11yr old US killer to face life in prison

  • Thread starter blaaah
Didn't he even get problems, because he was really bad at his job? ( he got his liscence revoked? )
When he was reprimanded and by an appeals court, and they suggested he be evaluated, he brought about a suit against the judge, the video game companies, and the Florida Bar claiming a conspiracy. He submitted gay porn as evidence of what was trying to be passed on as acceptable media by these conspirators. I don't remember if that was in his lawsuit or in his evaluation hearing, or both, but it was used to determined that he was no longer fit to be issued a license to practice law.

Lesson: When your professionalism is questioned, do not submit gay porn in your defense.
Lesson: When your professionalism is questioned, do not submit gay porn in your defense.

This should be in every textbook in every grad school out there.

And such a horrible story. What is coming of our society when an eleven year old can do this and have no remorse?
And such a horrible story. What is coming of our society when an eleven year old can do this and have no remorse?
I'm actually more worried this may not have been a result of society. There is no discussion of why he did it in the article. Sometimes people are just wired that way. And sometimes they know how to not draw attention.
the other main news this concerns is about US law, which is said to be the most cruel in the world for children, equal only to Somalia, which also imprisons children for life with no chance of parole.

I just wanted to quote this from the OP because of the sheer ridiculous nature of the comparison. I wouldn't be concerned at all that the US has cruel child protection laws, let alone draw a comparison to a third world country where children are actually kidnapped and enslaved as soldiers.

Honestly, I can't even tell if you are seriously off or just trolling us, blaaaaaaaaah.
I just wanted to quote this from the OP because of the sheer ridiculous nature of the comparison. I wouldn't be concerned at all that the US has cruel child protection laws, let alone draw a comparison to a third world country where children are actually kidnapped and enslaved as soldiers.

Honestly, I can't even tell if you are seriously off or just trolling us, blaaaaaaaaah.

The OP was quoting the article....
The OP was quoting the article....
The article says:
The US is the only country where juveniles are serving life imprisonment without parole under the so-called "life means life" policy. Only the US and Somalia have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which rules out life sentences with no chance of release for crimes committed before the age of 18.

The OP says:
the other main news this concerns is about US law, which is said to be the most cruel in the world for children, equal only to Somalia, which also imprisons children for life with no chance of parole.

That isn't even paraphrasing. It's editorializing.
An 11 year old isn't completely aware of right and wrong and the consequences, they are above the age of criminal responsibility so they should take SOME blame, however what were the parents doing at the point this happened? Surely they are partially to blame?

The child should not be allowed on their own at that age. (you are meant to be at least over 12.)

I don't know about america but the justice system in britian is suposedly based on giving people second chances. How would imprisoning a 11year old for 60 odd years be of much point?

That child will at the moment be going through mental torture as his future is hanging by the ballance and in the worse case his life could basicly be over (lifelong imprisionment).

If I was to choose a punishment, I would say 20 years in prison (for easyness of discussion lets not put in parole before that into the equation) It is still an incredibly large punishment however you look at it for a 11 year old to have.

Also about America being second worst for child laws, has anyone heard of Iran?
People should realise that the reason he's being charged as an adult and not a juvenile is because he won't admit to his crime. He still denies it. If he admitted to it and showed some remorse he would be charged as a juvenile. His lawyer has tried claiming that this is ridiculous and doesn't allow for the wrongly accused but that logic falls flat because he's being tried as an adult not yet convicted so they still have to prove him guilty which if he's innocent shouldn't be a problem.

Given his refusal to cooperate and show any sign of remorse for his crime the opinion of the prosecutors is that it wouldn't be possible to rehabilitate him if found guilty in the relatively short period of time they would be holding him which is why trying him as an adult is necessary.
Sorry misphrased that. What were the parents doing giving the child acess to a gun? Is that the sign of good parents?
As the article isn't clear and had been updated I can't say the exact details. Early on they were saying it was a child's hunting rifle, but it has been updated to say a 20 gauge shotgun. Chances are it was used for hunting squirrels or birds, or possibly deer with a slug.

We had a 20 gauge shotgun over the fireplace when I was a teenager.
Seriously, an eleven year-old with a shotgun in hands.....

