Hmm. Is this really a relevant thing to say in this topic? No. It should have been PMd to me if it is really an issue.
As you can see, my signature is quite full with important links, my initials would look rather out of place there. This is totally besides the point, every single one of my GTP posts has been signed off with a simple pair of small letters 'DE', yes all 1464 of them, and nobody has ever had a problem with it.
If I was to make it personal to this particular post, I would then say that because of the minimum possible on-screen post length, signing off with my initials makes no difference whatsoever to the size of Post #3 in this thread.
If I was to return this arguement, I would ask that you check your spelling and grammar before posting, and that you try to avoid using block capitals.
Would you like me to continue?
Please can we stay on-topic here, and try to help out a new member. Thank you.