13-year-old twins sing songs of hate

  • Thread starter Sage


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United States
Thirteen-year-old twins Lamb and Lynx Gaede have one album out, another on the way, a music video, and lots of fans.

They may remind you another famous pair of singers, the Olsen Twins, and the girls say they like that. But unlike the Olsens, who built a media empire on their fun-loving, squeaky-clean image, Lamb and Lynx are cultivating a much darker personna. They are white nationalists and use their talents to preach a message of hate.

[Read rest of article]
****ing idiot parents raising ****ing idiot children – just what the world needs.

BTW, note that the article has 3 pages – the page numbers are hidden below the right-column ads.
and this is what young teens are being taught nowadays...i wonder how long they will actually last in the REAL world of mixed races

Personally, i see human races as though we are one blood. We all have the same blood running through us. I respect those of hate-racial beliefs, but as the old saying goes...

Can't we all get along???????
I might inform my comrades in *censored*.They'll enjoy doing some *censored* their *censored* first,and then they might send in a *censored* who will *censored* them all...
I respect those of hate-racial beliefs
I do not at all, what-so-ever. Usually, I can be tolerant of other people's beliefs, no matter how much I disagree with them, but there is nothing to respect about racists and white supremacists. In this case (I seen this a while ago) it's not the children's fault, that's a reflection of their up-bringing. But as an adult, there should be some form of sense.

Black people, white people... - we are all people. Hating people for the colour of their skin is as absurd as hating people for having different coloured eyes.
These white supremacists are no better than Hamas marching children with toy guns shouting "death to Jews" or the New Black Panther party standing children on podiums shouting "death to whites".
I’ve always wondered if there are any white supremacists at GTP – I’d really like to talk to one and see what kind of crud is going through hits mind.
^ well there are varying levels of racism :P some go as far as to think that "non whites" are sub human. I've read some crazy stuff on a white supremecist forum. Its just amazing how ideas so blatently wrong are accepted by some groups of people.
Incidentally, They Might Be Giant’s Your Racist Friend just started playing.

My head can’t tolerate this bobbing and pretending
Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he’s saying
It's just so childish. If you are uncomfortable with people from other races, just keep your space, don't go around picking fights. Boo hoo, big babys. :rolleyes:

Incidentally, They Might Be Giant’s Your Racist Friend just started playing.

My head can’t tolerate this bobbing and pretending
Listen to some bullet-head and the madness that he’s saying
:lol: I think that song is from one fo my three favorite They Might Be Giants album, "Flood"(along w/Apollo 18 & Misc. B).
I'd never heard of them. Thanks for the heads-up.

They don't know it now, of course, but their future is bleak. High-profile racists (of any persuasion) always end up getting what they deserve, one way or another...
This is just sad. Like there's a shortage of white people in the world...

"Preserve our race."?

"Stay white, continue staying white."?

How does one stop being white?

Good luck in the real world, kids.

Being of german descent, this increases the shame I feel for my heritage. I have two ancestors that served under Hitler, and some of that hate has trickled down through a few generations. I'm proud to admit none of it has gotten a strangle-hold on me, but still...

These children and their parents make me sick to be white - and worse - 1/3 german. If it's so bad here, then go back home to the motherland of Caucasia.
No way for me to be racist. Having German and Irish blood on one side, Japanese on another, and Chinese and Filipino on yet another side, I can't help but think that all races are equal.

Of course, brown people are still the best. :lol:
If they are serious musicians, then I think that they should come to London and play the Brixton Academy, and I think their parents and their management should be made to wait outside after the gig to answer questions - they wouldn't even last 5 seconds :mischievous:

"Eleven and 12 years old," he said, "I think that's the perfect age to start grooming kids
Really? Mmmmkay....
That is sick. Their mother needs a firm backhand, and a visit from social services.

"We're proud of being white, we want to keep being white,"

Errrrr..... Is anyone stopping you? You point out one person that is trying to change you from being white!!!

