2 Player on Test Course

Vitoria - ES
Well i found some people that are in to "racing" ,but they aren't really used to GT4, so all we do is race on the Test Course with really fast cars. I have a GT1 and a sauber mercedez that both do around 530KM (317 mph) top speed and if someone crashes, they can still catch up doing the same or less speed (drafting + NOS gets it up to 530km, but cruising speed is around 450km[269mph]) It's not only with these two cars its with all cars that top out same speed.

So my question is how is this possible? If iam going 160mph tops and a person wrecks with the same car and is 6 sec. behind me catch up?
Is there a glich on the game?

I have handicap off or at 0 and don't ask me how these guys wreck on the test course, they just do. lol.:dopey:

sorry if this is a repost...:guilty:


hafa d.
Not sure how is possible, but I do agree that the test track is a good way for people who are into gaming yet aren't into the racing genre to wet their feet with. Personally, I perfer to move to Super Speedway if they liked playing the game.
That's actually exactly right. Not just maybe, the track is shorter the closer to the apex that you go.
That's actually exactly right. Not just maybe, the track is shorter the closer to the apex that you go.

And at 160mph pretty much any car is capable of staying low and keeping the speed up. Some cars are better off staying around the middle of the track to exploit higher speed.
Yes, the lower the line you take the shorter the track, but with race cars at very high speed you will find the higher on the curve you are, the faster you will be going. This is the case for any car that can still make it around the corner without hitting the wall, the downforce created by being so high up the banking increases acceleration greatly.
Going above the widest yellow line at 245mph is far faster than being below the lowest line at 230mph. I know, I've done both :P

But being in the slipstream of another car takes effect long before you can hear any difference in the wind noise - coming up behind another car from as far away as 500 or 600 metres will increase your top speed, so this is most likely where the catch-up effect is coming from.

The SuperSpeedway 150 Miles endurance (and Sarthe II 24hrs) is a great way to test the effects of slipstreaming... I found that acceleration was so much faster, even if the other car was up to 4-5 seconds ahead (about 600 meters at those speeds, I reckon)...
In the Options screen, under 2-player battle, adjust the Boost setting. This controls the amount of the effect you're seeing. Even on none, though, there is a certain "let the back guy catch up" built in to the game.
thanx for all replies... i'll try adjusting the boost setting to low or none at all. but i really don't think the shorter line makes a difference because the higher up u are the faster u r going. i guess the game just has the (quote^) "let the back guy catch up" on it.

again thanx for all answers.

hafa d.