2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Results are only viewable after voting.
If anything, you’d want to watch the guy trying (and failing) to keep his peculiar proclivities a secret.

He’s all over them like a rash, look. It’s obscene.

This is the thing, until 10 or 15 years ago this was entirely socially acceptable behaviour for old people, be they men or women. That wasn't great, but it's how it was. Kids were expected to submit to pats, hugs and kisses from pretty much any old person and not make a fuss about it. The idea that kids should have agency in choosing who touches them is pretty recent. I imagine to the great disappointment of handsy grandparents everywhere.

The only thing it's a sign of is that Biden is a very old man who is a product of his times. It's part of the argument as to why he's not an appropriate leader for a major country in 2024, his mindset is decades out of date. But that's all. He's kind of a creep by modern standards, but there's a massive gulf between "kind of a creep" and "rapes children". These are not the same thing, and one does not automatically imply the other.

And if "he's kind of a creep" is an argument that someone shouldn't be a politician, we wouldn't have politicians. On the scale of scandalous things that politicians do, this doesn't even register. You've got to be trafficking minors or at least get caught with your dick in one to even start to compete these days.

Trump's noted creepiness around children (and women) isn't a reason why he shouldn't be elected, it's just a reason why he's a creep. The reasons why Trump shouldn't be elected are because he's a traitor and a criminal.
Rapist or fiddy kiddler? Interesting choice. Glad I’m not American :lol:
Exactly what evidence do you have that Joe Biden has sexually abused children? This is the claim you're making, and you have essentially no evidence to back it up.
She alleges, and he denies.
The jury sided with her. It's not a "she alleges" situation. She won her case.
It’s honestly quite unbelievable they got a conviction from that. Talk about bent as a nine bob note! :lol:
I'm sure you're quite the legal scholar and have been over this case at length. But if you have, I find it troubling that you've dismissed the fact that Trump is rapist so easily. One second you're saying it's open and shut, the next you're saying it's bent. You're all over the place.

It turns out the guy that we all heard in recorded audio suggesting that sexually abusing women is a good idea has actually done it, and a jury found him liable for it. Where is your equivalent of your accusation that Joe Biden is a "fiddy kiddler"? Where is your court case? Where is your jury verdict? Where is your mountain of evidence?

See, you're pretending that the choice is between a known child molester and a suspected groper. The reality is that the choice is between someone who ISN'T a criminal and who we have no evidence has molested chidlren, vs. someone who has actually been found liable in court by a jury to have sexually abused a women and who has stated in recorded audio that he thinks this is a great idea. You know, Epstein's party buddy.

And that's not all I can say about Trump. That ignores most of his crimes. But it is about all I can say about Biden's criminal history, he doesn't have one.
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We have some terrible politicians here in the UK - bent, weasly, lying scumbags the lot of them - but nothing like this.
I mean... just this last week:

And then:

Which is just convictions (Davies aside) for sexual offences (one against a child) just this decade. Sidle back just a couple of years more and we have Cyril Smith. All of which had, necessarily, more evidence than any offences Biden is supposed to have committed.

That one of the supporting evidence videos is doctored alone says that the evidence against Biden is pretty much as weak as "he's an old guy, whose only daughter was killed in a car accident, who has previously behaved in an overly familiar manner towards some girls in public like old people do".

Yeah, we find it creepy as all **** these days. I'm not sure it quite stacks up to the level of even our own MPs and their sexual proclivity towards coercive control and the underaged, never mind 45's repeated statements of sexual misconduct toward people including his own daughter and underage girls at beauty pageants he owned, numerous allegations of sexual misconduct (including rape of minors; for balance, the "Jane Doe" case looks to be false and vexatious, but it is not the only one), one straight up conviction for a sexual assault that's only territorially not rape (and only then because his cock is so small that the person he assaulted couldn't definitively tell it apart from his finger) but was also found to be rape "by the common usage of the word", lifetime association with one person arraigned pending prosecution for and another actually convicted of child sex trafficking (those people being a couple and not unrelated)... and so on...