I don't even know what to say, a disturbed child? irresponsible parents? Maybe everything, but imprisoning the boy to death isn't reasonable as it would turn him into a full-on crime professional ( yep, he already is, but you got what I meant ).

On the other hand, if I were a brother of the departed fiancée I would use the punishment as a revenge to try soften the pain, also, the way he shot her at the back of the head was disgusting, cruel and revolting in every possible way.

Hopefully, time will allow parents to see that caging him for life won't bring their daughter to life again, so I would ask for a revision of the sentence, but only by the time he's 18 and with the approval of the fiancée's family. It's a child, a sick, disturbed, mentally altered and 🤬 child, but still a child.
Are you saying we should blame and punish the parents?
I think a jury and judge will decide if the responsibility lies with the parents.
I guess there might be some kind of law that can make a parent responsible for a child's actions.
For example in the UK the parents can and have gone to jail if their child refuses to go to school, which is an interesting law.
I think a jury and judge will decide if the responsibility lies with the parents.
I guess there might be some kind of law that can make a parent responsible for a child's actions.
For example in the UK the parents can and have gone to jail if their child refuses to go to school, which is an interesting law.

I highly doubt a judge and jury would put blame on the parent in this case.
Seriously, an eleven year-old with a shotgun in hands.....

I don't even know what to say, a disturbed child? irresponsible parents? Maybe everything, but imprisoning the boy to death isn't reasonable as it would turn him into a full-on crime professional ( yep, he already is, but you got what I meant ).

I learned to use firearms when I was 5. It is more than likely this kid had been educated with gun safety at a young age; this is not unusual in the US. If this kid killed execution style, and further because she was pregnant. Honestly, I imagine the kid has some crossed wires and is a psychopath.
You realize a psychopath appears outwardly normal for the most part?

I would cross to the other side of the road.

I just googled "how to spot a psychopath" and found a BBC report with a nice comment. Professor Robert Hare, of the University of British Columbia says "...around one per cent of the population of North America could be described as psychopaths. "
Thanks professor!
We were discussing his previous crime in my English Language Arts class a couple of months ago.

This is a clever little demon. As in clever, I mean he tried to keep his cool talking to the police, hiding at least most of the evidence, like the shotgun cap and clean up some of the gore.

The class was separated into two sides. The side that says he should be tried as a juvenile, and the people who say Jordan Brown should tried as an adult. As I found it, the juvenile side was the left wing, and the adult side was the right wing. Of course I chose the adult side. What made this situation more interesting, was the teacher was a democrat (she's on the border line of a democrat and a liberal). I was surprised when I noticed there was a good amount of students in the class were on the republican side of the trial. Lets start the trial.

Of course, this is a Language Arts class. So, of course we had to write documents on our thoughts of this little tasmanian devil.

Here is most of my document as I remember,

I think Jordan Brown should be tried as an adult. You don't agree with me? Let me explain something to you.
Of course murder is a terrible tragedy. People are frightened or at least find it a sad situation of the death. But, when a child commits a crime, some people think it's no worry. I don't think age is relevant in this situation. No matter how old the person is that committed a crime, is a serious matter.
If a child committed murder nearby, wouldn't you be scared? "No, this isn't scary. He's just a kid, he/she doesn't know better." Though the brain stops growing at around the age of twenty five, doesn't mean they will get away with the crime because the brain is not done through complete growing process.
Lets use as an example. Say your ten year old cousin just murdered his mother and father. Of course it would bring sadness and depression to the family. But still, age is not relevant in this situation. You would still want the criminal in jail...

That is all I can remember from the document I scripted. I'm glad the teacher read it, so she would get a clue and get at least one part of her brain working.

Oh, let me add this. The left wing of the class (including the teacher) that said "He would never commit another crime." Well, check out this article Shirley's.
As I found it, the juvenile side was the left wing, and the adult side was the right wing. Of course I chose the adult side.

I like how you just completely reduced this to an issue of a bi-partisan system, with you touting how democrats are dumb and such.

And blaaah, you are saying that from his mug shot, you'd clearly avoid this kid? Clearly a qualified expert then :crazy:
Would make great TV at the UN though seeing the two representatives with their countries names on the table then pan across to show the rest of the world.

That comment reminded me so much of this. Maybe it's all just staged and the politicians are intentionally pissing each other off to get better ratings?

Just kidding.

