12 Things to make you faster.

  • Thread starter Oshawa-Joe


How To Improve Driver Skill In GT5 ?

This is the question I pose to the best drivers in GT5 – Division 1 Golds, GT Academy finalists, and other alien type drivers that consistently top the TT leaderboards. I’m lucky enough to be able to chase some of these guys around the track every week. That alone I think helps someone learn to go quicker. Assuming people have limited time to spend, what sort of in game activities will contribute the most to developing GT5 driver skills and help someone go faster?

The goal is to get faster without aids. Yes, practice is good, but practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. Spending time driving only 1 car will make you very good at driving that 1 car. Driving with skid force on will make you very good at driving with skid force.

So, any advice for the average guys from the aforementioned Division 1 golds, GTA finalists and aliens? I think many people would like to know what helped make you fast. I will update the first post with a list of recommendations from established “fast guys”.

12 Things To Make You Faster

To get better all you have to do is spend many hours practicing each week, right? Doesn’t practice make perfect? Well, no actually. Practice makes things permanent. All the techniques you use while practicing become the things you use in racing. It is better to spend a short amount of time practicing the “right things” each week.

1) Turn off all aids, right from the start. ABS on 1 is optional. Yeah, it is easier and faster with them on but the aids mask, hide and compensate for many flaws you may have in your driving techniques. It’s the reason for poor car control when you turn them off.

2) Complete all license tests and special events, especially AMG Academy. Go for Golds without aids.

3) Don’t be afraid of comfort hard tires. This forces you to work on throttle control, go slower into corners, pick better lines, use earlier brake points and modulate the braking. Sounds like car control doesn’t it? The worst thing I personally did was use racing softs on all my cars, for all my races. I joined a race league on gtplanet in early 2012 that only allowed sport soft tires and I was 5 seconds per lap slower than everyone else. Those sport softs were so very slippery.

4) Practice with abs off to develop better brake control. Here is a great video from Tidgney. Watch the trail braking practice tip at 8:30.

5) Become a student of racing line and techniques. Fast drivers understand things such as driving line, reference points, brake markers, braking point, threshold and trail braking, turn in/ entry points, apex, acceleration points, track out etc. Here is a great site everyone should have bookmarked!

You should also check out the great videos at the iRacing Driving School

and the one below on overtaking in F1.

If you do nothing else, watch the Skip Barber Going Faster video.

If you need some one on one help, head over to the GTP Racing School. You will find a number of very helpful instructors willing to share their knowledge and help make you faster. I have used their services twice already and found it very productive.

6) Watch and learn from the pros. F1 has great coverage on TV. Watch GT5 YouTube videos. Many fast drivers from gtplanet have instructional videos. When you race someone online, save the replay and watch it later. See if you can pick up on driving lines, brake points and other racing techniques as take aways to improve your lap times. Another great way to learn is to download one of the Top 10 ghost replays from the GT5 Seasonal Event time trials. Play it back to learn the techniques and line used. You can also load the ghost and try your best to follow it.

7) Slow it down! You only have so much grip and will not be able to threshold brake and turn the car. It's one or the other, or a little of both. In slow, out fast. One of my biggest problems is going into a corner too fast. I miss my brake points, carry too much speed, go wide and fail to hit the apex. This means I’ve taken a slower line and can’t get back on the accelerator until later. Going in slower allows everything else that needs to happen in the corner easier to accomplish and this makes for quicker corners = quicker lap times. If you are losing time in the corners, go slower to be faster.

8) Prioritize corners. Some are more important that others requiring more of your attention and practice. Corners leading onto the long straights are usually the most important. Taking a proper line that allows for earlier application of the accelerator will result in a higher top speed near the end of the straight. That is how the faster guys are passing the slower guys even without slipstream.

9) Race against your ghost in practice mode with tire wear off. This will allow you to try different lines and brake points etc to find your best line for a specific combo. You can literally see what works and what doesn’t. Then you can fine tune by practicing online using race specifications.

10) Online SPEC races and Same Make races in Practice mode. Is it the car set up or your driving? Only one way to find out for sure. Some leagues to check out on Gtplanet are SNAIL SPEC Racing and Turtle SPEC Racing. Don't let the names fool you as you will find some of the fastest sim racers in these leagues including many GT Academy and Silverstone finalists. Don't worry about fitting in. These clubs have divisions from novice to alien.

11) Drift and Rally! It was suggested that drifting helps develop better car control and it makes sense. I happen to be the world’s worst drifter. However I did find a combo recently that really forced me to work on car control. It’s a spec 66 Shelby Cobra on Trial Mountain, on comfort hards, and no abs. Use the stock Brake Balance. It’s literally a crash course on car control. Something a little easier I recommend would be a stock M3 on Nurb GPF, again on comfort hards with zero abs. Leave the brake balance alone. Lately I do a few laps of the above combos as warm up before I do anything else and it really helps prime up all the muscles and reflexes.

