Is Kunos Hinting at Assetto Corsa 2?

Hopefully any new Kunos game is a PC exclusive, will allow the team to really push on with developing their game without the console distraction.
I hope they don't make part 2 and just keep adding content to 1.
I did vote on that in the other thread. Mainly because I finally bought the game a few days ago. Just needs more content, everything about it is fine.
I'm not ready for AC2. What we need is more content for AC. It still lacking core brands, for example, Lancia, Volkswagen, Dodge, etc. And we need more tracks, especially Circuit de la Sarthe, and some cool content like Dynamic TOD, or at least rain or night racing.
I'm not ready for AC2. What we need is more content for AC. It still lacking core brands, for example, Lancia, Volkswagen, Dodge, etc. And we need more tracks, especially Circuit de la Sarthe, and some cool content like Dynamic TOD, or at least rain or night racing.

The engine currently running AC doesn't support TOD support though, and to be fair not many people use TOD in racing, or even weather for the matter of the fact.
No seams to have noticed it mentions "games". This could mean AC rally, AC mobile etc etc. DB can use the branding how they see fit. This doesn't mean there won't be a follow up to AC but there could still be spin offs of the name, like Forza horizon.

Hopefully any new Kunos game is a PC exclusive, will allow the team to really push on with developing their game without the console distraction.
Console distraction? You mean console rewards that help them continue to improve the game for PC players? They only got the Porsche deal thanks to console.
I can forgive tod and weather. For competitive racing, I would rather it be daytime and good weather anyway. Imo, what they need are more tracks, and especially a more user friendly and interactive online experience.
-Give us the ability to choose car colors or available liveries in online races.
-give a tuning prohibited option to facilitate spec racing and factory stock head to head races.
-Give us a reverse grid start option
-a proper replay feature for online races.
-Commumity features with in lobby chat.
I think if the above were available, alot of sim racing leagues and series could gain some traction and would use A.C. as a great platform for such purposes. In its current form, it is just simply too difficult to run a formal series or league long term.
If this could be added, AC in its current title (again, imo) could very well have a few more good years of playability, and possibly bring in another round of buyers. If not able to be added, my hope is that a new title will keep what was done great, and add what could make AC a home run experience. Here's to hoping either way.
If there is an Assetto Corsa 2 in the works, I hope they decide to spruce up the off-track experience a little and make the UI a bit more intuitive. That seems to be one of the biggest complaints about part 1. That would go a long way in making the game appeal to more gamers.
In no particular order:

- If they do rain, it shouldn't be half measures. I'm ok if it isn't available at launch but when it's in, it should be done right. Water pooling, rubber cleaning, track temp drops, humidity, air temp, wind/rain direction, rooster tails, dry/wet lines, etc. IMO, something like pCARS 1 or GT5/6 rain isn't really worth it. Test it in an alpha/beta and then release in full when it's ready.

- Day/night seems simple enough with the right game engine. I do think GT Sport gets the graphical feel of night racing better than other sims ATM, especially from replay. Other than making sure the graphical representation is good, just giving us pCARS 2 like time options is all I have left for this.

- Game wide BOP. GT Sport again gets this right. I should be able to quick match into an online GT3 and not have to worry about X car being 20% faster than Y car. This is pretty straight forward. Host should have detailed control over this as well and host set option should be clear before joining.

- Driver rating. This is something they are working on. IMO GT Sport is a good point just short of iRacing, which is too in depth for many people. How to "do this right" is pretty much known at this point so not much to add.

- "Performance tuning/parts". This is something that only Forza seems to care about and IMO was one of my favorite parts of old GT games. IMO given AC's mod community basically does this already, it just makes sense to have this built into the game. Basic engine mods (intake, induction, exhaust), drivetrain (transmission, driveshaft, clutch, dif), suspension (springs, shocks/dampeners, roll/sway bars), brakes (rotors, calipers, pads), wheels (tire, rims, O2/N2), and aero (front aero, rear aero, under aero). The chances for this are low, but I'd like to see it. This may only make sense on certain street cars (Sport, JDM, Muscle, etc).

- Full race/grid customization. Basically, quick and easy multiclass racing. LMP1 cars XYZ start at the front, GT3 behind, those groups randomized, quick race go. Then be able to set class specific BOP regulations, in game, for online races.

- Actually fast AI. So far rFactor 2 seems to be the only game that has naturally difficult AI. It's pretty jarring when the AI is really fast in all but one corner on a track. Give the AI >100% grip if need be, just keep them consistent through a lap. I don't expect miracles when it comes to dealing with traffic. Google and Uber haven't even figured that out.
Yes, I’m sure this was Digital Bros goal with acquiring Kunos. Triple their resources and get 1/3 the revenue from their product.
Is it really a third of the revenue though? This post ( )links to numbers of 300k for console and 500k on steam, far less than 2/3rds of sales. It's hard to imagine Xbox owners buying anything from Kunos again too given the stories of months delays and updates failing Xbox's quality control. I'm not trying to make a point about the state of AC on console but simply it is loved on PC (helped by mods, etc) and kind of forgotten on console, more are playing the big names like Forza, GTS and PCARS. Wouldn't it make more sense to put all of their effort into a PC sequel than a console game bought by the handful of players they have left?

