Only Xbox One X Owners Will Download 4K Game Patches

Honestly, if you're buying a $500 console that has the sole selling point of 4K assets, 4K resolution and high graphical fidelity; you should be ready for large downloads.

The good thing is that 1080p TV sees the benefits of 4K assets and graphical fidelity without the need of a 4K resolution(You don't need a 4K resolution to see a higher resolution textures.). In fact, with super sampling it will actually be easier to see these higher resolution textures than a non-super sampled game.

4K HDR TV is still going to offer the best looking experience though.

My personal question is whether or not Xbox One S/Xbox One owners preordering Xbox One X will be able to force download the 4K patches before the Xbox One X releases, that way we aren't sitting here release night updating games to play them.
So when you buy the new One X, do you have to start the game all over again from Xbox One? I am playing the Horizon 3 right now and I am trying to figure out how to transfer the Game Saves Data to the new Xbox One X. If there is not a way, I will not buy the One X.
So when you buy the new One X, do you have to start the game all over again from Xbox One? I am playing the Horizon 3 right now and I am trying to figure out how to transfer the Game Saves Data to the new Xbox One X. If there is not a way, I will not buy the One X.
You'll most likely just have to log-in.
So when you buy the new One X, do you have to start the game all over again from Xbox One? I am playing the Horizon 3 right now and I am trying to figure out how to transfer the Game Saves Data to the new Xbox One X. If there is not a way, I will not buy the One X.

All game saves are saved to the cloud automatically (as long as you are connected to XBL) and will load automatically as well when you download the game. It worked flawlessly when I formatted by XB1 when I thought about selling it but changed my mind.
You'll most likely just have to log-in.

Login will not work for me since I am not sync with the Cloud storage. Since November of 2016. I have not able to sync in the Cloud. Every time I open up the Horizon 3 game, I get this message:


When I tried to sync with the Cloud about 5 times, I have to restart the game from Level 1 or from the beginning again. I was at level 745 and after syncing with the Cloud, everything was gone, cars, level and credits to $0. I recently sent T10 a message but nothing from them yet.

So all of my game saves data are now stored in the Xbox One and I am happy with that until they fix it. If they can not fix the Cloud issue, no Xbox One X for me.
Login will not work for me since I am not sync with the Cloud storage. Since November of 2016. I have not able to sync in the Cloud. Every time I open up the Horizon 3 game, I get this message:


When I tried to sync with the Cloud about 5 times, I have to restart the game from Level 1 or from the beginning again. I was at level 745 and after syncing with the Cloud, everything was gone, cars, level and credits to $0. I recently sent T10 a message but nothing from them yet.

So all of my game saves data are now stored in the Xbox One and I am happy with that until they fix it. If they can not fix the Cloud issue, no Xbox One X for me.
That's because you choose the wrong one every time. It's asking which file you'd want to use, the last cloud sync, or the most recent hard drive file. Look at the dates. What happened is you picked the old one.

There is nothing broken with it.
That's because you choose the wrong one every time. It's asking which file you'd want to use, the last cloud sync, or the most recent hard drive file. Look at the dates. What happened is you picked the old one.

I picked the Cloud option. But it does not matter because I tested both options and I had to start the game from Level 1. I don't trust the Cloud and will not try again and loose all my cars, levels and credits.
I picked the Cloud option. But it does not matter because I tested both options and I had to start the game from Level 1. I don't trust the Cloud and will not try again and loose all my cars, levels and credits.
Yes, and thats why it messed up. You picked the cloud option which is obviously a year old. So the game file you played yesterday was overwritten because you chose the wrong file to play on, therefore wiping your current file completely.

I know because I made the same mistake before.
What Microsoft need to do is to have the option to save all the game saves data into an external USB stick drive. No need to rely on the Cloud which is very unreliable.

So now every time I see that message, I pick the "Cancel" option and all is good. DO NOT PICK NEITHER OPTION! You will lose all game save data if you get a message like mine.
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What Microsoft need to do is to have the option to save all the game saves data into an external USB stick drive. No need to rely on the Cloud which is very unreliable.
I've had no issues with the cloud thus far. This is user error, not a cloud issue. I'm fairly certain you can save files to external drives, unless I'm mistaken.

