2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno
The Democrats really are going to do everything in their power to reelect Trump:

Put a younger candidate in and the Democrats win by a landslide. But nope, they'll stick by the feeble old man and have him lose to a deranged old man while taking the rest of the country down with them.
And when he has lost, they'll have no idea how that could have happened.

Good job, blue voters. Good job.
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And when he has lost, they'll have no idea how that could have happened.

Good job, blue voters. Good job.
Not exactly, they will blame everyone else for not rallying around their unpopular candidate.

It already happened with Hillary's campaign blaming "Bernie Bros" for Trump's win despite Sanders voters having more party loyalty than Hilary's own voters did in 2008.
Every election it's voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Want to change something this election? Protest by voting 3rd party as Team Orange is a sure winner for now.
Well that definitely would help change the US into a 1 party state.

A 2-party system is not the worst case scenario.
No, that's not what I meant. 2 parties is fine if the candidates are. Obama vs McCain. That was a proper election.

Moderate Republican and Democrat voters all around should punish their politicians by not voting for them. You can't keep doing the same over and over and expect different results.
Team Orange is a sure winner for now.
I'm not sure about it, and as much as I support third parties I don't see why this election would favor them above others. In the past at least, it didn't really matter which major candidate won. This time it does. Maybe you see something that I don't, but voting for Biden is far from a lost cause in my opinion. He's running against Trump.
No, that's not what I meant. 2 parties is fine if the candidates are. Obama vs McCain. That was a proper election.

Moderate Republican and Democrat voters all around should punish their politicians by not voting for them. You can't keep doing the same over and over and expect different results.

Obama vs. McCain is the time to speak out by voting 3rd party. When the two candidates are so close that you don't care, say something different. Voting 3rd party means you care about something more than the difference between the main two.
Given the electoral college, third party votes are only really dangerous in swing states. Granted, there's more of those now than there should be...
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He was already showing this behaviour when he arrived in the oval office, I can dig up my old posts mentioning it, but that was put aside as nonsense and Trumpism and what not, and now it's too late as Gramps is stubborn.
Yes, but if the DNC unwaveringly backs Biden and refuses to have a primary despite Biden having low approval rates even amongst his own party, there’s no real mechanism for people’s disdain for Biden to be channeled. Democrats who can actually win are not going to challenge Biden unless there is a primary, and people aren’t going to magically flock to types like Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips, ignoring the fact that they didn’t get any media coverage to begin with, because there really was no primary. Trump may also have a low approval rating, but the difference is there was a primary and a clear majority of Republican voters chose Trump.
Yes, but if the DNC unwaveringly backs Biden and refuses to have a primary despite Biden having low approval rates even amongst his own party, there’s no real mechanism for people’s disdain for Biden to be channeled. Democrats who can actually win are not going to challenge Biden unless there is a primary, and people aren’t going to magically flock to types like Marianne Williamson or Dean Phillips, ignoring the fact that they didn’t get any media coverage to begin with, because there really was no primary. Trump may also have a low approval rating, but the difference is there was a primary and a clear majority of Republican voters chose Trump.

If he's a ready to go as he claims, a party challenge would give him a chance to regain support. If he can rise above challengers, it would provide more confidence that he's a good pick, rather than just being not donald.

At this point, Biden is really running against himself. Don is don. Everyone knows who that creep is. Biden's only electability challenges are with regard to his own personal capability, and he can show that against anyone - including primary challengers.

Honestly he should probably welcome opening things up rather than asking for them to be locked down. It's just another opportunity for him to win support. And if someone else wins support, great.
You guys must be exhausted, from carrying all of trumps water, with all of this replacement nonsense.

Since y’all love to search engine and cite stuff. How about you google me up the number of states where replacing the candidate on the ballot at this stage would not give rise to legal challenges, if not being outright forbidden (death etc.. aside).

Also. Biden is actually completely fine. Not that the NYT would have you believe it. The liberal rag that it is ran something like 190+ pearl clutching critiques of Bidens age.. maybe less than 10 about the Supreme Court taking a massive dump on all of us.
You guys must be exhausted, from carrying all of trumps water, with all of this replacement nonsense.

Since y’all love to search engine and cite stuff. How about you google me up the number of states where replacing the candidate on the ballot at this stage would not give rise to legal challenges, if not being outright forbidden (death etc.. aside).

Also. Biden is actually completely fine. Not that the NYT would have you believe it. The liberal rag that it is ran something like 190+ pearl clutching critiques of Bidens age.. maybe less than 10 about the Supreme Court taking a massive dump on all of us.

He hurt his prospects really badly during the debate. And the "pearl clutching" which is misused in this case, about Biden's age is about whether he can beat trump. The supreme court taking a dump on all of us is the reason why biden hurting his re-election chances is so important.

Not at all sure why you don't see that.
He hurt his prospects really badly during the debate. And the "pearl clutching" which is misused in this case, about Biden's age is about whether he can beat trump. The supreme court taking a dump on all of us is the reason why biden hurting his re-election chances is so important.

