Looks really nice an excellent job with the reflections 👍
Very cool tones. 👍
Those Golf pics are outstanding. They look like real VW ads 👍
Outstandingly clean !
Love the minimal editing.
Great set
Very, very nice set mate. DoF is spot on. 👍
Just browsing your thread and had a look at 20832's picture. Wow, very impressive.
Wow, while drooling on the desk!
Beautiful. Clean and simple, love the last 2 shots.
Love the Kyoto shots!
Great job, 20842! 👍
a wild el fayce appeared
nice sots
What a gate rest! Pssst. It's a puzzle.
I want to eat the 2nd shot because it's sooooooo good. 👍
Wow !
Want to see the whole set !
Looking at the picture I can say that it will be something special
Am I right ?
Now your just teasing me, with the ooze of Scooby hotness. 👍
Nice preview. Looks really nice.
I like that preview; bring on the whole set!
I thought the bumps and ramps on Hellhole raceway would scare everybody away, I guess I was wrong.
Nice can't wait
Fantastic shots! Love the Kyoto photos. 👍
Fantastic shots! My favorites are 1,5 and 6. 👍
I almost broke my Ipad when I saw this !!!
Fantastic shots