Both trains can still live on. Just one has to be delayed. I know it's not as planned in OP. Que Sera Sera.
ps: This is as much as my fault as anybodies. I accept that. For that, please accept my sincerest apologies.
thus the appreciation went out to you
I dont recall any thread that has so many pit stops. 30 that not a new record thus far?
So far it is still burning the midnight oil 👍
Train 1
Zakyta --> Jedisteampunk (Complete)
Jedisteampunk --> TigerSharkdude (Complete)
TigerSharkDude --> Nurburgthing. (Complete)
Nurburgthing. --> playnthru (Complete)
playnthru --> iainoflo85 (Complete)
iainoflo85 --> nt1138 (Complete)
nt1138 --> GTP_CargoRat (Complete)
GTP_CargoRat --> mdclapps (Complete)
mdclapps --> Racin-Rev (Completed)
Racin-Rev -->Costas_Replica (Completed)
Costas_Replica --> WineO_o (Completed)
WineO_o ---> trojan1874 (Completed)
trojan1874 --> Koios (Completed)
Koios (deejazazel) --> STILL WILLING AFTER RESET
Frenzal --> GTCam (Complete)
GTCam --> PugDogRock (Complete)
PugDogRock --> SWERV_GRIFFIN (Complete)
SWERV_GRIFFIN --> Slender_Man (Complete)
Slender_Man --> Milldrum (Complete)
Mildrum --> HOODFIELD (Complete)
HOODFIELD --> Starlight (Complete)
Starlight --> Robabza2 (Complete)
Robabza2 --> Billren2k3 (Complete)
Billren2k3 --> Tadlock (Complete)
Tadlock --> Predator13 (Complete)
Predator13 --> PKR_SWERVGRIFFIN (Complete)
PKR_SWERVGRIFFIN?--> Koios (deejazazel)( Complete)
Koios (deejazazel) --> Doog (Complete)
Doog --> jedikeeper (Complete)