Tesla Master Plan: Part Deux

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51


United States
United States
So Elon Musk just dropped his "Master plan part two" with some interesting info. Read here.

Interesting tid-bits:
  • Future compact SUV
  • "New kind" of pickup truck
  • Electric Semi trucks (2017 debut)
  • Electric public transport (2017 debut)
  • Self driving cars that earn money while you are not using them
As long as they don't have any major issues with the Model 3, I think it'll do just fine considering how well the Model S sells and it's $60-100k.
When the Model 3 comes out, I wonder how many people are going to go full ape and beat the crap out of each other over a supercharger spot.
When the Model 3 comes out, I wonder how many people are going to go full ape and beat the crap out of each other over a supercharger spot.
Well there's one of those north of the New Hampshire/Massachusetts border...right next to the state liquor store... :scared: :lol:
When the Model 3 comes out, I wonder how many people are going to go full ape and beat the crap out of each other over a supercharger spot.

Not if they have to pay for it, which is the deal with the Model 3.
Stock are going down, not really good for Tesla, analyst are saying that this announce is pretty bad since it didnt take care of the worries people had on Model 3 release and other problem Tesla have, it just tried to show off without anything being really realistic.
Musk strikes me as quintessentially an engineer. He's interested in the project when it still has challenges to overcome. He wants to get the solution in the box on paper such that it works from every angle. Once he's got it, he's moved on - not much interest in the actual execution of the thing. It's designed, done. There are manufacturing problems? Those are details for people to iron out, he's got more important things to design.

Apple was a bit like this with Jobs. Maintaining or updating the old one with software patches that won't take down your entire network? Uh... that's not as sexy as the new iphone 17s+!
Stock are going down, not really good for Tesla, analyst are saying that this announce is pretty bad since it didnt take care of the worries people had on Model 3 release and other problem Tesla have, it just tried to show off without anything being really realistic.
You can't change the world unless you try. The problem I have with all the naysayers is that I get the feeling they want him and/or Tesla to fail.
You can't change the world unless you try. The problem I have with all the naysayers is that I get the feeling they want him and/or Tesla to fail.

I dont think all of them are, sure a part of them probably which for Tesla to fail but the report I've read are only based on financial analysis and not on if they like the firm or not.

I'm a huge fan of the Tesla model S but you can't ignore the different delay on the Model 3 and I know the previous model had some delay too, all of this is not promising for all the model 3 preorders and if they can't really deliver on preorder on model 3 it will bring more money problem. Also the press wanted news on the auto-driven car and he avoided that too.

People were expecting Elon Musk to make announcement on those trouble rather than what he said.
You can't change the world unless you try. The problem I have with all the naysayers is that I get the feeling they want him and/or Tesla to fail.
Can confirm on my part it's merely journalistic cynicism. I don't want Tesla to fail, but the company's long-term success is far from guaranteed - making cars, as even enormous multinational car firms have discovered, is not an easy business.

If someone is wildly optimistic about everything Tesla does they're probably not giving it enough thought. Equally, someone criticising absolutely everything Tesla does probably isn't open-minded enough.
To clarify, journalistic cynicism is a healthy thing. It means investigating and reporting on things that aren't quite right rather than being swept up in the fanfare. Cynicism isn't an inherently bad thing - it means not simply taking things at face value.

The public, via the press, has every right to know what Tesla's plans are for mitigating issues potentially caused by Autopilot. However, Musk did actually address this to a degree in the 'master plan' blog post - he said that Autopilot will effectively remain a beta product until drivers are ten times less likely to be killed under autonomous control than they are driving themselves.
You can't change the world unless you try. The problem I have with all the naysayers is that I get the feeling they want him and/or Tesla to fail.

I dont think all of them are, sure a part of them probably which for Tesla to fail but the report I've read are only based on financial analysis and not on if they like the firm or not.

I'm a huge fan of the Tesla model S but you can't ignore the different delay on the Model 3 and I know the previous model had some delay too, all of this is not promising for all the model 3 preorders and if they can't really deliver on preorder on model 3 it will bring more money problem. Also the press wanted news on the auto-driven car and he avoided that too.