So now every time I see that message, I pick the "Cancel" option and all is good. DO NOT PICK NEITHER OPTION! You will lose all game save data if you get a message like mine.
Not true at all. If you picked the right option from the get go it would have been fine. Since you picked cloud first, any try after that is only going to have the option of a slightly new file compared to one thats just opened prior to that.
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I've had no issues with the cloud thus far. This is user error, not a cloud issue. I'm fairly certain you can save files to external drives, unless I'm mistaken.

Not true at all. If you picked the right option from the get go it would have been fine. Since you picked cloud first, any try after that is only going to have the option of a slightly new file compared to one that's just opened prior to that.

What should really happen is when you pick the Cloud option, the files from the Cloud and from the Xbox One should combine together. NOT Overwrite all the files in the Xbox One game saves data.
What should really happen is when you pick the Cloud option, the files from the Cloud and from the Xbox One should combine together. NOT Overwrite all the files in the Xbox One game saves data.
That's not how saving over an original file works, on anything, ever. You chose to save over the file you wanted, therefore erasing it and replacing it with the file you picked. This was user error. The instructions on the image where clear.

The good news is that we know its not broken, and now you know how to approach this in the future, and why it did what it did.
So when you buy the new One X, do you have to start the game all over again from Xbox One? I am playing the Horizon 3 right now and I am trying to figure out how to transfer the Game Saves Data to the new Xbox One X. If there is not a way, I will not buy the One X.

What a insane leap of logic.

You don't transfer game saves, your saves are online; when you play on an Xbox One X you are going to use the same saved game as any other Xbox One when playing Horizon 3.

The only difference between the Xbox One and Xbox One X version of a game is the graphical enhancements, otherwise it's like playing the same game.

What Microsoft need to do is to have the option to save all the game saves data into an external USB stick drive. No need to rely on the Cloud which is very unreliable.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
That's not how saving over an original file works, on anything, ever. You chose to save over the file you wanted, therefore erasing it and replacing it with the file you picked. This was user error. The instructions on the image where clear.

The good news is that we know its not broken, and now you know how to approach this in the future, and why it did what it did.

Like how Microsoft Windows work when transferring from folder to folder. When I transfer files from folder to another folder, certain files will Overwrite IF it is exactly the same files. But if the files are new, it should transfer all the new files along with the duplicate files.

Here is an example:

Cloud Storage:

$6,000 credits




Xbox One Storage:

$10,000 credits





Combine BOTH storage:

$16,000 credits






Like how Microsoft Windows work when transferring from folder to folder. When I transfer files from folder to another folder, certain files will Overwrite IF it is exactly the same files. But if the files are new, it should transfer all the new files along with the duplicate files.

Here is an example:

Cloud Storage:

$6,000 credits




Xbox One Storage:

$10,000 credits





Combine BOTH storage:

$16,000 credits







What are you talking about? If you have an offline saved game and reconnect to the cloud it gives you the option to keep either the offline or online saved game; you choose the most up to date save.
Like how Microsoft Windows work when transferring from folder to folder. When I transfer files from folder to another folder, certain files will Overwrite IF it is exactly the same files. But if the files are new, it should transfer all the new files along with the duplicate files.
Except you are not transfering a file. You have two files with the same file name so its asking you if you want to replace one, and which one. Essentially its like having a file called "Picture.jpg" on your desktop, but when you go and try to save a seperate picture as "Picture.jpg" it notifies you that theres already a file there with that name, so would you like to overwrite it or not? Essentially you did exactly that, you overwrote the file you used most because you didn't pay attention to the dates of the files.

EDIT: Actually, you sorta are transferring a file depending on what you choose, but the point remains the same.
Except you are not transfering a file. You have two files with the same file name so its asking you if you want to replace one, and which one. Essentially its like having a file called "Picture.jpg" on your desktop, but when you go and try to save a seperate picture as "Picture.jpg" it notifies you that theres already a file there with that name, so would you like to overwrite it or not? Essentially you did exactly that, you overwrote the file you used most because you didn't pay attention to the dates of the files.