Bunch of retards!
There was a programme about them about two yrs back . The documentary presenter , who had jewish origins , got a hard time wfen they went out to some of their mommas friends in the boondocks. Alsatians and fences , pool tables and beer , out in the desert . Their nazism is really just mommas idea to exploit their looks for moolah.
Todays racism starts at a young age I belive between certain groups. Down by me gangs of kids just fight each other because of the difference in the way they talk and dress.
^its because they dont feel any purpose in their lives. they have a void and somebody gives them the idea to fill this void with hate and stupid beliefs to make themselves feel better and superior to someone for a change. Those little girls will be forgotten soon. They'll never be truely famous.
Now having read that article all I can say is that I wanna meet them with some of my friends. Im sure over a couple of hourse we could turn those young girls around into loving all races just by seducing them. Although I would then go to jail.
Now having read that article all I can say is that I wanna meet them with some of my friends. Im sure over a couple of hourse we could turn those young girls around into loving all races just by seducing them. Although I would then go to jail.
Then you wouldn't be any better than they are. You're committing a crime. There's no real way to "solve" something like this. It's just a horrible shame two nice young girls were corrupted in this fashion.
Jimmy Enslashay
Then you wouldn't be any better than they are. You're committing a crime. There's no real way to "solve" something like this. It's just a horrible shame two nice young girls were corrupted in this fashion.

(Re)-education would be a good solution to this situation. I'd never heard of these girls before and I'm fairly disgusted by their mother. However, the girls themselves are now getting to the age where they really should be learning for themselves and not taking what they're told (by anyone) as being right or wrong.

Racism in any form is deplorable, but racism as blantly obvious and open as this is even moreso. The fact that a large news network gives these children and the organisations they're affiliated with the time of day is terrible (even if it does educated people like myself to the fact that these girls exist, it does (arguably) promote their views and advertise their content and beliefs (nevermind the stance of those who report on it)).
The fact that a large news network gives these children and the organisations they're affiliated with the time of day is terrible (even if it does educated people like myself to the fact that these girls exist, it does (arguably) promote their views and advertise their content and beliefs (nevermind the stance of those who report on it)).
Absolutely. Well said.
(Re)-education would be a good solution to this situation. I'd never heard of these girls before and I'm fairly disgusted by their mother. However, the girls themselves are now getting to the age where they really should be learning for themselves and not taking what they're told (by anyone) as being right or wrong.
I don't believe that even (re)-education could solve the problem at hand. These girls are obviously largely dominated by their parents, seeing as these views have obviously been crammed down their throats so hard. An attempt at educating them otherwise would end up being un-done by the time they get home. Until these girls are isolated from their parents, they will continue to go down this path of white supremacy.
...The fact that a large news network gives these children and the organisations they're affiliated with the time of day is terrible (even if it does educated people like myself to the fact that these girls exist, it does (arguably) promote their views and advertise their content and beliefs (nevermind the stance of those who report on it)).

No, not at all. Wide exposure of something like this always results in its destruction. For every individual who is sympathetic with them, there are great numbers who are repulsed. Ever seen cockroaches scatter when a light is turned on? Same thing will happen with these people and their sympathizers.

The lives of these girls, and their monstrous parents, will steadily deteriorate as their story becomes more widely publicized.
plus it gives them ratings :P its the same reason they can show someone getting skerewed or beaten badly on News, suffering etc.
Jimmy Enslashay
Then you wouldn't be any better than they are. You're committing a crime. There's no real way to "solve" something like this. It's just a horrible shame two nice young girls were corrupted in this fashion.

Why would I be committing a crime I wont be hurting them. Id just love to take them out on a road trip and show them how the real world works and how people can get along and love one another.

I showed some of my friends this and thse were the first words they came out with. "what little slags".

Its a real shame I feel sorry for them and well fell sorry for the mother as her parents most have obviously been the same.