2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

Have you voted yet?

  • Yes

  • No, but I will be

  • No and I'm not going to

  • I can't - I don't live in the US

  • Other - specify in thread

Results are only viewable after voting.
As far as I can tell Australia doesn't have a NOTA option on the ballot, which it absolutely should, if voting is mandatory... that would piss me off.
It does. "Mandatory voting" just means that you have to show up to a ballot place and have your name ticked off a list. They give you a ballot, but they're not hovering over your shoulder making sure you do it right. If you happen to not write anything on it or happen to fill it out incorrectly or draw dicks in every box then you have functionally voted NOTA. Hell, you could draw a box, tick it and write "NOTA" next to it and that would work too.

This is technically known functionality if you look into it, but it's not exactly advertised because they would prefer people to actually vote. Or you can just pay the fine, which was 20 dollarydoos last time I checked. It's high enough that it's worth it to most people to go along and spent the 5-15 minutes to vote, but not high enough that it's going to actually be a burden on anyone but the very poorest. And they let you off on pretty much any excuse unless you try and pull it repeatedly.
It isn't perfect as Australia is clearly an example of a poorly executed one, likely to voters not fully understanding how our system works with the two major parties corrupting their way to make it look they are the only choice and a Hung Parliment being seen as a bad thing. The fact voting is Mandatory so people with little to no interest have to vote only makes it contradictory to the benefit of preferential voting. (I wish we could out a lot of the turnout by making it optional)
Oh. So you wish that voting was optional so that the people who are voting "wrong" in your eyes don't have a voice. I can see nothing wrong with that.

Definitely don't blame the parties who are misleading voters. It's the voters who are at fault for foolishly believing anything that they were told. And for not spending the right amount of time and effort in researching their vote, whatever that is. More than whatever they did if you disagree with their vote, I guess. :rolleyes:
It's gotta be an act, or she married him to try to get herself into the White House, or he's got the biggest unit on earth, or they're both mentally ill. I can't figure it out.
I seriously doubt he's got Girthmaster beat so you can strike that one off the list.
Oh. So you wish that voting was optional so that the people who are voting "wrong" in your eyes don't have a voice. I can see nothing wrong with that.
Not exactly, voting optional =/= people shouldn't vote and should come down to a choice. If people disagree and wanted to go in vote for parties or people I don't like (to keep align on the thread in this case, Trump), sure, I don't want that power taken away just because it doesn't align with what I want. This is also reverse in those who do vote similarly but wouldn't if it was optional, if they rather stay home than vote join in, Id also rather they stay home.

I don't think forcing the power on people who don't want to use but suddenly get into a position of obligation when they wouldn't otherwise more takes away the freedom of choice then it does help out with choices. Optional > Mandatory > People actually unable to vote.

It's not about people not having a voice. It's about not forcing people into having one if they don't want to, it's not necessarily a free voice if they make it up on the fly only under being forced to or paying a fine.

Definitely don't blame the parties who are misleading voters. It's the voters who are at fault for foolishly believing anything that they were told. And for not spending the right amount of time and effort in researching their vote, whatever that is. More than whatever they did if you disagree with their vote, I guess. :rolleyes:
This I struggle to understand. I don't think its usual the general populace fault if they are presuaded by misinformation when its often ridiculously hard to gain said proper information
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Pit it this way, I'm from a country where a whole race of people were prohibited from voting. So, voting must be very important to a group of people that wanted to keep whole groups from voting.
When I found out how long ago Aboriginals were given the right to enroll, I wasn't too surprised. However, I feel a mandatory vote gets everyone involved. That's the purpose. No matter how many evils one feels they must choose between.

I've felt any country where the people have the right to change outcomes, beginning that change from the local community to person that will represent said country, is an honour. I felt good to exercise my mandatory right to my first vote as an Australian Citizen. No different to when I turned 18 in the USA and could feel like I was actually participating in making my voice heard.

