14 Supercars wrecked.

  • Thread starter Grayfox
It came on the news exactly at the same time when i was reading it here :) they didnt mention the prius tho :D
I dont think its too bad. The owners will probably just take another one out of their garage... And there were no rare cars involved.
So many great cars, involved, well except for the Prius. What happened to the Skyline?
The cars are wrecked... I really wonder what speeds were these guys going at and how close they were for such a massive chain crash to transpire.
I think the real cause of the crash was the prius.

It was going so slow and the idiot that started the chain reaction when he tried to overtake it and lost control.

The car that was going below the speed limit is rarely if ever blamed though. I blame the Ferraris if the speeding were to be true.

Besides, they were just machinery with fancy badges on it. No need to get emotional over them. It's good a thing no one got seriously hurt.

I'm sure the idiots who drove the Ferrari can afford to fix it up or buy another one. I'd be more worried about the people in the run of the mill Prius.

I still don't get why the Prius gets all the hate...Must be the success that it got for Toyota.
Yeah Ferraris but, a F355 is about £50K, the Merc CL's all plummet in price after being new and the most expensive after the Scud which is still about £80-90K. All in all the crash damage is probably still well under £800K.

Depends on the exact model but some Diablos go for a lot more than that. I woulda liked that white 512 a lot too :(
Oh sure people. Blame the Prius. Poor little guy is just driving down the road minding his business when suddenly ZOMG SUPERCARS!!!!! Poor little Prius was probably in fear of its life.
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It apparently took eight Ferraris, a Lamborghini, and two Mercedes-Benzes to bring down one Prius on a Japanese freeway.


apparantly the prius was standard the rest were all premium..... (i'll get my coat...)
It's a shame but at least no-one was killed. All those cars are easily replaceable. Surprised this doesn't happen more often. I don't think we can make assumptions as to how it happened either. It doesn't have to have boiled down to bad driving skill. You have a blow-out on that corner and you're going to be pretty familiar with the scenery whether you like it or not. Although they must have been grouped too closely together. Looks like a lovely driving road too doesn't it!?