1988 Birthday Tickets for trade

When you have a birthday you get the ticket. An example is if you were born in 1976 and you registered on Psn as 1976 then if you sign in on your birthday you would get a 1976 ticket. Now he is trading that ticket for something he wants.

Ohhh thanks for explaining it mate!
Playnthru- Sent the ticket @1:02am by the way, I don't get why you sent me horns xD :P
Friends list has been shortened down, please add me. I will be trading in the following order

FR sent, I will send paints in 2 days (12/30). Is 3 gold/2 silver OK or do you want something else?
^^ Be careful of werty, he likes to promise things. He gets his item that he is after, then does not follow through with his end of a deal!! True story.