Autonomous DevBot Car Demonstrates AI Advancement on Racing Circuit

Won't be long before Tesla pushes a track attack update to its cars. Will be kinda sad to see some goon looking like a pro driver.. getting ridden around a track by his AI.

It's not surprising at all that they managed getting the car around a track really quickly and consistently by itself. The big question is how it deals with traffic. AMIRITE, BOB!?
Impressive. Kinda creepy to see something hauling around a track without a driver in it...
Wish they could show the fast lap without all of the aggressive half second cuts with low angles. I really have no idea how quick this thing got after the 9 laps with what they showed.
Maybe used to test tires? Or aero parts for "real world simulation" instead of wind tunnel.
Just wondering where is bodykit for that robocar, I think AI needs downforce as much as humans. But yes, the big news is Skynet will become self aware in 3,2,1.. Oh well.
That would be a sight to see if that happens in 40 - 60 years. A war against the machines as lets face it, humans are known for so many missed mistakes and unintended consequences. Hasn't history shown us this?

After all they always keep saying lessons will be learned.

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