I'm not going to comment on this because I don't feel like arguing with people right now. I'll just keep my distance and watch the show.
And blaaah, you are saying that from his mug shot, you'd clearly avoid this kid? Clearly a qualified expert then :crazy:
Who needs qualifications when you have a gun, if he had a gun and i had a gun, it would be like a wild west shoot out, i would shoot his hat off first to see his reaction. If he found it funny he is safe, if he flew into a fit of rage i would judge him a psychopathic threat and kill him.
Yeah guns rule man.
Seriously, an eleven year-old with a shotgun in hands.....
I attended 4-H camp when I was in elementary school, where I learned how to use rifles, bow and arrows, camping knives, flint and steel, and various other outdoorsy things. I could have even attempted to enter their shooting competitions at age 9.

Maybe everything, but imprisoning the boy to death isn't reasonable as it would turn him into a full-on crime professional
Think about what you just said. To be a professional criminal would require him to not spend his entire life in prison, which is kind of the point.

also, the way he shot her at the back of the head was disgusting, cruel and revolting in every possible way.
I agree. To the face is much more polite. :P

I would cross to the other side of the road.
Oh come on! It's a mug shot. You know better than that.

Mug shots always make people look bad.

Would you cross the street to avoid this guy?

Or shake his hand?

Who needs qualifications when you have a gun, if he had a gun and i had a gun, it would be like a wild west shoot out, i would shoot his hat off first to see his reaction. If he found it funny he is safe, if he flew into a fit of rage i would judge him a psychopathic threat and kill him.
Yeah guns rule man.
What are you on about? What does this have to do with parents being able to tell if their child is a psychopath? Considering how many dead parents from psychopaths there are I really think you are avoiding his point.
Who needs qualifications when you have a gun, if he had a gun and i had a gun, it would be like a wild west shoot out, i would shoot his hat off first to see his reaction. If he found it funny he is safe, if he flew into a fit of rage i would judge him a psychopathic threat and kill him.
Yeah guns rule man.

What. In. The. Hell?

Just displaying my expertise on psychopath detection and control.

You clearly have no idea what you are actually talking about. As I said, gun ownership is quite common in the US, as is shooting with your children; I imagine many members raised in more rural areas where introduced to guns before they were 10.

Again, the kid did this while they were sleeping. It wasn't some rage fit, it was very likely thought out and planned. And from what I've read, he was apparently very calm and collected when the police arrived, all traits of a psychopath. But again, psychopaths are outwardly normal for the most part, and very difficult to spot in day to day life.

And as Foolkiller pointed out, it is not uncommon for psychopaths to kill their parents, and that is first apparently manifestation of the disorder.
I learned to use firearms when I was 5. It is more than likely this kid had been educated with gun safety at a young age; this is not unusual in the US.
I attended 4-H camp when I was in elementary school, where I learned how to use rifles, bow and arrows, camping knives, flint and steel, and various other outdoorsy things. I could have even attempted to enter their shooting competitions at age 9.

I guess you can't go again common sense, I'll give up on this one. Conflicting blokes who learnt how to shoot at an early age isn't exactly my cup of tea either. :D
If this kid killed execution style, and further because she was pregnant. Honestly, I imagine the kid has some crossed wires and is a psychopath.

My thoughts exactly, which is why I wouldn't let my son handle a firearm before adult age. I guess US is just different, though.

I agree. To the face is much more polite. :P


I know, I'm going to hell for lol'ing, but I couldn't resist.
I guess you can't go again common sense, I'll give up on this one. Conflicting blokes who learnt how to shoot at an early age isn't exactly my cup of tea either. :D

Most people who learn to use firearms at a young age tend to a have great deal of respect for them.

My thoughts exactly, which is why I wouldn't let my son handle a firearm before adult age. I guess US is just different, though.

It really is. Like a few people have said, gun culture in the US is just completely different than anywhere else in the world. Hell, when I was in middle school, my friend and I would go out into the woods with 22's and just do target practice and such.

I've only seen one accidental discharge, and since the guy was being handled correctly, it just put a hole in the ceiling. Honestly, guns where I am from are just there. You can drive by the small bars in the small town I am from, and several of the trucks with have gun racks and guns in plan sight. And yet I've never heard of anyone using one in a drunken dispute.

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