2016 GTP Awards - Most Opinionated Member

  • Thread starter DQuaN

Who deserves to win GTPlanet's Most Opinionated Member award for 2016?

  • Danoff

    Votes: 27 13.3%
  • homeforsummer

    Votes: 7 3.4%
  • Imari

    Votes: 37 18.2%
  • prisonermonkeys

    Votes: 95 46.8%

    Votes: 10 4.9%
  • Sanji Himura

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • Tornado

    Votes: 19 9.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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That was the risk I had to take. If you had done it, I probably would have just kept quiet.
Earlier you indicated that you PM'd @DQuaN to take you out of this poll. Was that a falsehood as well or is @DQuaN also in on the "joke" and he never did receive this supposed PM?
How did I miss @prisonermonkeys pulling a Trump? I almost have a politics degree and I missed that? I am deeply ashamed.
Like legitimately that is my biggest issue here. That I didn't see it.
I suspected but wasn't 100% sure. I wanted to point out out some inconsistencies to be able to say "haha, good joke", but those inconsistencies could have been just that. Inconsistencies.

Plus it would have ruined the joke if I'd ruined the joke.
Having an opinion so ridiculous you think it is a joke is nothing new with pm, but if anything it was at least a bit of a virtue that he was consistent and wouldn't change his often silly views to save face. Didnt think he'd pull something so childish, the "I was just pretending to be silly all along!" card, attempting to shift the best example of irony I've ever seen, to a really really bad joke, bordering on AUP violating dishonesty levels.

Should have taken the banter course that some of the other staff have definitely taken then.
Didnt think he'd pull something so childish, the "I was just pretending to be silly all along!" card,
You're free to believe that if you wish - but like I said, how do we know that you're not trying to explain it away because you don't want to admit you fell for it?
You're free to believe that if you wish - but like I said, how do we know that you're not trying to explain it away because you don't want to admit you fell for it?
I fell for it, and really, the "falling for it" seemed almost universal.

Though I'm still not sure that you've fathomed the light that it paints you in. I understand it that you thought you had manufactured an unreasonable and ridiculous false front. However, that people couldn't distinguish that from your usual behaviour says a lot.

"Deliberately dumb" humour is possibly exclusively done by smart people. The context of that person being smart, and their audience knowing that they're smart is crucial to it's success. Let's just say that using that as an analogy......... no-one "laughed".
You're free to believe that if you wish - but like I said, how do we know that you're not trying to explain it away because you don't want to admit you fell for it?
As has been said, people would only fall for it because outlandish opinions are not so outlandish when coming from you. And that honestly says a lot more about you than it could ever about me or anyone.

In the end, whether you're pulling a ruse or seriously turned a nomination that isn't the Darwin award into something negative, you didn't really gain anything from this, apart from votes solely due to irony and some egg on your face.
Personally thought @prisonermonkeys was taking the piss, his first post on here gave it away. Impressed though given how long he has been a member here, he could pull off such a view.

All it really indicates is his facade is indistinguishable from how nearly everyone actually perceives him, assuming that was his intent from the start. Which I'm still not convinced is the case. Either way, he "lost" this one.
All it really indicates is his facade is indistinguishable from how nearly everyone actually perceives him, assuming that was his intent from the start. Which I'm still not convinced is the case. Either way, he "lost" this one.
At the end of the day, only way to pull it off is to keep same posting style and try and make it somewhat believable. First and subsequent posts gave it away as he has been a previous award winner, a member long enough to take part in all DQuaN GTP award threads and has made comment such as following in one.
Yeah, I'd like to know who didn't vote for me in the quote of the year category. I'm polishing my good banhammer as we speak.

Either he had truly lost it or was just trying to live up to the nomination. The latter seemed most logical to me.
Personally thought @prisonermonkeys was taking the piss, his first post on here gave it away. Impressed though given how long he has been a member here, he could pull off such a view.
Not sure if that means the same thing here as it does over 'ome, but the thought has also crossed my mind....more than once actually....:lol:
Where am I on the list? :lol:

Anyway, I wouldn't win this but I would win the 'User who's made the most pointless and/or locked threads?' award.

