2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

Just doesn't give the republicans long enough to fear monger. Most Biden voters will vote for just about whoever is running opposite Donald.
This is pretty much me at this point. Call me over-dramatic, because I probably am, but my #1 concern at this point is the literal existence of the United States as we actually know it further down the line, and all the bad 🤬 that would transpires, both domestically and abroad, if that goes away. For me, the upcoming election is quite literally a battle for the future of the world as we know it. All Trump cares about is power and control, as showcased during January 6th, and being president is nothing more than a vehicle for him to achieve that. He's very clearly shown that he's more than willing to chip away at and throw away key pillars of this nation to keep himself propped up free of consequence, and I only see him fully assaulting those pillars if he gets another term.

Now, all of that being said, I do think it would be best if Biden were to be replaced. Unfortunately I'm not super well-versed in who else is currently at the top of the Democratic Party, what with being highly concerned about the future existence of the USA and all, so I don't know who the best pick would be. It would very much have to be someone that all involved can strongly rally behind, young voters especially, and can adequately convince voters (again, young voters especially) that it's extremely important to vote for them in order to fight for the security of the USA and its place in the world for future generations. This person would need to do all of this without potentially fragmenting the Democratic Party and its voter base, and the Party would also need to keep its collective 🤬 together so that their support of said individual at least appears strong and unwavering to the average American, and not look like a random, poorly-planned pick that was made within a few months of the election.

However, my cynicism tells me the Dems in their current state would not be able to do all of that, and as such, backing Biden is probably the safest option we currently have.
This is pretty much me at this point. Call me over-dramatic, because I probably am, but my #1 concern at this point is the literal existence of the United States as we actually know it further down the line, and all the bad 🤬 that would transpires, both domestically and abroad, if that goes away. For me, the upcoming election is quite literally a battle for the future of the world as we know it. All Trump cares about is power and control, as showcased during January 6th, and being president is nothing more than a vehicle for him to achieve that. He's very clearly shown that he's more than willing to chip away at and throw away key pillars of this nation to keep himself propped up free of consequence, and I only see him fully assaulting those pillars if he gets another term.

Now, all of that being said, I do think it would be best if Biden were to be replaced. Unfortunately I'm not super well-versed in who else is currently at the top of the Democratic Party, what with being highly concerned about the future existence of the USA and all, so I don't know who the best pick would be. It would very much have to be someone that all involved can strongly rally behind, young voters especially, and can adequately convince voters (again, young voters especially) that it's extremely important to vote for them in order to fight for the security of the USA and its place in the world for future generations. This person would need to do all of this without potentially fragmenting the Democratic Party and its voter base, and the Party would also need to keep its collective 🤬 together so that their support of said individual at least appears strong and unwavering to the average American, and not look like a random, poorly-planned pick that was made within a few months of the election.

However, my cynicism tells me the Dems in their current state would not be able to do all of that, and as such, backing Biden is probably the safest option we currently have.
Everybody who is nationally known and widely liked (Newsom and Whitmer) already publicly backed Biden, and the only other potential candidate, Michelle Obama, is a ridiculous idea, esp3cially considering Barack is appearing in brand new ads supporting Biden. Most people don’t like Kamala at all and black people hate her.

It ain’t happening people. It’s been decided. Just do your jobs and vote.
Michelle Obama, is a ridiculous idea, esp3cially considering Barack is appearing in brand new ads supporting Biden.
She hasn't expressed interest in running and told her children not to get into politics, which is a pretty good indicator that this was a fantasy at best.
She hasn't expressed interest in running and told her children not to get into politics, which is a pretty good indicator that this was a fantasy at best.
I've heard this argument. I've also heard arguments like "Barack wouldn't be interested, he likes his life" and stuff like that.

Guess what, I like my life too. I'm pretty happy right where I am. But if you told me that I had to do a really hard job for the next 4 years and be vilified by the press and have to be surrounded by bodyguards to prevent attacks at all times, etc. etc. in order to save the friggin world from the US being destabilized into a dictatorship... I would sign up.

I wouldn't even think about it. I would just sign up.

