11/11/11?Just another date or something else?

Incidentally, my daughter was born just after 11am on 1/11/11 (or 11/1/11, to North Americans).
Incidentally, my daughter was born just after 11am on 1/11/11 (or 11/1/11, to North Americans).

Congratulations, Famine. The responsibilities of parenthood are enormous, but the rewards are awesome. May the luck and good fortune be with you and your family.

There are certain people, my cousin Karl among them, who believe that numbers and dates that hold a unusual amount of "11s" in them are lucky.

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If it would hit for some reason the impact would be around 65.000 Hiroshima bombs.
and will blow out a place as big as Europe.[/QUOTE]

OMG somebody call Bruce Willis. Seriously though, it's just another date. I should have placed a 11/11/11 bulk order on Tshirts.
I'll just go with what others have said. 11/11/11 is not just another date. It's the day Skyrim is released.
If it would hit for some reason the impact would be around 65.000 Hiroshima bombs.
and will blow out a place as big as Europe.

OMG somebody call Bruce Willis. Seriously though, it's just another date. I should have placed a 11/11/11 bulk order on Tshirts.[/QUOTE]

And what does that have to do with my quote?
We are talking about a real life asteroid passing the earth.

Not whether stuff will happen on that date.
Actually, the thread is about the date . . . . See, like the 11/11/11 in the thread title. Big clue. :D
Incidentally, my daughter was born just after 11am on 1/11/11 (or 11/1/11, to North Americans).

Metric time can be confusing. What's the you say North Americans use? I use the oder of , date, month year. Anyways, about this:

Since there are only 12 months in a year, this is the second to last one of the century. The last one for this century will be 12/12/12, and then January 1st, 2101, or 1/1/1. But still about this one. November 11 is Remembrance Day in Canada too, so looks like my Vow Of Silence will be even longer. 11 minutes? Anyways I'm gonna wake up early on that day so I will be on top of this. Whatever I'm gonna do at 11:11 am on 11/11/11 I don't know, but we'll see. The Other 11 by the way has been cancelled for me due to time. Just haven't had enough chance to prepare.
Metric time can be confusing. What's the you say North Americans use? I use the oder of , date, month year. Anyways, about this:

Since there are only 12 months in a year, this is the second to last one of the century. The last one for this century will be 12/12/12, and then January 1st, 2101, or 1/1/1.

That's quite a bizzare definition of a century! :D
It's stay home and play Skyrim day. It's also last Happy Potter dvd day, and when my Twisted Metal coupon claims Uncharted 3 is coming out. It's Remembrance day as well, which means all the high school kids will skip the assembly and go smoke.
It's Rememberance Day in Canada. Its a day to pay tribute to our veterans and our soldiers overseas. So it is not just another date.
11/11/11 is likely to see not just one but possibly two CME's impact Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere. Watch for colorful auroras in the north, but be aware that power and communications also have the potential to be affected by these events.
http://spaceweather.com/ <---archive 11/10/11

Respectfully submitted,
Skyrim. If you think there's something bigger than it happening today, go play today. There isn't.
Skyrim. If you think there's something bigger than it happening today, go play today. There isn't.

I'm pretty sure me actually cooking for breakfast is a bigger deal than Skyrim.

Or maybe that it is Veteran's Day?
The universe operates independently of human consciousness; we are far, far less important than we think we are. Also, time is a completely arbitrary construct of man. The date is completely meaningless. I simply do not understand these folks that come up with intricate theories surrounding dates.

Also, as mentioned, Skyrim.
I didn't bat an eyelid when it became 11:11 on 11/11/11 because I'm not an idiot.
Or one of the teenage girls who are on Facebook going "zomg it's 11:11 on the 11/11/11, I should make a wish, 'cause like it'll like totally come true right!!!11!!"

To add to it, they were talking about 11:11pm, which would've made it 23:11 anyway :lol: