GT5 save editor you can send yourself tickets for the Stealth and Chrome line cars (as well as every other DLC car), and I believe you can delete tickets as well, assuming the editor works at all with the master mod.
I'm not sure, I'm newish to GT5 and never messed with it. Another issue I've seen is that it's telling me I need to have the DLC installed for the Corvette C7 Final Prototype even though I seem to already have it installed. In general it seems the DLC is having trouble staying installed whenever I reset.
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I realize I can add however much money I want to my save in the debug menu but can there please be an option to just have 20K like what you start with?

Also, is there a way to delete all my gift car coupons? I want to have all the DLC available (For the sake of preservation) but I don't care to have the cars for free. And is there any way to buy the Stealth and Chrome Line cars?
It's something that's possible to add and you wouldn't be the first person to ask (although i'm not sure that it currently warrants a whole mod update).

IIRC it is only possible to wipe out the inventory only currently. As for those specific cars I don't recall that being possible as is.

When enabling the DLCs (still recommended to do through the debug menu), make sure to tick the last option to keep after boot, and save manually aswell.
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It's something that's possible to add and you wouldn't be the first person to ask (although i'm not sure that it currently warrants a whole mod update).

IIRC it is only possible to wipe out the inventory only currently. As for those specific cars I don't recall that being possible as is.

When enabling the DLCs (still recommended to do through the debug menu), make sure to tick the last option to keep after boot, and save manually aswell.
Okay, I wasn't sure what that option did. I'll try that next time. If you can point me to the GT5 save game editor (and possibly a tutorial) I'll see if I can get the Chrome Line and Stealth Model cars that way. And also the wheel and color sample cars.
For those who keep getting a black screen after installing the mod, the order that you install everything seems to be a factor.

I had the same issue and the only thing that helped was deleting all of the game data (again...), installing updates up to 2.11, then installing the master mod, followed by doing the disk install last. Whenever I did the disk install before installing master mod I would be met with the black screen.
Yeah, for quite a while I couldn't figure out how to get the mod working. I was updating to 2.11 directly, until I found out you have to install every single update up to 2.11. Once you do that it should work fine, even if you're not playing on native hardware.
Thanks for this fantastic mod!
I started playing GT5 just last year, when I bought a PS3+G25+playseat specifically for that purpose.
Originally I only wanted to install your mod for the LAN mode, with the vague idea of getting a second set to locally race friends.
But now that I have it, I appreciate all the small details like the reactivated PSN bonus, all cars in dealership, etc. and I am really happy to have done the work (incl. freshly hacked PS3).

Regarding the "all cars in dealership" I have a question:
Is there any way to distinguish or filter cars by premium/standard in the dealership?
This might be a bit of a dumb question but would it be possible to still log into PSN and earn trophies with the mod on a modded ps3?
I don't think anyone is brave enough to find out I bought a secondary PS3 the be-all hardware backwards compatible one just for these GT mods

I honestly don't think $ony would bat an eye to HEN hybrid firmware logging in PSN1, 3 w/e it is, I know I did by mistake very quickly to have MGS4 MGO2 done on my primary but alas my account still in good standing

Perhaps try test with a throwaway
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Modding wise? Absolutely
With the mod right now? Not really, no.
Sorry for being dense. Just to make sure that I understand what you mean:
  • logging into PSN and earning trophies while playing a vanilla game on a modded ps3 would be fine
  • the GT5 Master Mod does not support earning trophies
  • the GT5 Master Mod does not support logging into PSN

Could you please clarify which or these you meant or whether I completely misunderstood? Thank you!