As Meythia pointed out it's more than looking at voting as a burden and more of look where your vote didn't go.
it's more than looking at voting as a burden and more of look where your vote didn't go.
Locally speaking, our last election has only had a participation of 65%

With a result of
1. 30%
2. 16% <- Nazi! these is their supposed 100% turnout that would have dropped to 12% of voting would have been mandatory and every vote would have been simply something else than Nazi!
3. 13%

Imagine the 35% non voters would have formed their own party, they would have been the majority choice now.
Yeah. Many need to keep in mind those before us that voted and didn't vote. Can't wonder how things are better or worse when we all have a shot to change something... and don't take that shot.
I respect the hell out of Gary Peters. When Peters was in the House, my grandpa needed full-time nursing care for his Alzheimer's, his office helped my grandma get his VA benefits in order and pushed through quickly when the VA was dragging their feet. Within days of reaching out to his office, my grandpa was in a full-time nursing facility that was 100% covered.
Conservative Mesa mayor John Giles says Trump is a far-right threat to democracy and supports Biden's CHIPS act which funds US semiconductor research and manufacturing. He's pledged his support for Kamala.
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The orcs interfering in the US elections?

shocked philip j fry GIF

The disinformation can focus on the candidates or voting, or on issues that are already the subject of debates in the U.S., such as immigration, crime or the war in Gaza.

Boy, I haven't seen that in person a bunch of times!
Maybe I'm an idiot or I just don't care about Pennsylvania........but I've never heard of Ben Shapiro until this VP discussion popped up. The news is talking about how Ben Shapiro outperformed Biden by a huge margin in PA while Mark Kelly's margin was much smaller. Ben Shapiro this, Ben Shapiro that.

Edit: Oops, I mean Josh Shapiro. And therein lies the problem - not only does nobody know who this guy is, but his name is Shapiro, and everybody knows that name for all the wrong reasons. You know another name that everybody knows?

Mark Kelly. He's an astronaut and every human on planet earth thinks that's badass. Mark Kelly would be an unstoppable power move, and he would very likely be a great future president pick despite being near 70 by then. I don't even care about the man's politics, he is an educated and trained problem solver, cool under pressure, evaluates all his resources and engages his team, confident yet humble, and pragmatic without hesitation.
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Edit: Oops, I mean Josh Shapiro. And therein lies the problem - not only does nobody know who this guy is, but his name is Shapiro, and everybody knows that name for all the wrong reasons. You know another name that everybody knows?
If someone is aware enough to know who Ben Shapiro even is, they'll know he's not the Shapiro that's going to appear on a Harris/Shapiro Presidential ticket.

Political followers also likely don't know who Mark Kelly was before this election either, therefore, hearing the name, "Kelly" in a political discussion might lead them to think Megyn Kelly first since she's also been a political commentator even longer than Ben has and has also dug into the right wing media circle. But, again, if you know who she is, then you know she's not going to be the Kelly on a Harris/Kelly ticket, either.

I give Dem voters more credit than that. Esp. since they'll actually be seeing & hearing from Josh Shapiro if he becomes the VP.

This man is losing it.
Crazy Kamala Harris, voted the WORST Vice President in American history, needed a concert to bring people into the Atlanta arena, and they started leaving 5 minutes into her speech. I don’t need concerts or entertainers, I just have to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
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This man is losing it.
Remember reading crap like that every single day? What a stressful time that was.

Keep in mind that I don't think we're after Democratic voters. Anybody likely Democrat is going to rally around Kamala regardless. We're after people who are undecided, waffling, or even possibly Republican, trying to convince them to vote Democratic. Maybe they don't follow politics at all but they definitely know who Mark Kelly is because he's been talked about for years on anything from 60 Minutes to the Discovery Channel and they certainly know about the hell that his wife Gabby Giffords went through. I get your comparison but I don't think it's a good one because frankly it's almost unreasonable for a person to not know who astronaut celebrity Mark Kelly is.
Iran never invaded Israel under Trump? I wasn't aware Iran ever invaded Israel. Unless you count Hamas/Hezbollah attacks as invading Israel/attacking Israel, then they did.
View attachment 1376936
Accomplished, professional, intelligent, well-spoken woman who's spent four years in a stable White House administration.

