Well, I went through this race yesterday after playing for about three hours, testing different setups and different cars. Here's what I did to win:
Lamborghini Harucan was the car I used. RS for the front tires and RM for the rear tires. Why this? The right rear tire always end up first, so you need the rear tires to be more resistant, the medium should deal with the work since you change him one time at the pit. Fuel consume was on default.
Keep in mind that on lap 9 you'll enter the pit. You should COMPLETE your fuel tank and put RM for the tires, since the RS wont be able to end the track.
Now pay attention: Before you enter the pit on lap 9, your position should 6th or superior. If you are under this position, you should restart the track.
If you did exactly as I said above, on lap 11 the first racers will enter the pit. When they get out of the pit you would stay in front of them or very close behind of them. But that's ok because the vacuum will help you get close to them, even if their cars are faster than yours.
PS: I was unable to take a difference from them, so I had to 'protect' the entire race against them so they wont pass me.