Incidentally, my daughter was born just after 11am on 1/11/11 (or 11/1/11, to North Americans).
If it would hit for some reason the impact would be around 65.000 Hiroshima bombs.
and will blow out a place as big as Europe.
11/11/11 is the next release of Stone Vertical Epic. That's about the only significance the date has to me.
Incidentally, my daughter was born just after 11am on 1/11/11 (or 11/1/11, to North Americans).
Metric time can be confusing. What's the you say North Americans use? I use the oder of , date, month year. Anyways, about this:
Since there are only 12 months in a year, this is the second to last one of the century. The last one for this century will be 12/12/12, and then January 1st, 2101, or 1/1/1.
orimarcSkyrim. If you think there's something bigger than it happening today, go play today. There isn't.
Today at 11/11/11 at 11:11:11 I was in 11th grade. I thought that was pretty cool.
I am in 11th grade as well. And everyone was going pretty bonkers when it was 11:11. During a Math test, too.