Deranged, short-tempered, convicted felon lunatic with 4lb bodyweight per IQ point, a propensity to blurt out (or steal) classified intelligence to put US assets at risk, never read a single briefing, openly mocks women, veterans, people with disabilities, and can't stay on a single point without vomiting boastful word gumbo who spent four years in an unstable, excrement-and-ketchup-smeared White House.

American voters:
Remember reading crap like that every single day? What a stressful time that was.

Keep in mind that I don't think we're after Democratic voters. Anybody likely Democrat is going to rally around Kamala regardless. We're after people who are undecided, waffling, or even possibly Republican, trying to convince them to vote Democratic. Maybe they don't follow politics at all but they definitely know who Mark Kelly is because he's been talked about for years on anything from 60 Minutes to the Discovery Channel and they certainly know about the hell that his wife Gabby Giffords went through. I get your comparison but I don't think it's a good one because frankly it's almost unreasonable for a person to not know who astronaut celebrity Mark Kelly is.
I had no idea who Mark Kelly is until recently. I don't follow Discovery Channel or 60 Minutes, and in my time following politics, he's only been in it 4 years quietly serving as a Governor. I knew who his wife was only because of the political violence that was aimed towards her.

You find my comparison unreasonable b/c you know who he is in the same way your hesitation for Josh Shapiro is unreasonable. If someone reads Shapiro on Harris' ticket, & thinks, "Is that Ben Shaprio?", they're going to immediately go, "No, Ben's a die hard conservative, it must be someone else".
Iran never invaded Israel under Trump? I wasn't aware Iran ever invaded Israel. Unless you count Hamas/Hezbollah attacks as invading Israel/attacking Israel, then they did.
I think he's trying to tie that to assassination of Ismail Haniyeh occurring on Iranian soil & Iran declaring it will retaliate, seeing it as an attack on their own country.

But yes, no one has actually invaded anyone.
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Problem with polls is same as in 2016 and 2020. With how demonized Trump is, people just too scare to say they would vote for Trump.
Citation needed. Please show evidence that people are too scared to answer a poll in favor of Trump.

There are many sources of bias that are difficult to control for in polls. But one of the biggest is who is willing to answer the phone. For example, an angry group might be more likely to answer the phone than a group which is not angry. If that were true today, one might expect more angry Trump voters to answer the phone.
It's almost like getting rid of the feeble old man was the right move all along:

I'm glad the Democrats and Biden finally saw the light, but the difference in polling numbers shows a drastic shift.
Please show evidence that people are too scared to answer a poll in favor of Trump.
IDK, look at actual results and poll results for previous elections? Both Clinton and Biden results are spot on, Trump is lower by few %
IDK, look at actual results and poll results for previous elections? Both Clinton and Biden results are spot on, Trump is lower by few %
Trump in 2016 was a relative nobody to politics and Clinton had a checkered past. In 2020, Trump's extremely poor pandemic policies likely motivated voters to abandon him late.
Other presidential candidates had policies people didn't like, with Trump, he has policies that people don't like and is an enormous asshole. It's not exactly rocket surgery to conclude that more and more people don't like him today than 4 or 8 years ago. Now that Democrats are going to roll out someone who isn't old enough to have gotten an invite to the last supper, some people see Trump as the crazy old man yelling at clouds (which he definitely is).
Problem with polls is same as in 2016 and 2020. With how demonized Trump is, people just too scare to say they would vote for Trump.
What are you talking about?

The polls don’t publish personal data. There’s zero reason to be “scared” to answer a poll that keeps you anonymous. :rolleyes:
The polls don’t publish personal data.
And you still need to say loud that you voting for "russian agent" and "dictator" and against strong woman of colour. Average human is conformist and not too comfortable with idea of saying unpopular opinions, even to faceless poller.