#2 Interview a GT4 Photomode gallery owner - Franz's Interview is up folks!

  • Thread starter Pebb
It is actually longer than I expected
but it's all great ... hope that won't scare the next victim being interviewed :lol:
Well, then I would do it by Audio or draft someone in to interview me like my Brother if possible. But remember I will still offer anyone a chance to be interviewed by Audio.
I was going to bed and then i started to read and then I couldn't stop
and now I'm finished:) great inteview 👍

and now I'm very sleepy:boggled: :)
that's great! i remember you telling me about the interview as you both went along over msn. awesome work guys!
Nice work TVRFF
consider how hard to filter and edit all these off-topic conversation
Wow, a very interesting interview. I discovered some personal things I've never expected haha. I specially like the Imracer question part... what can I say, it's nice to read that, at least as a symbolic fact :D

Now bananas are going to attack Bram lol. I'm impatitient again :D

Fantastic interview... couldn't stop reading it once.
Wow, 3 hours? :lol: Are these interviews done through an MSN type discussion, or voice to voice?
It would be very interesting to actually listen to it. 👍
Fantastic interview... couldn't stop reading it once.
Wow, 3 hours? :lol: Are these interviews done through an MSN type discussion, or voice to voice?
It would be very interesting to actually listen to it. 👍
It all depends on weather the person wants to be interviewed by text or audio, but I am hoping Ultrashot can be interviewed by audio.