12) Plan and organize your practice time. Most people have many demands on their time and can't spend endless hours practicing. Each practice session must have a purpose and goal in order to use time efficiently. Perhaps you need to practice for an upcoming event. Maybe you have identified a weakness such as defending your position, attacking, race line or maybe it’s car control. Structure your practice to achieve your goal.

We also can't forget the "rules of engagement" for competing online:

GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and The Good Racecraft Guide.

Reply to the thread if you have a suggestion for the list.

Huge thanks to all the drivers that have offered the advice and suggestions used for this list. They have helped me get faster. I have gone from back marker to mid pack this year with the limited time I have for practice. Please take some time to read their specific comments below.
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I am not by any means a top driver but doing the license tests and special events teaches you a lot. After doing them, I certainly improved.
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I am not by any means a top driver but doing the license tests and special events teach you a lot. After doing them, I certainly improved.

This^^ is a really good step to begin.
After you did the license test you can try to tune your own car till it feels better then just putting some upgrades on it to get enough grip and power. And then you can just try all tracks.
the license tets help you out alot. and try the offline Aspec races. Then if your ready do the X1 races. If those do not work join a lobby and race your car a few times to learn how it acts.
All great great recommendations so far. Thanks.

In order to add a bit of fun into this - those that post a recommendation will have their names entered into a draw Thursday March 15th. 5 lucky people will win a ticket of their choice. I have many to pick from and will post the list here Monday.
One very fast way of gaining skill in GT5 is to begin driving a powerful (400-500PS) RWD vehicle round a difficult track (Indy sports for example) having CS tires at first. Lap 10 times with a gradually increasing pace and write down your best time. Then put on the next better tire (SH) and try to gain 1sec/min of laptime. Do it again for SM. In 30 laps max you will feel much better the movement of this car and you will be able to predict its reaction and trust your ability to control it on the edge.
Sometimes I wish people where needed to get at least S (not gold everything) to go online.
That would certainly make GT5 online somewhat respected.
We need more input and tips from the fast guys. Please contribute to putting together the framework for helping guys get faster. Any help from any of guys in the Pure race series would be awesome.
This is a great thread. I for one would like to know the secret. I smash the aspec races but anything online is a toss up. Some days I'm in the hunt others I'm not even close???
Do the AMG Academy with no aids and manual transmission. :)

Will give you a challenge and a great experience. 👍

I certainly learned ALOT from both the dry challenges and the wet ones...
I am not by any means a top driver but doing the license tests and special events teaches you a lot. After doing them, I certainly improved.

This is a decent start. Although I did obtain help from videos, Golding a couple of Licenses certainly boosted my driving (if you can face the frustration :sly:).

Here's one site that help me out lots, however it isn't based on GT5: http://www.drivingfast.net/
I don't consider myself to be particularly fast but I found that I vastly improved after doing online Shuffle races.

The variety of cars and tracks and now tyres that you get really help you to be able to jump in pretty much any car and be reasonably fast.

For example when you get a Cobra and everyone alse is in M5s and Vipers and Ferraris etc. You learn a lot trying to keep up and keep the car on the road. :)
Sometimes I wish people where needed to get at least S (not gold everything) to go online.
That would certainly make GT5 online somewhat respected.

How is this ^^ related to op?
Any ways I try to learn braking points for each race during free run that helps me to get faster. I believe this is one very important part of every race and is different for each car and track.
I did a post on this a while back: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=5309141#post5309141

Anyway I went straight from being super slow (Not being able to get Bronze) to reasonably fast (Gold) just through understanding something called braking points and apex of corners through watching F1. I thought that is simple enough and it turned out to be true. i instantly improved as I did not play GT4 for a few years and when I went back to it, I managed to get everything Gold with quite a bit of ease. If you understand the basic concepts very well, there is no reason you can be super fast. All it requires is to understand for example knowledge of how to corner a few corners fast and that can then be applied to any track. If anyone is new, the blinking red gear light usually tells you when to brake, so brake one second later than it first blinks and you should slow down quite well for the corner. Highly useful for new tracks before you get used to braking points after about 3-5 laps.
Personally I played games like DiRT and I played GT5 more aggresive. But just go do some time trials and try to beat your ghost car
Don't be overly aggressive... keep things smooth. Stabbing on the gas/brakes is where time is lost. Also read up on cornering techniques, specifically reading the corners and taking the correct lines through them. The licences will go someway to teach you this.

And as a measurement of how you're improving, do the seasonal time trials and try to keep up with the Top 10 drivers' ghosts.
Time trials.

Run 10 laps against your ghost, and you can see where you're losing time, and by how much. Run some time trials around various tracks, and you should have a greater appreciation for friction circles when you're done. Also, there's a link in my sig to a guide that can help you drive faster, both in the game and real life.
The best practice is purposeful one. Mere repetition isn't enough but one has to place a goal or purpose for the training one is doing ("Now I'm concentrating on tire wear" for example). A good mentality is needed. Search for information from any sources. Listen and be humble, what you know might be wrong. Pay attention to every facet of the art. In driving some of these are the driving techniques, track knowledge and knowledge about the car (tires being most important aspect of this). Just being mindful about these things can take you further.

