Taking any cars,tickets,museum cards,special paints and horns i dont have yet in exchange for my gears or trade 1:1
Looking forward to do some trading
1 gear=1 gear http://www.mygranturismo.net/gear.php?id=21453
1 car/ticket=40 gears or 1 car/ticket http://www.mygranturismo.net/21453
1 paint=11 gears or 1 paint http://www.mygranturismo.net/21453
1 horn=10 gears or 1 horn http://www.mygranturismo.net/museum.php?id=21453
5 museumcards= 30 gears or 5 cards http://www.mygranturismo.net/museum.php?id=21453
Also looking for these, or any other i dont have yet in return for any ticket/car from my collection
Missing Tickets:
1985 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - Modern muscle car - and many others
Missing/Wanted Cars:
Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune (R32) '00
Honda S600 '64
Honda 1300 Coupe 9 S '70
any 0/0 academy car
Missing Paints:
matt Black
maziora matterhorn
maziora mazzeran
mazziora seyfert
maziora trapezium
matte dark silver
matte silver
matte white
Car/Tickets Waitlist:
29/06 svenmans - academy for 24
30/06 svenmans - lvl 22 for 12
01/07 need myself
02/07 goirke - 1982 for 1991
03/07 goirke - 1992 for 2003
04/07 FREE
Waiting To Receive:
Timrev -,Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68,Nissan 200SX (S14) '96 (40/120 gears sent)
Silverarrow -Honda S2000 Type V '03 (40/80 sent)
goirke - Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67,Spoon INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '99 (40/120 Cross,Downforce,fast rain,glitter sent)
eus2410 alias GT_Die_Hard (0/40 gears sent)
Daily Trades: (ratio)
Svenmans : 5 horns for 50 gears (50/50)
Matboyslim13: 5 horns & 5 cards for 60 gears (50/0) gravity 16 and up
Got all gears now thank you all!