But while I am not connected online, I bought some new cars and earned more credits. All the new files should combine with the Cloud files. It is a poor design flaw from Microsoft. They should understand that users will make mistakes by not connecting online sometimes. And sometimes users get disconnected from the internet. Or users got a power outage and forgot to reconnect.

They just need to add an external USB hard drive feature. I see many complaints from users about the syncing to the Cloud issues and still not sure why they have not fix it. It's not the users from bad design.
But while I am not connected online, I bought some new cars and earned more credits. All the new files should combine with the Cloud files. It is a poor design flaw from Microsoft. They should understand that users will make mistakes by not connecting online sometimes. And sometimes users get disconnected from the internet. Or users got a power outage and forgot to reconnect.

They just need to add an external USB hard drive feature. I see many complaints from users about the syncing to the Cloud issues and still not sure why they have not fix it. It's not the users from bad design.

This is not a design flaw, save game files have never "combined" and it's extremely odd to expect such a thing.

Look, I feel bad for you; you lost a whole lot of effort and time and you are rightfully mad but.... you made a mistake and there is sadly not a way to reverse it.

Your options are to learn from your mistake(bite your tongue) and start over or move on to another game.
But while I am not connected online, I bought some new cars and earned more credits. All the new files should combine with the Cloud files. It is a poor design flaw from Microsoft.
I'm not understanding how you are thinking this. There is no design flaw, you can't have two file saves of the same type so you have to pick one or the other. It's not a hard concept to follow, and every single computer works that way when you are opted with overwriting a file.

They should understand that users will make mistakes but not connecting online sometimes. And sometimes users get disconnected from the internet. Or users got a power outage and forgot to reconnect.
They did realize that, and the put the failsafe in there, which you yourself picked the wrong file. You read what the pop up said, and didn't understand it apparently, and you picked the wrong file. It's no ones fault but your own at that point. The instructions were not difficult to grasp.

They just need to add an external USB hard drive feature. I see many complaints from users about the syncing to the Cloud issues and still not sure why they have not fix it. It's not the users from bad design.
Really, man? There is one already! There is literally no issue in this case. Its your fault.
Really, man? There is one already! There is literally no issue in this case. Its your fault.

I do see USB connection from the Xbox One but there is no feature to do a transfer of the game saves data. They need to add that feature with a software update.

From Sony PS4 console, I was able to do a game saves data transfer to the USB stick or the Ethernet cable from the old PS4 to the new PS4 Pro.

So the question now is how do I get my current game saves data from the Xbox One to the Cloud? Apparently, they do not know yet without risking starting the game all over again. They did not see the mistake from user like me because I picked the wring option. Now what? How do I get back to the Cloud again without starting the game all over again?
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So the question now is how do I get my current game saves data from the Xbox One to the Cloud? Apparently, they do not know yet without risking starting the game all over again. They did not see the mistake from user like me because I picked the wring option. Now what? How do I get back to the Cloud again without starting the game all over again?

It's gone, it can't be reversed.
I do see USB connection from the Xbox One but there is no feature to do a transfer of the game saves data. They need to add that feature with a software update.

From Sony PS4 console, I was able to do a game saves data transfer to the USB stick or the Ethernet cable from the old PS4 to the new PS4 Pro.

Transferring of Data to an external source is already a thing. Although I don't think thats going to help with avoiding this situation in the future. If you choose not to sync anything to the cloud, the same issue is going to persist.

So the question now is how do I get my current game saves data from the Xbox One to the Cloud? Apparently, they do not know yet without risking starting the game all over again. They did not see the mistake from user like me because I picked the wring option. Now what? How do I get back to the Cloud again without starting the game all over again?
You first open up the game that you want to sync, and when it asks you which file you want to be the original, you select the correct date this time.

As for the save file you lost, its gone for ever. If you overwrote the file, you have to use whatever file you selected now.
@ExoticMachines - Don't double post. That's what the edit feature is for.

There has never been a game that combines the aspects of a cloud save with those of a local file. That simply isn't done.