Not at all sure why you don't see that.
Not sure how you don’t see this as carrying trumps water. Also, from what i gather. Far fewer people care, than you think do. The old stuttering guy, didn’t do great against the table pounding bs artist, in the middle of summer.

Unless the goal is to farm up some voter apathy to help trump.

Heck, the smarter response if you were concerned would be to vote D down the entire ballot thereby attempting to halt Project 2025, and protect Biden with strong majorities in the house and senate. To protect all of us.

Ill be here waiting for you nimble fingered folk to tell me that there wouldn’t be ballot challenges or worse if we went full moron and attempted hotseating the candidate..
You guys must be exhausted, from carrying all of trumps water, with all of this replacement nonsense.

Since y’all love to search engine and cite stuff. How about you google me up the number of states where replacing the candidate on the ballot at this stage would not give rise to legal challenges, if not being outright forbidden (death etc.. aside).

Also. Biden is actually completely fine. Not that the NYT would have you believe it. The liberal rag that it is ran something like 190+ pearl clutching critiques of Bidens age.. maybe less than 10 about the Supreme Court taking a massive dump on all of us.
There wouldn't be much of a challenge, or at least successful challenges, if it's before the August 19th DNC. During the DNC, the Democrats will solidify their candidate with the majority holder of the 4,000-ish delegates getting the nod. Some states would bitch, because of course they would, but I doubt much could be done. There are some filing deadlines that could creep up, but if that was the case they could run with Dean Phillips who registered to run.
If he's a ready to go as he claims, a party challenge would give him a chance to regain support. If he can rise above challengers, it would provide more confidence that he's a good pick, rather than just being not donald.

At this point, Biden is really running against himself. Don is don. Everyone knows who that creep is. Biden's only electability challenges are with regard to his own personal capability, and he can show that against anyone - including primary challengers.

Honestly he should probably welcome opening things up rather than asking for them to be locked down. It's just another opportunity for him to win support. And if someone else wins support, great.
Though the only appropriate time for a primary challenge against Joe Biden would have been the normal primary season. I'm not convinced that this late in the game, Biden being successfully being replaced will ensure that the Democrats will win in 2024 when they otherwise wouldn't. While literally any serious candidate would be more electable than Biden, the optics surrounding this entire debacle are really damaging, especially if that nominee would be someone other than Harris.

At face value it's understandable that there was no formal primary against Biden because there is almost never one while an incumbent president is in office. But it's for good reason that the presidency is two four-year terms instead of a single eight-year term. Not only was Biden historically unpopular, but also less fit- which the national party arrogantly shooed over- especially motivating a primary, in which rising stars in the party can make their case.

But if you think that Biden's debate against Trump was bad, a primary debate against Biden would look significantly worse. Even a relatively milquetoast candidate like Newsom would wipe up the floor with him. Not only would literally any Democrat look better for being younger, more energetic, and more in control over their own words, but they would also expose that he just isn't as representative of the party's base compared to many other candidates. He would have to answer why he so ardently supports Israel, why he hasn't proposed a plan to expand healthcare access, while he still opposes legalizing marijuana, why he didn't do more to circumvent legislative challenges posed by Manchin and Sinema, why he cannot excite the youth and is slipping with Hispanic/Latino voters, among other tough questions. There is simply much less room to look bad when Biden is attacked for ridiculous, conspiratorial things by Trump then legitimate concerns from his own party/voter base.

The Democrats could have readily made this choice in 2023. Do they quell any primary efforts or intra-party dissent and run Biden regardless of whether or not he seems able to deliver a victory? Or do they embrace change, have a fair primary, and come to understand that whoever the winner is- whether Biden or not- is the best choice the party can put forward. Because it certainly isn't Biden and even the insiders know it, but they're too concerned with not rocking the boat, protecting Biden's pride and ego- despite it seriously damaging his own potential legacy- because it's what Biden wants, just like Feinstein and RBG refusing to resign when it was well past their time. Nevertheless, it's simply too late now to replace Biden. The best case scenario is that enough Americans reluctantly vote for him because they recognize the perils of four more years of Trump and Project 2025, because there is simply nothing Biden can do to make himself look any more convincing. The damage has been done.
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Nevertheless, simply too late now to replace Biden.

I don't think so.

Essentially the existence of the nation is at stake. I think we can do whatever we need to do. If Biden can't look good against other democrats, then let them take a shot. I'm not actually convinced that Biden isn't the best candidate. But some competition from the democrats gives him the chance to look good or to let someone else look good. Trump just looks like Trump.

Normally in an election at this time, you want to solidify discussion around how great one candidate is, and how bad the other one is. That's what Biden is trying to do, play this like it's normal. But it's not normal. The attack ads against Trump write themselves, and can air regardless. But rallying behind Biden is not going to convince people that he's the best candidate in the same way that some competition from competent opponents would. And if he's not, he should WANT to step down because I know he's interested in Trump being defeated at whatever cost.
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I don't think so.

