I cannot believe this happened to me, but its a good lesson for all that may have young kids in the house. A couple weeks ago i reached level 35 on b-spec. Yesterday morning I decided to start the 24 hours of La Mans race. I used my X2010 so I just started the race and went about my day. I woke up this morning and bob was going strong. Then, as bob was about to finish the race, my 3 year old decided she wanted to watch a movie. Before I had time to react, and with less than 10 minutes left in the race, she pressed the eject button on the PS3. I just sat there in disbelief for a couple minutes. All that time wasted, thousands of virtual miles driven all for nothing. I need to find a new location for my PS3 that will be out of her reach. Maybe a shelf or something. Anyway, I just thought i would share my little fml moment.