The reason saving to USB isn't an option on the One is security. If players could access the save files, there's the chance of "breaking" them: see the hybriding situation in GT5 (or the modded Forza saves that some folks ran back in the X360 days).

(EDIT) - Whoops, forgot about external hard drives. Though, to my knowledge, files put on any externals are encrypted.
The reason saving to USB isn't an option on the One is security. If players could access the save files, there's the chance of "breaking" them: see the hybriding situation in GT5 (or the modded Forza saves that some folks ran back in the X360 days).
I seemed to misunderstood the original question. Thanks for that. When he mentioned external usb hard drive feature, I just figured he meant an actual external HDD used to transfer the game files.
@ExoticMachines - Don't double post. That's what the edit feature is for.

There has never been a game that combines the aspects of a cloud save with those of a local file. That simply isn't done.

The reason saving to USB isn't an option on the One is security. If players could access the save files, there's the chance of "breaking" them: see the hybriding situation in GT5 (or the modded Forza saves that some folks ran back in the X360 days).

(EDIT) - Whoops, forgot about external hard drives. Though, to my knowledge, files put on any externals are encrypted.

In my situation, here are some options I can do:

1. Keep the Xbox One with Horizon 3 + Buy the new One X with Horizon 4 (next year).

2. Sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3 until the new One X and Horizon 4 releases next year.

3. Just keep the Xbox One and Horizon 3 and don't buy the One X with Horizon 4.

4. Just don't play anymore Horizon games anymore and sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3.

I am not feeling of having both the One and the X. Too much space in my room. So I will have to figure out if it is worth to have both Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 with both Xbox One and One X.
In my situation, here are some options I can do:

1. Keep the Xbox One with Horizon 3 + Buy the new One X with Horizon 4 (next year).

2. Sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3 until the new One X and Horizon 4 releases next year.

3. Just keep the Xbox One and Horizon 3 and don't buy the One X with Horizon 4.

4. Just don't play anymore Horizon games anymore and sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3.

I am not feeling of having both the One and the X. Too much space in my room. So I will have to figure out if it is worth to have both Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 with both Xbox One and One X.

There is no reason to have both an Xbox One and Xbox One X, unless you want to put it in another room or give it to a family member.
In my situation, here are some options I can do:

1. Keep the Xbox One with Horizon 3 + Buy the new One X with Horizon 4 (next year).

2. Sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3 until the new One X and Horizon 4 releases next year.

3. Just keep the Xbox One and Horizon 3 and don't buy the One X with Horizon 4.

4. Just don't play anymore Horizon games anymore and sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3.

I am not feeling of having both the One and the X. Too much space in my room. So I will have to figure out if it is worth to have both Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 with both Xbox One and One X.
Why are these your only options?
So when you buy the new One X, do you have to start the game all over again from Xbox One? I am playing the Horizon 3 right now and I am trying to figure out how to transfer the Game Saves Data to the new Xbox One X. If there is not a way, I will not buy the One X.

I'm just gonna copy it to an external hard drive then install it to the One X hard drive from the external.
In my situation, here are some options I can do:

1. Keep the Xbox One with Horizon 3 + Buy the new One X with Horizon 4 (next year).

2. Sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3 until the new One X and Horizon 4 releases next year.

3. Just keep the Xbox One and Horizon 3 and don't buy the One X with Horizon 4.

4. Just don't play anymore Horizon games anymore and sell the Xbox One with Horizon 3.

I am not feeling of having both the One and the X. Too much space in my room. So I will have to figure out if it is worth to have both Horizon 3 and Horizon 4 with both Xbox One and One X.
dude, unless you are not able to read and understand simple instructions, like guys above wrote to you, for a mistake you did and is 100% your fault,
then I'd have to say that no.4 is your best option.

I play my xbox games between different consoles and pc, NEVER had a problem with the cloud saves following me around devices. in fact, its so automated other than that single button you pressed wrong, I think is the only thing that can screw you up.
Scorpio will be 0% different in catchning my cloud saves than any other of the machines I am currently using. Same for everybody else. Trust me, for you too. ;)
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