I don't understand how anyone who has the ability to just walk on isn't leaping at the chance. Jon Stewart, for example, could cake-walk through this election into the white house. I'm sure Jon doesn't want the job. Tough luck man! You have the potential to do entirely too much good for any consideration about what you want for the next 4 years. Michelle? let's go. Barack? Let's go.

If you had the power to stop what is currently happening but it required personal sacrifice, how on earth can you look at that and not think it's a worthy cause? Same goes for any ego Biden has around a second term.
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As a left-leaning outsider, Gavin Newsom seems to me like he'd be a natural choice for democrats seeking some younger blood. A quick look at his past policy choices seem pretty inline with the current democrat party direction. What's the general opinion on him in the US?
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As a left-leaning outsider, Gavin Newsom seems to me like he'd be a natural choice for democrats seeking some younger blood. A quick look at his past policy choices seem pretty inline with the current democrat party direction. What's the general opinion on him in the US?

Whitmer probably brings a swing state whereas Newsom brings the liability of embodying california. Even if whitmer and newsom had the exact same policies, whitmer would play better in middle america due to the lack of california stigma.
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If you had the power to stop what is currently happening but it required personal sacrifice, how on earth can you look at that and not think it's a worthy cause? Same goes for any ego Biden has around a second term.
I think a lot of it has to do with the mentality of the average politician. Even the most ethical and down-to-earth politician doesn't see the world like the rest of us do since most are in the "elite" echelon of society. Also, most politicians probably feel like they've already sacrificed enough to get where they are and don't want to sacrifice anymore. Politicians are also, for the most part, old and old people see the world differently too. I would almost bet that Biden and Trump have many similar viewpoints because of the era in which they were raised.

As for Biden's ego. He doesn't think he will lose; no politician does, and he thinks his decision is the right one and is surrounded by a bunch of "yes men" who agree with him. If politicians cared about the good of the country, things wouldn't be so terrible across the board. But politicians care about themselves first and foremost, and if what benefits them happens to benefit the country, then so be it.

Republicans emphasize this ideal more than anyone else. I would be willing to bet most Republican politicians don't believe half the crap they say, but they say it and push for it because it means they get to keep their job, along with all the perks, and get truckloads of money in the process. This is why I don't get Trump cultists. Why on Earth would you simp for any politician when any one of them would sell you down the river if it meant getting votes?

Anyone who actually cares to stop what's going on doesn't have the mentality, lack of ethics, or money to do so.
Anyone who actually cares to stop what's going on doesn't have the mentality, lack of ethics, or money to do so.

Well that's very cynical.

Don't get me wrong, I understand that some of it is grounded in reality. But I find it very cynical. The number of people that fell on their swords over principles of the US under the Trump admin was high. And Biden himself didn't want to run, and didn't run in 2016, but was kinda dragged back in.

I think Biden considers himself the best chance for victory. I also think if he could be convinced that he wasn't, he would step aside - because I think he cares way more about Trump not taking office than about having his own second term.

The poll numbers presented to Biden probably showed Michelle and Kamala ahead of him and that's about it. I think what he would take from that is that people like his pick for VP, and they like the idea of Michelle, even though she's not a politician and might be way in over her head. As a result, he looks at it and figures he's the best person for the job.

I look at it differently. Biden is past his peak of voter approval, whereas people polling near him haven't even started their campaign. Biden might be thinking, I'm starting from a proven track record and better polling numbers, so why not focus on me? The answer is that there is more upside to someone else. Also potentially more downside. But it's binary, if you're going to come up just short, try something else.

I just categorically reject that anyone gets to say "I don't want to run" if they could beat Trump. Sorry, there are too many people who will die, and too much pain and misery at stake, for someone to be that selfish. If they're approaching it that selfishly, they haven't thought it through carefully enough, or something is deeply disturbingly wrong with them.
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Well that's very cynical.
It is, but that's how I see it. There are some very passionate people out there who could make a real difference in the country but are unable to or don't want to deal with the shady side of politics.
The number of people that fell on their swords over principles of the US under the Trump admin was high.
Sort of, but a number of people stopped short of actually doing anything meaningful. Weirdly, Pence probably fell on the sword the most and was almost lynched by terrorists because of it. But look at all the Republicans who denounced Trump only to now kiss his ass because they want to stay in power. The few that actually went through with challenging him lost their power, but at least they did something meaningful. Liz Cheany is about as Republican as they come and actually stood up to Trump and lost her job because of it. If more Republican politicians had had a spine to do that, Trump would probably be an afterthought now since the Republican party would have shattered.

