3:49.376 Nurburgring Nordschleife lap onboard Red Bull X1 Prototype

  • Thread starter Ezza75
Unreal! Anyone care to elaborate on "car fan" technology? I really doubt the real car will be this fast but who knows...

Look into the Chapparal 2J and the Brabham F1 car. A fan sucks the car to the ground creating immense downforce without the severe penalty a foil system has on aerodynamics. (F1 cars are have a drag coefficient around 1.0, my Chrysler LHS has 1/3 that drag coefficient) Also the downforce created by a aerodynamic aids relies on the speed of the air flowing over the vehicle, so downforce is greatly reduced at lower speeds. This is not the case with a fan system. The 2J and the Brabham both were shortlived since the SCCA and the FIA banned their designs shortly after their debut. Though the 2J was unreliable, it usually ran a couple seconds ahead of cars in the same class.
Looks like a great way to take the fun out of the ring. Makes GT5 look arcadey.
I wouldn't say it takes the fun out of the game but adds another element to it, albeit a crazy one. Doing wheelies in the Escudo in GT3 was stupid fun, as was using the gameshark to make some ridiculous cars. Those arcadey things didn't take the fun out of the game but added to it.

Besides, as arcadey as this looks, I bet it's pretty difficult to drive it that quickly.
Well, I personally do not think a human would be able to stay conscious during that lap. I know the ring pretty well, and the G-Forces in some places are pretty high even in a normal car (the fuchsröhre for example).

Anyway, the X1 is something I do not really care about. It is just sooo far out that it seems too unrealistic.

I´d rather have the GPL Ferrari 312 anytime.
man to drive the X1 you need to train your neck muscles to not get a broken neck from g forces.
Clarkson already had neck problems after drifting the GTR.

After years of training you would look like this
man to drive the X1 you need to train your neck muscles to not get a broken neck from g forces.
Clarkson already had neck problems after drifting the GTR.

After years of training you would look like this

Clarkson might be tall, but he's a wimp.
Looks like a great way to take the fun out of the ring. Makes GT5 look arcadey.

Give X1 on Nordschleife a try, and if using wheel set Force Feedback to 10. It might look arcadey in the video with a clean lap, but it does not drive arcadey at all. I had to have Skid Recovery on for this lap to learn limits of how far to push through each corner. Give it a go, might take the fun out for you, but still very challenging driving X1 near its limits & running a clean sub 4 minutes lap on Nordschleife.

Christ on a bike!!! My eyes were 'goggled' just watching that. Nice work.

Thanks man, BYO G-suits...

I've never gotten motion sickness from any video/video game and after watching this I do. Incredible!

....and BYO sick bag:dopey: Glad you enjoyed the ride:)

Turn Skid Recovery Force off than make us a video.The car drives like an arcade car with it on.

My thoughts as well.

I'll be happy when I earn my X1, but I will not enjoy it nearly as much as other cars, I'm sure.

Yeah, will definitely try with all assists off.

Had to have Skid recovery on for this lap to learn limits of how far X1 can be pushed at Nordschleife. Looks arcadey in video, but does not drive like an arcade at all. Give it a try & see if you still reckon it drives like an arcade....set Force Feedback to 10 if using wheel.

this car is insany.

It is a beast of all beasts...fit for a Clarkson.
that is just....... i doubt ill ever get to drive that round anywhere on the game let alone the 'ring... ill stick to my 400bhp GT-R (r32) skyline and other road cars...
this is a really really good video to watch if you want to learn the track! thank you very much

Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed & found video useful.

Not sure how much of the track can be learnt in X2010 though, with each corner just flying past at sheer speed. Found that it was better to learn & get to know Nordschleife in DTM race car (or similar), and doing banzai flying lap when every corner's approach, braking point, gearing/speed, apex & undulations becomes so familiar that not much thinking is required, so driving fast becomes natural.
I think the person who made it round in 3:29 had his aerodynamics set all the way up for maximum downforce.
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Man! That lap was almost hypnotic and psychedelic! :D

I was thinking psychedelic.

Almost had to be in a state of trance and of 'no mind' to pilot that X2010 fast...sort of driving with instincts, as there's not too much time to think during the lap.

So, after driving this insanely unreal car around the Ring, what does other racing feel like? Is it like driving in slo-mo?

The X2010 has extreme speed, acceleration & downforce...but the other cars balance these extremes with 'mojo & soul'....like these cars.

330 P4, H-pat manual shifting, racing soft tyres, ABS=1, all other assists off

458 Italia, paddles manual shifting, sports hard tyres, ABS=1, all other assists off

I am not Ferrari fanboy, but with GT5 driving physics, these cars are real fun to drive and race with...might be slo-mo compared to X2010, but not lacking in 'mojo & soul' at all.

In X2010, any cars in any race can be beaten by the first corner on most tracks...so rest of a race is more a battle within the self to avoid spinning, crashing and to maintain high concentration for whole race without really racing the other cars....can be quite tiring after a few races.


And I thought I was the only one. Sick videos.

....wondered if anyone who had hotlapped in X2010 in 3D with 60" 3DTV had actually got physically sick from motion sickness...
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People wonder why F1 has so many limiting regulations for car design, and in some cases I agree with them, but then I watch this video and it makes me shiver thinking about what would happen if this car became a reality - and somebody crashed mid-corner at over 250mph.
Did a 3.54.xxx with everything off except ABS 1. Definitely left a lot to be improved, will have to give it another go some day.