Moving on to something that actually makes sense, here's the Easter greetings from the two leading candidates:


I should add that this isn't entirely true. 45's Easter message was in fact his 71st message posted to Pravda on Easter Sunday, before noon. He racked up over 100 across the day.

What does "fauni" even mean?

And, for those who think candidates' Christian beliefs matter, 45 was - once again - not attending church for the most important day on the Christian calendar. Too busy socialling.
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Moving on to something that actually makes sense, here's the Easter greetings from the two leading candidates:


I should add that this isn't entirely true. 45's Easter message was in fact his 71st message posted to Pravda on Easter Sunday, before noon. He racked up over 100 across the day.

What does "fauni" even mean?

And, for those who think candidates' Christian beliefs matter, 45 was - once again - not attending church for the most important day on the Christian calendar. Too busy socialling.

166 words. One sentence. All caps. All about himself, except when he's talking about himself in the third person.

Let's give this stable genius a job requiring cool, thoughtful and nuanced decision-making, taking into account the best interests of the American people no matter the personal cost.

If a neighbor posted an Easter message like this, how would you feel?
I mean... just this last week:

And then:

Which is just convictions (Davies aside) for sexual offences (one against a child) just this decade. Sidle back just a couple of years more and we have Cyril Smith. All of which had, necessarily, more evidence than any offences Biden is supposed to have committed.

That one of the supporting evidence videos is doctored alone says that the evidence against Biden is pretty much as weak as "he's an old guy, whose only daughter was killed in a car accident, who has previously behaved in an overly familiar manner towards some girls in public like old people do".

Yeah, we find it creepy as all **** these days. I'm not sure it quite stacks up to the level of even our own MPs and their sexual proclivity towards coercive control and the underaged, never mind 45's repeated statements of sexual misconduct toward people including his own daughter and underage girls at beauty pageants he owned, numerous allegations of sexual misconduct (including rape of minors; for balance, the "Jane Doe" case looks to be false and vexatious, but it is not the only one), one straight up conviction for a sexual assault that's only territorially not rape (and only then because his cock is so small that the person he assaulted couldn't definitively tell it apart from his finger) but was also found to be rape "by the common usage of the word", lifetime association with one person arraigned pending prosecution for and another actually convicted of child sex trafficking (those people being a couple and not unrelated)... and so on...

Moving on to something that actually makes sense, here's the Easter greetings from the two leading candidates:

View attachment 1342391

I should add that this isn't entirely true. 45's Easter message was in fact his 71st message posted to Pravda on Easter Sunday, before noon. He racked up over 100 across the day.

What does "fauni" even mean?

And, for those who think candidates' Christian beliefs matter, 45 was - once again - not attending church for the most important day on the Christian calendar. Too busy socialling.

Truth's character count is waaaay too high. TL;DR
I bet the thousands of ATCs who were fired by Reagan in 1981 for going on strike are still smarting about there being an airport in DC named after him.
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What a fantastic waste of time and money. It's also tough to change the name of an airport since they'd need to change the IATA and ICAO. It's not surprising the House would rather do anything else other than solve problems or govern.
Renaming the airport is really more of a cost to the airport authority. Giving it a whole new code is a lot tougher because of the navigational challenges. You could rename Floribraska Regional Sputterport to Frank Grimes Interregional Airport with the appropriate amount of fanfare, and the locals will probably still call it The Sputterport for the next 15 years. But "IAD" has a marketing problem; the locals generally prefer nearby Reagan/DCA for local flights. It also sounds like a medical device/surplus military equipment, and the word "Dulles" just needs a T to be even worse. It's located in Virginia, so it's up to the Commonwealth or what the local authority to bother with renaming it; no amount of capitol critters can just scribble out the name in a binding manner just because they happened to vote it.