Republicans in Congress should've absolutely impeached and removed Trump after the insurrection, but they didn't want to rock the boat. They wanted to keep their job, and they wanted to stay in power, so instead of doing what was good for the country, they took the weasel's way out.
I just categorically reject that anyone gets to say "I don't want to run" if they could beat Trump. Sorry, there are too many people who will die, and too much pain and misery at stake, for someone to be that selfish. If they're approaching it that selfishly, they haven't thought it through carefully enough, or something is deeply disturbingly wrong with them.
The people who do want to run, can't. They lack the money to do so and no one is going to bankroll them. The people who can run and who would get bankrolled have said they wouldn't.

Honestly, at this point, it almost feels like the Democrats want to lose so they can raise a crap ton of money and potentially get a supermajority in Congress during the midterms. I don't know if that's true or not, but it certainly feels like they are not doing all they can to stop Trump. The Republicans did the same thing, but instead of investing the money they got from donors into campaigns, they just lined their pockets.
Sort of, but a number of people stopped short of actually doing anything meaningful. Weirdly, Pence probably fell on the sword the most and was almost lynched by terrorists because of it. But look at all the Republicans who denounced Trump only to now kiss his ass because they want to stay in power. The few that actually went through with challenging him lost their power, but at least they did something meaningful. Liz Cheany is about as Republican as they come and actually stood up to Trump and lost her job because of it. If more Republican politicians had had a spine to do that, Trump would probably be an afterthought now since the Republican party would have shattered.

Republicans in Congress should've absolutely impeached and removed Trump after the insurrection, but they didn't want to rock the boat. They wanted to keep their job, and they wanted to stay in power, so instead of doing what was good for the country, they took the weasel's way out.

I was mostly thinking of senior officials within the executive and the military.

The people who do want to run, can't. They lack the money to do so and no one is going to bankroll them. The people who can run and who would get bankrolled have said they wouldn't.

Well the people who can run and would get bankrolled should reconsider, because that's not acceptable. In terms of getting bankrolled, I think it just comes to a consensus. If someone out there is a consensus pick to replace biden, I they get bankrolled. They just need a certain threshold of support.

Honestly, at this point, it almost feels like the Democrats want to lose so they can raise a crap ton of money and potentially get a supermajority in Congress during the midterms. I don't know if that's true or not, but it certainly feels like they are not doing all they can to stop Trump.

I don't believe that anyone is trying to sandbag and be crafty for the future. Best thing for the democrats right now is for Trump to lose and continue to be prosecuted. I don't understand how anyone sees past november at this point.
I was mostly thinking of senior officials within the executive and the military.
Still, not enough of them did what they should've done to preserve the nation because they were more worried about themselves or their jobs than what was best for the country.

I still think most of the blame lies with Republicans who were too spineless to nip this four years ago and didn't. But it all comes down to politicians care more about themselves and their jobs than they do anything else. It seems like all any of them do anymore is just campaign instead of being in Washington actually fixing problems.
Well the people who can run and would get bankrolled should reconsider, because that's not acceptable. In terms of getting bankrolled, I think it just comes to a consensus. If someone out there is a consensus pick to replace biden, I they get bankrolled. They just need a certain threshold of support.
I agree, they should reconsider, but those that have the means likely don't want to give it up for all the crap that comes with being a president. Michelle Obama knows what goes on in the White House and likely doesn't want to go back down that path despite being one of the best shots the Democrats would have of defeating Trump. I'm also not sure if anyone who has the ability wants to rock the boat so that they can preserve their political careers. Whitmer nor Newsom wish to throw a wrench into their loftier ambitions that likely happen in 2028. If they come out and say, "Biden should step aside right now," they're going to be cast out of the party, and their chance at the presidency is gone.
don't believe that anyone is trying to sandbag and be crafty for the future. Best thing for the democrats right now is for Trump to lose and continue to be prosecuted. I don't understand how anyone sees past november at this point.
I don't know, I think both parties sandbag for future fundraising. The Democrats and Republicans constantly do it with abortion and neither actually wanted the status quo to change because they were both making bank off of it while doing the bare minimum to change anything. The Supreme Court messed that all up for the Republicans, though, by giving them a big win and handing the Democrats a gift-wrapped talking point on which to fundraise.

