24-Hour Race Twitchiness?

I'm running the La Sarthe II 24-hr race - this is the first 24-hr race that I've run - in the Pescarolo C60. At the start of the race the car felt great: super stable, fast, very easy to handle at high speeds. Now, 10hrs into the race, the car is becoming increasingly unstable at high speeds. It is so twitchy on the high-speed straights, regardless of the condition of the tires. It is so much harder to control, like the chassis is wearing out.

Has anyone else experienced their cars becoming more difficult to drive during the course of the full 24hrs? What is the problem? Is there a way to compensate for it in the settings?
I noticed this when I was Bspecing the Nurb last night with the Minolta. I decided to do a few laps about 13 hours into it and couldn't hardly do the first lap I tried because of the twitchiness. I went back into the pits and gave it back to my Bspec driver and he went on just fine.

I don't know what causes this, nor how to fix this, but I would certainly like to find out.

IIRC, this topic has been covered somewhere, I'll try and find that for you.

I know this has been covered somewhere, I remember the guy saying that he did all the chassis refresh and everything and that didn't work at all. I can't seem to find the thread though :grumpy:.
The car just gets old , get ready to sell it and buy a new one. You could buy the chassis refresh and all but it probaly won't work. Reason why I did the 24 hr race with a Mintola , not a 4mil dollar race car!
But how would this apply to the Formula One car, you can't even give it an oil change, so what happens when this chassis/roll cage problem appears?
I also foound this out and it was quite frustrating! After the 24hour races you can do the body refresher upgrade but i never bother as while that will return the chassis to good as new the engine is totaled after 24hours and you permamantly loose power. So seel the car and buy a new one, use cars in the endurance races that can be bought again. e.g. the R8 etc not cars which take ages to win e.g. Speed 8! Hope this helps!