Well assuming that the myans are wrong, and the world doesn't end in 2012, Humanity will pretty much be the same it has always been, over-populating, money/ power-hungry, intolerant, following stupid un-proven causes, behind war-monger leaders, and being duped by religous twisting. But I am sure that technology will have greatly increased, not geared to what would be best for humanity, rather to what is most profitable.
I think that holographics will replace tv/ video games, and cars may still exist though probably completely controlled by a computer. All disease should be erradicated, but suppression of illness is far more profitable (just ask the FDA), than curing it. Computers may actually be implanted into the brain, or be able to intercept brain-waves. But I am sure that Light-Sabres will exist by then.
As long as humanity doesn't blow itself up with weapons more powerful than nuclear warheads, humanity will exist same as always, only with better increasing technology and knowledge. I hope I am wrong and Humanity finds a way to help and work with itself, but sadly it hasn't happened much to date. The most powerful people still control the masses and 'life' in general.
Sorry on being so optimistic, but look at the Light Side at least we may have light-sabers. lol
Nuclear war will have happened. We will be all living in little villages and farming with plows.
Thats a scary thought, specially if the cold-war's feared 'Mutually Assured Destruction' comes to be. If complete Nuclear War happened today, by 2100 we would just barely be coming out of a 'Radiation Contaminated State'. Not sure how the Human Race could survive, without an evalutionary response.
Big war, probably in Europe or the Middle-East. Lots of folks die thanks to new technologies, may even see the unthinkable happen in the United States or the UK (ie, nuclear weapons, EMP, etc), a pretty good bunch of chaos.
I agree that may definately be a possiblity, by rogue nations.
- Minor war, the next "American Civil War"? Predictions don't put it out of question, but I doubt we'd see it happen any time soon...
I would consider Coup D'etat a higher possibility than a 2nd civil war.
- Post-war(s), emergence of regional collective governments, possibility of global government seeming entirely possible.
A global government could be a possibility, but I think that would only happen in the case of, contact with an aggressive alien race, either a violent race or a 'peace-maker' race.
- Travel and colonization of Mars seems realistic at the least, presumably shared between the US/Allies and China.
This still is not feasable, and may not be for far more than 93 years, due to misplaced technological growth, and under-funded research.
- May see the irradiation of AIDS, some forms of cancer, and hopefully things such as autism and diabetes.
This could be a possibility right now, but the drug companies, insurance companies, and the FDA care more about suppression than cures; suppression is more profitable.
- Minimal use of petroleum, extensive use of "alternate" fuels such as solar, wind, and bio-power. I'd hope the technology would be caught-up by then...
Yet again possible right now, if not for the economic hold the petroleum industry has on the world, and again profit is the key.