Essentially the existence of the nation is at stake. I think we can do whatever we need to do. If Biden can't look good against other democrats, then let them take a shot. I'm not actually convinced that Biden isn't the best candidate. But some competition from the democrats gives him the chance to look good or to let someone else look good. Trump just looks like Trump.
No one legitimately thinks he is the best Democratic candidate. No one even thought this in 2020- he was always the compromise candidate, for both progressives and other moderate liberals who supported more electable candidates like Buttigieg or even Klobuchar. He was never able to make this case.

Some competition from the Democrats would do this- in 2023, when it was supposed to take place. Now, this is the greatest possible gift to Republicans- a Democratic party so fractured that their nominee is abruptly abandoned 2-3 months before the election.
Normally in an election at this time, you want to solidify discussion around how great one candidate is, and how bad the other one is. That's what Biden is trying to do, play this like it's normal. But it's not normal. The attack ads against Trump write themselves, and can air regardless. But rallying behind Biden is not going to convince people that he's the best candidate in the same way that some competition from competent opponents would. And if he's not, he should WANT to step down because I know he's interested in Trump being defeated at whatever cost.
The best thing Biden can do right now is fight hard and make a compelling case against Trump and the Republican party. He shouldn't be afraid fear-monger, or even use the F-word (fascist), if he has to. He also shouldn't this when-they-go-low-we-go-high game as if the stakes for the nation aren't as high as they ever have been, and instead craft a compelling narrative about how voting for him is a vote to keep one's rights and freedoms. While Biden's actual presidency wasn't particularly awful, there's really not much more he can do to tout his accomplishments effectively, and there is certainly nothing he can do to argue why he is a particularly great candidate, so this is the route Biden ought to take.
a Democratic party so fractured that their nominee is abruptly abandoned 2-3 months before the election.


Just doesn't give the republicans long enough to fear monger. Most Biden voters will vote for just about whoever is running opposite Donald.
There wouldn't be much of a challenge, or at least successful challenges, if it's before the August 19th DNC. During the DNC, the Democrats will solidify their candidate with the majority holder of the 4,000-ish delegates getting the nod. Some states would bitch, because of course they would, but I doubt much could be done. There are some filing deadlines that could creep up, but if that was the case they could run with Dean Phillips who registered to run.
You, with a straight face, are telling me that republicans wouldn’t mount a massive number of challenges in an attempt to log jam the legal system. Given that delay would induce paralysis, even a foul tip would be a win for them. The media would go full dip turd. Why wouldn’t they? Its what I’d do in that situation. Its low hanging fruit..


Also, Dean flippin who?
Not exactly, they will blame everyone else for not rallying around their unpopular candidate.

It already happened with Hillary's campaign blaming "Bernie Bros" for Trump's win despite Sanders voters having more party loyalty than Hilary's own voters did in 2008.
Well, to be fair, that's gonna happen with Republicans as well. They attacked Libertarians for not backing Trump & if Trump loses, I'm sure they'll be doing it again. Probably be attacking RFK Jr. as well.

Edit* It appears nobody is happy with the NYT at the moment, lol.
On Sunday, Donald Trump erupted at The New York Times, slamming it in crazed and bizarre terms for its supposed unfair treatment of him. Yet if anything, in recent days the Times has crusaded relentlessly against his opponent, President Biden.
Trump's statement should be correctly linked without needing to go to the article.
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Trump's statement should be correctly linked without needing to go to the article.
"I've said negative things about the [ insert adjective/gerund ] New York Times for years, why would they attack me like that?"
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Well, to be fair, that's gonna happen with Republicans as well. They attacked Libertarians for not backing Trump & if Trump loses, I'm sure they'll be doing it again. Probably be attacking RFK Jr. as well.

Edit* It appears nobody is happy with the NYT at the moment, lol.

Trump's statement should be correctly linked without needing to go to the article.
Trumps attack on the times makes sense. Kind of was expecting it to be honest.
You, with a straight face, are telling me that republicans wouldn’t mount a massive number of challenges in an attempt to log jam the legal system. Given that delay would induce paralysis, even a foul tip would be a win for them. The media would go full dip turd. Why wouldn’t they? Its what I’d do in that situation. Its low hanging fruit..


Also, Dean flippin who?
I said some states would probably challenge it; however, given how the candidate selection process takes place if Biden were to drop out before the DNC, I'm not sure there would be any way to challenge it. After the DNC, though, it's another story since the candidate has been picked.

Dean Phillips ran against Biden in the primaries and is a registered candidate who has submitted all the filing paperwork. As far as I can see, the filing would be the only issue with Biden's replacement.

I don't think Biden can win the election, and I think the Democrats need to do something to prevent Trump from seizing power again. If they continue with Biden, they're playing with fire, and there's a high likelihood they'll lose the election. Replace Biden with anyone who's not bordering on dementia and who isn't old enough to have an autographed Bible, and the Democrats will likely win in a landslide.
The DNC is hoping the voters use the "never let perfect be the enemy of good" logic. The problem is assuming voters will do that as opposed to just choosing not to vote.
Voting third party in this situation would be only slightly less un-American than not voting at all, which I assume is what all the yokels in this thread are talking about doing. I feel like getting back to work supporting blue would be more productive than discussing an alternate reality which isn’t happening but that’s just, like, my opinion.

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