1886 Carriage and The Longest Lap of My Life.

  • Thread starter Omnis
I managed to get this carriage to the start line at the 'Ring, and then it was mostly coasting to T1, which came at a time of about 2'24. Couldn't make it up the next hill.

(8 ft-lbs of torque) is basically crap compared to what one actual horse can pull. lol.

Well, 8 ft-lbs is the torque at the crankshaft before any gearing multipliers. Put a tall enough gear on that carriage and you could have 8000 ft-lbs at the wheels. But with a maximum speed of about 0.1 MPH.

Same goes for the horse by the way -- use the right pulley system and a horse can lift a Sherman tank...
Make the hill less steep, i.e. zipzag up it. ;)

yep. but you need to "U" your paths. that is, you need to go downhill as you zigzag to gain enough speed to make it uphill some....then you repeat till you make it.

i honestly think that the nurb is just plain immpossible though. lol.
I managed to get this carriage to the start line at the 'Ring, and then it was mostly coasting to T1, which came at a time of about 2'24. Couldn't make it up the next hill.

Well, 8 ft-lbs is the torque at the crankshaft before any gearing multipliers. Put a tall enough gear on that carriage and you could have 8000 ft-lbs at the wheels. But with a maximum speed of about 0.1 MPH.

Same goes for the horse by the way -- use the right pulley system and a horse can lift a Sherman tank...

yep. but, i wasn't being critical or anything. i've had enough of the motor carriage. my need for speed can only be satisfied by something slower!
This thread is just so funny I can't stop laughung :lol::lol: Yep, if you don't have much money in GT Mode and wanna have fun, take a drive with this one and then drive the ..... let's say the Honda City turbo :) :) Not bad, eh :) ?
41'51.730 ... I'll get the screenshot uploaded somewhere tonight. Replay is saved and I can record as an mpeg or avi if anyone's truly that interested ;)

That was some good relaxation after trying to beat License S-16 a few times, though :)
Outstanding work, Omnis! The furthest I could get it this thing before fainting of boredom was down the hill & around the first few corners at Laguna Seca.
well everybody, i won the Mercedes-Benz Daimler Motor Carriage (1886) and decided i would undertake in the most grueling of races....the nurburgring.

that failed.

so, i tried the next best choice, which was Circuit de la Sarthe II. i dont think anyone has attempted a full lap around this track, or even cleared the uphill chicane for that matter. I did. i have lots of pics and video proving it as well...i also saved the replay for anyone who cares enough to put me under speculation.

i put a piece of paper with my username and gtplanet.net on it on my television screen. maybe this is a new world record... i dont know. lol. anyone care to direct me to some kind of international gt4 times database?

anyway, there you have it...for your viewing pleasure. i can post more pics or a video of how i cleared the chicane later if you want.

so start commenting, and see if you have the inspiration to become a carriage master, like yours truly. :sly:

You have alot of patience.
While I don't think I'd ever get bored enough to torture myself in this manner, a race around New York, Hong Kong, or either of the Paris tracks should work fine since they're totally flat.
Event Horizon
GT4 Weekly Race Series Week 1, anyone?

I tried doing this to try and annihilate his record, but I was defeated by the first bump in the road.... :(

I found that funny for some reason.
yesss ur pic finally loaded and i beat it by almost 3 full minutes EAT IT I'm the NEW carraige masta!

:edit: **** you tech, i wasted 45 mins of my time doin this so i could beat sum1 and then u come along and dominate me...
try getting your b-spec driver to drive it round the 'ring......

Added in on 31 march at 19:30 BST
hehe i won the car today 8:08.xxx tsukaba
You guys need to do something more productive with your time...like do drugs or something :lol:. Only joking, but I'm rather impressed you guys tried that.
It's a shame you can't actually hook a horse up to this horseless carriage, I'm sure the horse would be able to pull you up a slight incline at least.

Definition of horsepower: Power required to lift 330 pounds of coal 100 feet in a minute.

This car has a mass of about 630 lbs. :nervous:
Awesome! Best I've done was taken the crappier of the two (the 8mph one) on the Vegas quarter mile. That hurt. It took 1m57s if I recall correctly:) And due to the model detail, the replay was painful as there a LOT of flickering:)

That's amazing. 47 minutes.
Man how could you even attemp a whole lap in that thing???I tried on tsukuba, got around the 2nd bend (which took 3.21sec!!!) and thought FLAG!!
While I don't think I'd ever get bored enough to torture myself in this manner, a race around New York, Hong Kong, or either of the Paris tracks should work fine since they're totally flat.

i doubt it'll work in HK... that slope is STEEP!!
i tried but gave up after passing the shoreline area... just too slow... -_-"
I'm a cross country runner, I can run a 400 in around a minute pretty easy. I could probably run 8 miles (Le Mans distance) in a little under an hour with moderate effort, so the Daimler Motor Carriage could probably obliterate me, but I bet that I could obliterate the Benz Patent Motor Wagon. If cheating was allowed, i think that cutting corners could help me a great deal because sand traps probably bog these cars down beyond salvage.
I'm impressed by the patience of those who have driving this round some of the bigger tracks, I got bored before the 3rd hairpin at Tsukuba!