2.0 Advanced Competition - Week 1 - OPEN

  • Thread starter jus1029
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Inactive due to lack of GT7 or FH5
Metro Manila

Week 1


Chosen by Week -2 winner, GTP_XXX

"Tight Roads"
Cars: Any
Tracks: Costa di Amalfi, Citti di Aria and George V Paris
Photo Travel: No
Explanation: In the words of Justin, "Just show us cars in those tight tarmac rally stages!"


(2.0 Rules by SlipZtrEm)

What you may not do to a photo:
  • Alter the geometry of the car. No stickers, or body modifications not available in game.
  • Add shapes or objects from outside of GT4, signatures excepted.
  • Add lens flares or "artistic" filters to image.
  • Remove items from shot (scenery, other cars).
  • Use more than 1 image (HDR, photo-stitching, multi-exposure).
  • "Creative cropping". The main "image" must be four-sided, with 90-degree, upright corners.
  • Selective car colour changing: masking different parts to create racing stripes or similar.

What you may do to a photo:
  • Crop and/or resize an image.
  • Adjust the level or curve values.
  • Alter the colour tone of the image (gradient maps, photo filters, colour balance, etc).
  • Car body colour change (all stickers/design features must remain, see "Remove Items" rule).
  • Adjust brightness, contrast, exposure, shadow/highlights.
  • Enhance shadows or highlights (dodge and burn tools in Photoshop, for example).
  • Add noise and/or diffuse glow.
  • Add a post-game tilt-shift blur, or apply a motion blur to a stationary Photomode shot.
  • Make use of Layer Blend Modes.
  • Use a Sharpening filter and/or tool.
  • Scale or enlarge rims.
  • Remove or modify license plates.
  • Remove the GT watermark.
  • Add a personal signature.
  • Clean up or fix jaggies, texture pixelation, or colour separation.
  • Add a vignette effect.

  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry)
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly in RED.
  • Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as Imageshack, Photobucket or Flickr.
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.


April 14th, 2013

Happy Photomoding and Editing everyone! :cheers:
Hopefully I will tonight :D just have too many ideas and all except one involve rally cars :lol:
No. Not at these tracks anyway... :P I'm thinking something small and Italian or French. (La joie de vivre!!) :)
Yesterday was a busy day:

Managed to get a shot of a *cough* I better not tell it for B.A.J.s UEC theme, a few for this one (admitted, literally all except one are rally cars :lol: ) and I even managed to dig up one for my own "Mighty Wings" theme. As I said, yesterday was a busy day :)
Yesterday was a busy day:

Managed to get a shot of a *cough* I better not tell it for B.A.J.s UEC theme, a few for this one (admitted, literally all except one are rally cars :lol: ) and I even managed to dig up one for my own "Mighty Wings" theme. As I said, yesterday was a busy day :)

Is it bad that every time you said "yesterday was a busy day" made me think of this? :lol:

Might not be safe for work.
Oh yeah buddy, that's bad :lol: (sarcasm, I'm not gonna comment on music that may not be my daily preference), it was more a reference to the "today was a good day" meme's but potato/potato, anyways stay tuned during the weekend for my entry.. All I can say is Wide :D

Edit: Final entry

I'd like to know if what's been done is illegal to allow time for changing it. :nervous:
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Glad you like it, only thing I'm uncertain about is if "soften portrait" (Paint.net > Effects > Photo) would be illegal. It's not an "artistic" filter but those are found in "effects" too so just wanted to be sure :) Soften Portrait makes it look kinda Premium 👍
Filters are fine. As long as your shot doesn't use more than 1 image (HDR, photo-stitching, multi-exposure), all is well. :)

Or should I say,
AAL IZ WELL! :lol: (3 Idiots)
Darn, once again someone steals my second idea :lol:

Just noticed that on the preview I've cut the GT watermark out but not on the fullsize, I'll change this asap 👍
Where's The Focus On?

Click for Lightbox!
Isn't that getting the third time I see that black Nissan on this track? Getting lazy? :lol:

Thanks to those who participated! :cheers:
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