By my count I have won this award 4 times. It's an honor just to be nominated. You put together a year of opinionated posts with the strongest opinions you can in hopes that someone notices, and at the end of the year that's all you can do - just go out there and be as opinionated as possible.

Best of luck to all of the nominees. But honestly, if I don't win this, then results are wrong, I don't accept them, it was rigged, and it's possible Russia hacked them. If I win, then it's legitimate.
Wow, its amazing the lengths some people will go to just to get some attention. :rolleyes: What a childish act this was just to win an internet forum award. What a sad life you must have.

When you post something like that without referring to a particular previous post or member, my default is to assume that it's aimed at the post above. I guess it's clear enough who you're talking about here, but it's safer to link or quote.

I think @prisonermonkeys was just getting carried away having a good time. That's probably not a strong enough opinion to win this for me. I still blame Russia.
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When you post something like that without referring to a particular previous post or member, my default is to assume that it's aimed at the post above. I guess it's clear enough who you're talking about here, but it's safer to link or quote.

I think @prisonermonkeys was just getting carried away having a good time. That's probably not a strong enough opinion to win this for me. I still blame Russia.

My apologies for not making it clear as to who I was talking to/about. :dunce: Yes, my post was indeed aimed towards @prisonermonkeys. I meant no ill will towards you at all Danoff in posting after you. You'd think I'd know how to use the internet by now but I guess not. :lol: Maybe I just need a good "teacher" to show me how to use these forums.:sly:
I finally worked out which criteria I would use in selecting where to cast my vote. I either know, or can assume, that they're all about as opinionated as each other, within reason. Given that, I'm choosing to make it a positive rather than neutral award in my thought process - and no, that doesn't mean voting for the person I most often agree with. I'm choosing based on which person I believe is most open to changing their mind on a held view.

Having an ego (with or without equivalent knowledge base) sizeable enough to be ranked among the most opinionated should be matched by the amount of humility necessary to be willing to change one's own mind on any topic at any time, for it to be a healthy state of being.

Within the context of an award based on being opinionated, I believe it's the highest praise I can give @Imari.

* @Tornado needs to be told of my respect. @Danoff and @RESHIRAM5 have been told previously. @Sanji Himura and @homeforsummer I have had not so much interaction with. @prisonermonkeys...... hahaha.
I'm choosing based on which person I believe is most open to changing their mind on a held view.
Then you should have won it, because you always change your mind. I have never encountered someone so fluid in their opinions before as you. Of course, you only ever do it for the sake of attacking someone, even if it means completely contradictory statements. So I guess that means that you have no principles at all, and only value getting a few quick jabs in during a discussion.
Then you should have won it, because you always change your mind. I have never encountered someone so fluid in their opinions before as you. Of course, you only ever do it for the sake of attacking someone, even if it means completely contradictory statements. So I guess that means that you have no principles at all, and only value getting a few quick jabs in during a discussion.


I get it now.

Then you should have won it, because you always change your mind. I have never encountered someone so fluid in their opinions before as you. Of course, you only ever do it for the sake of attacking someone, even if it means completely contradictory statements. So I guess that means that you have no principles at all, and only value getting a few quick jabs in during a discussion.
Something you have stated repeatedly without ever having offered up an actual example of it.

I am genuinely interested to know if this is a perception that others share though. I would absolutely vow to change (at the very least) how I express myself, if your view was a widespread one. It'd be a bitter pill for sure, but such is life.
Then you should have won it, because you always change your mind. I have never encountered someone so fluid in their opinions before as you. Of course, you only ever do it for the sake of attacking someone, even if it means completely contradictory statements. So I guess that means that you have no principles at all, and only value getting a few quick jabs in during a discussion.

Of course, like the other insults you threw out at people in this thread, I'm sure this is just a joke.
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