If the Democrats truly wanted to defeat Trump once and for all, I feel like they'd be doing more and more people would be sacrificing their careers over it. But Trump and Trumpism provide the Democrats with a big windfall of money. I don't see them wanting to give up the cash cow, especially if a Trump victory means they run the table during the midterms. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be an issue because the parties essentially trade back and forth power and use it to fund raise. Trump is a wild card because he's so different than anything else we've had and upset the balance. I don't think the Democrats either see that or care about it though.
If the Democrats truly wanted to defeat Trump once and for all, I feel like they'd be doing more and more people would be sacrificing their careers over it. But Trump and Trumpism provide the Democrats with a big windfall of money. I don't see them wanting to give up the cash cow, especially if a Trump victory means they run the table during the midterms. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be an issue because the parties essentially trade back and forth power and use it to fund raise. Trump is a wild card because he's so different than anything else we've had and upset the balance. I don't think the Democrats either see that or care about it though.

I don't see it that way. I think it's clear what's happening, but not as clear what to do about it.
Whitmer probably brings a swing state whereas Newsom brings the liability of embodying california. Even if whitmer and newsom had the exact same policies, whitmer would play better in middle america due to the lack of california stigma.
Yep. That's why I think Newsom needs the whole election cycle to campaign & sell himself to the rest of the American public as more than a "coastal elite", and from now to November isn't anywhere enough time. Republicans would shred him in advertising as him turning the US into the "failed experiment entitled California".
Yep. That's why I think Newsom needs the whole election cycle to campaign & sell himself to the rest of the American public as more than a "coastal elite", and from now to November isn't anywhere enough time. Republicans would shred him in advertising as him turning the US into the "failed experiment entitled California".
I mean if he faces DeSantis, he could rebound with Florida man, but that's opponent specific.
Trump reshared this article on his platform.
The French election results showed that the “alliance of dishonour” between President Emmanuel Macron and the far left effectively blocked the populist National Rally from gaining a majority despite the Le Pen party having won the most votes.

Does this guy forget he also won his election despite not having won the most votes?
lizard laughing GIF
And Biden himself didn't want to run, and didn't run in 2016, but was kinda dragged back in.
Biden didn't run in 2016, because of his son death. Presidency of US is holy grail for every US politician and its his 5th chance to be president. Of course, he wants it.
Biden didn't run in 2016, because of his son death. Presidency of US is holy grail for every US politician and its his 5th chance to be president. Of course, he wants it.
This is definitely not true. It's the holy grail for the most ambitious, but I highly doubt more than 10% of elected officials would even want to do it.
I am talking about federal level politicians, obviously there are plethora of local politicians that doesn't give a ****.
He's still right.

Look at McConnell, look at Kennedy. These are major Republican figures in the party at the federal level, yet they've never had an interest in making the next step b/c they're perfectly content where they are. Outside of Biden, most of our current living Presidents are not "federal level", either; they're considered liaisons. Obama was a Senator, but he was also extremely young; he only served 3 years before making the leap to the Presidency. Bush was a Governor. Clinton was a Governor. Reagan was a Governor. Carter was a Governor.
He's still right.

Look at McConnell, look at Kennedy. These are major Republican figures in the party at the federal level, yet they've never had an interest in making the next step b/c they're perfectly content where they are. Outside of Biden, most of our current living Presidents are not "federal level", either; they're considered liaisons. Obama was a Senator, but he was also extremely young; he only served 3 years before making the leap to the Presidency. Bush was a Governor. Clinton was a Governor. Reagan was a Governor. Carter was a Governor.
Schumer, McConnel, Reid, Frist, Dashcle, Lott...you have to go all the way back to Bob Dole in 1996 to find a US Senate Majority leader (arguably the 2nd or third most powerful elected official in the US, theoretically just one run below the President) who even ran for president.
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Outside of Biden, most of our current living Presidents are not "federal level", either; they're considered liaisons.
Governor or senator is obvious way to presidency, of course. Some just want to care about their state, but don't care about US in general. But any politician that care about US as federation and have decent chances wants to be President. He could never talk about it or try, because his time didn't come, but will always want it.
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He could never talk about it or try, because his time didn't come, but will always want it.
This is akin to being asked to become a staff member & declining, and someone like you going, "Yeah, but deep down, he really wants to be a mod, even if he can't say it out loud."