People were expecting Elon Musk to make announcement on those trouble rather than what he said.

I hope my earlier post didn't come off as wanting Tesla to fail. I'm just pointing out concern for the stock price given that I know some people on this site are holding Tesla stock and some have preorders on the model 3. To the contrary, I'm a big fan of Tesla and want Elon to succeed at everything he's trying to do - he's making the world a better place. I just also recognize that reality can occasionally get in the way of things that ought to work.
Like I said, what I'm talking about is not journalist report, its financial analysis report that comes from stock market people.
I've heard they lose thousands per car, but I don't know where their financial reports are found (AFAIK they should be public)

Any direction is appreciated.
I've heard they lose thousands per car, but I don't know where their financial reports are found (AFAIK they should be public)

Any direction is appreciated.
I'd not yet pay too much attention to "per car" figures because it's typically calculated in the present. While that sounds like it makes sense, no car company bases its projected costs on how a car may be performing half way into its production run.

In other words, in 2016, with maybe 125k Model S knocking around globally, Tesla may well have made a loss on every one of them. But we're only three or four years into the car's production run - if it lasts until 2020, global sales may by then have pushed the project into profit.

Ditto the Model X. I expect that with only maybe 10k of those with owners at the moment, the per-car loss is huge. But It's nonsensical to use that logic as the Model X probably has another six or seven years in it, or more depending on how often Tesla cycles its models.
Their plan should be:

1. Make their cars more reliable.
2. Make the cars available in more countries.

Making the Tesla available in more countries isn't necessarily a good option. But rather, making it available to the people.

Unless you are wealthy, or you have your own company in which you can bring a Tesla in as a "company car", you just cannot afford one. Maybe it was designed to be bought by the upper class, or maybe the technology is too new and too costly to bring it to the people at this point in time.

But certainly where I live, and I am guessing in most countries, a Tesla is a luxury product only available to the wealthier classes of society. As much as I'd love one myself...
In switzerland there's a lot of them now, Taxi use Tesla so that's why but yeah otherwise it's an upper class car. 130k dollars here, which is the price of a S-Class or a Serie 7.

I've heard they lose thousands per car, but I don't know where their financial reports are found (AFAIK they should be public)

Any direction is appreciated.

Sorry I'm no financial analysis, not sure if american company have to publish their financial record, I'm guessing yes.

Well a quick search gave me this : http://ir.tesla.com/secfiling.cfm?filingid=1564590-15-1031&cik= but it's 2014, not sure if the 2015 was published yet.

This might interest you too : http://ir.tesla.com/sec.cfm?view=all

Didnt found 2015 but I'm sure if you search a bit on the site I link you should find what you're looking for.
I remember that there was quite a few reports of having to replace the drivetrain on the model S, it's covered but costs them like $15k to do so?

Regardless, I'll wait for them to increase the quality and sense of the vehicles (pretty brutal interiors, especially the "minimalist" interior of the Model 3, tons of quality issues with the Model X, the lack of utility with said Model X SUV, etc)

The Model 3 does not look like a $35k car and with a sub-6 second 0-60 time, I wonder exactly how much power it has and how much more range, interior quality or cheaper it could have been if it had more sensible performance specs for a family sedan.
I wonder exactly how much power it has and how much more range, interior quality or cheaper it could have been if it had more sensible performance specs for a family sedan.
I'm not sure any of those factors is mutually exclusive with its performance, to the extent reducing one will facilitate another. Range is more an issue of the size of the car, depending on whatever the technology of the time means for battery density. Battery range isn't calculated while using the car's full performance any more than MPG is calculated using a car's full performance for conventional cars.

A bigger battery does seem to allow for greater performance in a Tesla, but I suspect that's partly in order to justify the extra cost of a larger pack. Nobody spending $30k extra or whatever for a P90D wants the same performance as a basic 60, even if they're getting extra range for their troubles. That's just added value for the consumer.

Likewise quality or price. I expect the cost of installing a more or less powerful motor is fairly inconsequential compared to a bigger or smaller battery, so giving a Model 3 enough performance to do 60mph in six seconds probably doesn't mean Tesla is having to save on interior finish to do so.
Elon Musk has teased their upcoming Semi truck.



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