The default setups used by PD seem to be bit off in many cases but I would still advice against tuning while trying to learn driving. Only when you get consistent lap times it's time to think about the setup. Too often people tune their way around actual driver faults.

Disclaimer: All these things said, I'm not one of those ultra fast guys talked on the OP so maybe I'm completely off. While I have spend some considerable time to improve my virtual driving my main field of experience about learning are from other fields. ;)
Time trials.

Run 10 laps against your ghost, and you can see where you're losing time, and by how much. Run some time trials around various tracks, and you should have a greater appreciation for friction circles when you're done. Also, there's a link in my sig to a guide that can help you drive faster, both in the game and real life.

This is what I do. I love racing my ghost. Then on seasonal Time Trials, i usually download the ghost and see how close I can get to it and watch it's lines. After 10-15 laps I'm able to better my own time considerably, even though I have yet to keep up with the ghost for a whole lap.
This is what I do. I love racing my ghost. Then on seasonal Time Trials, i usually download the ghost and see how close I can get to it and watch it's lines. After 10-15 laps I'm able to better my own time considerably, even though I have yet to keep up with the ghost for a whole lap.

Those transitional moments, the moments between corners, are yet another key to being fast. Learning how to connect corners enables you to establish a flow and rhythm. Once that's done, it's only a matter of perfecting the tracks nuances coupled with the cars abilities and tendencies.

After that, you can concentrate on the pacing of your flow. Typically in competition, you're only marginally faster or slower than your competition, as your moves and decisions are guided by the thousands of variables in your given environment. Racing alone allows you to find the fastest line for your abilities and nerves. When you have the rhythm, you can adjust that rhythm up till the point that either nerves, abilities, or the car give out.

That's the edge.

Finally.. some words of wisdom.
Garth Stein
What you manifest is before you.

You control your environment. You control the situations around you. When you can put everything together, you can induce the cars abilities/tendencies for the results you want. You can influence the car's reactions to both track and pace. In effect, you become master of your own destiny.

This is my Nirvana. This is my Zen.
If you drive with the racing line on, learn the spots where its inaccurate and changes suddenly, eg, after the long back straight on Madrid circuit, you can afford to brake much later than the driving line says...
I'm far from a top driver but had been using assists due to the fact that I'm using a controller as opposed to a wheel. I recently turned off everything except abs at 1 and also left traction at 1 because throttle regulation is very difficult with a button. Suddenly I am able to gold the licences and found the confidence to use the same tires as the AI instead of RS on everything by default. I must say I'm enjoying the game a lot more now.
I also discovered that throttle regulation is possible with the button; half pressing it will give you partial throttle and is far better than tapping to maintain speed through a corner.
I know you asked from the aliens help but I hope this may help.
I'm far from a top driver but had been using assists due to the fact that I'm using a controller as opposed to a wheel. I recently turned off everything except abs at 1 and also left traction at 1 because throttle regulation is very difficult with a button. Suddenly I am able to gold the licences and found the confidence to use the same tires as the AI instead of RS on everything by default. I must say I'm enjoying the game a lot more now.
I also discovered that throttle regulation is possible with the button; half pressing it will give you partial throttle and is far better than tapping to maintain speed through a corner.
I know you asked from the aliens help but I hope this may help.

I use a DS3 as well. A few nights ago I blew a few minds with that fact, after I had overtaken two cars on the outside, turn 1 at Laguna Seca. Despite their many expletives, there wasn't any contact between the three cars. After that race they refused to believe I use a DS3, haha.
I'm by no means a fast driver who always attains high places in time trials or academy... But my method of being faster is do time trials as much as you can at various tracks, free runs and other general races don't necessarily make you faster as your pace at the track is unlimited - except for online races where the range of horsepowers of the participant cars is clearly defined. To try to make a lap at a track as fast as possible gives you a lot of lessons to be better including which gear to use at what part of the track, and attitude to wish yourself to be a good driver. ;)
Tuning your car is very important. Best thing to do is trial and error, put some crazy numbers on some setting and see how the car handles and also see your lap times. If you don't like it, keep changing your tune. This is great to get the true understanding of what some of the settings do. (like LSD, toe angle, and brake controller) Try not using tunes that are posted online, 99% of the time they won't fit your driving style. But you will need to be able to drive a car at a certain track at your best first before you start worrying about tuning!
But you will need to be able to drive a car at a certain track at your best first before you start worrying about tuning!
9 times out of 10, whenever people start talking about tuning, this point is completely lost.
I found using the WRS leader board a great help to improve, pick up tips for braking points and corner speeds, as you are able to download the replays from the top 3 drivers every week.
Just choose the week and download the replay and try to keep up with thoose alien drivers, there is about 55 combos to follow with a great variation in tracks and cars.
Im not the quickest but its helped me go from Div 3 Bronze to Div 3 gold and hopefully still improving.



There is instructions of how to download them and install them to your ps3.


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