It's nothing more than a silly coping response, instead of accepting you were off on your original belief.
As a left-leaning outsider, Gavin Newsom seems to me like he'd be a natural choice for democrats seeking some younger blood. A quick look at his past policy choices seem pretty inline with the current democrat party direction. What's the general opinion on him in the US?
Newsom appears to most Americans - and definitely to most right-leaning Americans - as just slightly less moonbatty than Jerry Brown was. Which isn't saying anything good. If the Democrats propose Newsom, bet your ass that the Republicans will post thousands of pictures of squatters crapping in the streets of San Francisco and tell you that is America if he's elected.

While I'm here, what do we think of Project 2025, the latest iteration of the Naz... I mean, Christian Nationalis... I mean, Republican Party's Final Solution... I mean, master plan for "overhauling the US government"? Here's an excerpt from the first page of the introduction:
The late 1970s were by any measure a historic low point for America and the political coalition dedicated to preserving its unique legacy of human flourishing and freedom. Today, America and the conservative movement are enduring an era of division and danger akin to the late 1970s. Now, as then, our political class has been discredited by wholesale dishonesty and corruption. Look at America under the ruling and cultural elite today: Inflation is ravaging family budgets, drug overdose deaths continue to escalate, and children suffer the toxic normalization of transgenderism with drag queens and pornography invading their school libraries.
I mean, seriously?! Fewer than 300 words in and you're already playing the bullcrap "LGBTQ is destroying our children" card? Who's using "wholesale dishonesty" now?
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Governor or senator is obvious way to presidency, of course. Some just want to care about their state, but don't care about US in general. But any politician that care about US as federation and have decent chances wants to be President. He could never talk about it or try, because his time didn't come, but will always want it.
You give up normalcy for the rest of your life by being President for a maximum of 8 years, a position of intense pressure, scrutiny, and stress. From the outside, it looks like an absolutely brutal job, and the political hatcheting and bureaucracy never stops, for the rest of your life. For the most ambitious politicians, that's a pill they can swallow but again I don't think that pool is more than 10% of elected officials.

Former presidents can't drive on public roads or go anywhere alone

WASHINGTON — Around the time President Donald Trump arrived at his Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Florida, Wednesday afternoon, he became former President Trump, a private citizen. But that doesn't mean he can just hop in his car and go wherever he wants. Actually, he's not allowed to drive on public property. It’s just one of many rules former presidents must follow thanks to the Former Presidents Act which was passed in 1958.

Before the act was passed, former presidents were pretty much on their own. Take George Washington for example. He enjoyed a post-presidency life of distilling whiskey at his Mount Vernon Estate.

Today, there are a number of rules in place to not only keep past commanders in chief safe, but to also guard the highly secured information they gained access to after their time in the White House.

Other than not being allowed to drive themselves on a public road, former leaders of the free world are not allowed to go anywhere alone. Once they leave office, they have secret service protection for life.

Former presidents no longer receive private mail. It all goes through the Secret Service first.

They cannot share any classified information that wasn't shared while they were in office, but they are required to establish a Presidential Library. This is to honor their legacy and allow the public to view their official records.
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I'm mocking your response.

You were wrong on your belief regarding who actually seeks out the Presidency in our country and you resorted to a dumb ass fall back of, "Well, I still think...."
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You give up normalcy for the rest of your life by being President for a maximum of 8 years
We talking about politician that could become president, I don't believe there are some at this level that not ready for that. Those people are powerhungry murder machines, I don't think they scare of not being able to drive car on public roads.
you were wrong
Prove me wrong, all you did before is post some nonsense analogies for whatever reason and examples when someone who has 0 chances to be elected refuse to participate.
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We talking about politician that could become president, I don't believe there are some at this level that not ready for that. Those people are powerhungry murder machines, I don't think they scare of not being able to drive car on public roads.
What fictional universe are we in now?

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