It's one thing to adjust the code for some some local grass airfield but a lot more to change out a truly international airport's existing code from IAD to [whatever] as a navigational aid, travel booking, and cargo/baggage servicing. I guess because several Presidents got an airport dedicated to them (with the exception of Nixon, Obama, and Carter), it's not the craziest suggestion. But I think that's already a pretty good litmus test of politics right now that we can wait a few decades before worrying about that. Besides, I think the only reason Little Rock renamed it after the Clintons was because most people struggle to think of any other famous Arkansans whom aren't reality TV stars.

Ironically, F45 is already in use for the general facility in western Palm Beach County. Every so often, the wandering stars align, don't they?

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What has he done to deserve having the federal capital's airport named after him?

I know it sounds silly, but really? What are the reasons? In business, he's a charlatan with multiple bankruptcies that he may wash his personal hands of. In politics, he's a one term Republican President no more outstanding than... Warren Harding? In pop culture, he's a sex offender who shouldn't have a street named after him because there isn't one long enough nor crooked enough.

What's the argument other than sucking Stalin's dick?
What has he done to deserve having the federal capital's airport named after him?

I know it sounds silly, but really? What are the reasons? In business, he's a charlatan with multiple bankruptcies that he may wash his personal hands of. In politics, he's a one term Republican President no more outstanding than... Warren Harding? In pop culture, he's a sex offender who shouldn't have a street named after him because there isn't one long enough nor crooked enough.

What's the argument other than sucking Stalin's dick?
Only Trump could bankrupt an International airport the moment they stuck his name on it.
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Not to defend Trump or anything, but the chart doesn't seem all that terrible when zoomed out. It looks really bad in the (very) short term, but the current price is still a ~2.8x compared to what it was in January.
Not to defend Trump or anything, but the chart doesn't seem all that terrible when zoomed out. It looks really bad in the (very) short term, but the current price is still a ~2.8x compared to what it was in January.
I think what they're hoping is that if Trump wins he will use the platform exclusively to spew his bile increasing the value of the media company considerably. If he doesn't win it won't be worth as much.
"Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman were found liable by a federal judge in New York in March 2023 for targeting Black voters and sending false and threatening messages intended to discourage voting."

They launched a robocall campaign during the 2020 election targeting thousands of predominantly Black voters in Ohio, Minnesota, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Detroit, and Virginia. The recorded call contained lies about mail-in voting and featured a woman’s voice reading this script:

"Hi, this is Tamika Taylor from Project 1599, the civil rights organization founded by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl. Mail-in voting sounds great, but did you know that if you vote by mail, your personal information will be part of a public database that will be used by police departments to track down old warrants and be used by credit card companies to collect outstanding debts? The CDC is even pushing to use records for mail-in voting to track people for mandatory vaccines. Don’t be finessed into giving your private information to the man. Stay safe and beware of vote by mail."

“The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, and it belongs to everyone. We will not allow anyone to threaten that right,” James said in a statement on the settlement. “Wohl and Burkman orchestrated a depraved and disinformation-ridden campaign to intimidate Black voters in an attempt to sway the election in favor of their preferred candidate.”

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They launched a robocall campaign during the 2020 election targeting thousands of predominantly Black voters in Ohio, Minnesota, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Detroit, and Virginia. The recorded call contained lies about mail-in voting and featured a woman’s voice reading this script:

"Hi, this is Tamika Taylor from Project 1599, the civil rights organization founded by Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl. Mail-in voting sounds great, but did you know that if you vote by mail, your personal information will be part of a public database that will be used by police departments to track down old warrants and be used by credit card companies to collect outstanding debts? The CDC is even pushing to use records for mail-in voting to track people for mandatory vaccines. Don’t be finessed into giving your private information to the man. Stay safe and beware of vote by mail."

"Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman were found liable by a federal judge in New York in March 2023 for targeting Black voters and sending false and threatening messages intended to discourage voting."

“The right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, and it belongs to everyone. We will not allow anyone to threaten that right,” James said in a statement on the settlement. “Wohl and Burkman orchestrated a depraved and disinformation-ridden campaign to intimidate Black voters in an attempt to sway the election in favor of their preferred candidate.”

Something tells me this isn't going to prevent these jackasses from doing something like this again.