Console distraction? You mean console rewards that help them continue to improve the game for PC players? They only got the Porsche deal thanks to console.

Is that such a big deal? Porsche are no longer an exclusive brand, PC exclusive games like Raceroom have managed deals with them since the EA deal ended.
Is that such a big deal? Porsche are no longer an exclusive brand, PC exclusive games like Raceroom have managed deals with them since the EA deal ended.

Considering the announcement and subsequent releases were in 2016 when EA's licensing agreement was still in-effect, I'd say so. Not to mention the agreement between Porsche and Kunos was a little more unique than the others, at least to my knowledge.
Console distraction? You mean console rewards that help them continue to improve the game for PC players? They only got the Porsche deal thanks to console.
True. The console porting helped the PC version quite a lot; to quote Aris: "The benefits AC PC users got from the console conversion are so many that dwarf any other counterargument. You got great framerate optimizations, 64bit, new sounds engine, new features, better AI, better multi, and amazing new contents! In some way or another all these things have been able to happen because we started the console porting. Either by code optimizations, big scale economics, licensing and so on."

AC on consoles is far from being perfect, we all know that, but I don't think Kunos should give up on this huge market. Biggest issue, according to their developers, was the interface differences between PS4/Xbox One and PC and Stefano's comment ("We won't make the same mistake twice") is definitely reassuring from that point of view and can only lead to a better and more polished experience for everyone, in my opinion.
I did vote on that in the other thread. Mainly because I finally bought the game a few days ago. Just needs more content, everything about it is fine.

When I started that thread I really thought 2 was being discussed or probably already started.
I guess looking back the thread itself was probably null and void as the current engine cannot support some of the larger requests ie... Day night transitions.
I do want TOD, but the weather doesn't really interest me.
We have a fantastic weather model available in PC2 and I still don't use it, but night racing?
Hell yes.

So Kunos take note please...

More cars and tracks are the big hitters, some nighttime endurance racing, an improved UI with leaderboards and a proper license system.

Forget weather, take those cores and polish the graphics.
Is it really a third of the revenue though?
I’m not sure, but I don’t believe their console efforts really tax the wider team. I think they’ve said as much.

If they really want to make bank on console...

Make it easily playable with a controller, and it will be worth it.

Else don't even bother.
...this. It’s a shame. Both what controller users are missing and what a bad deal they’ve been given.

Kunos needs to come up with good interpolation type controller algorithms. It’s shady business but a necessary evil. If they want anyone aside from hardcore enthusiasts interested they’ll need to make it playable. I once spent a week trying to come up with half decent controller settings. At best I cloud get 1 clean lap out of 3, never really fast. I played GT for 10 years with controller before going to wheel and can go back and forth there pretty easily.
@GTsanz why would you want another hand controller racer? Just play Project CARS or Gran Turismo instead!
The same argument could be made as to why make it for wheel users? There are hardcore sim games, those players can play.

People keep forgetting about options. It's not about "Why do I have to suffer....?" or "Why does a developer have to dumb the game down for people that can't afford or have the space for a wheel and prefer to use controllers?". The same way some wheel users don't play iRacing or whatever, may be the same for controller users.... regardless of racing game.
Make it easily playable with a controller, and it will be worth it.

Else don't even bother.
controller settings, for me, are more than fine. the only thing that could be improved is the smoothness of the steering animations, that's all.

Forget weather
Rain is already confirmed by massarutto to be featured in whatever comes next.

edit: typo.
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Of couse they are developing AC2, what else should they do, a role playing game? Those who think they're “not ready for it yet“ should bear in mind that a small company like Kudos will take it's time for AC2, i wouldnt expect the full game before 2020. Also, they can't support the first game forever, this isn't a subscription based service like iRacing.
Really hope AC 2 come out soon.
I love the first one, my favourite racing game at moment.
I'm playing on PS4 so the content is quit limited since we can't use mods on consoles.
More tracks and cars are a muat have but, to me, on inportant thing is to have more options when creating a lobby, to make it the way we want, a better balanced class system. When we join a room,
Is it really a third of the revenue though? This post ( )links to numbers of 300k for console and 500k on steam, far less than 2/3rds of sales. It's hard to imagine Xbox owners buying anything from Kunos again too given the stories of months delays and updates failing Xbox's quality control. I'm not trying to make a point about the state of AC on console but simply it is loved on PC (helped by mods, etc) and kind of forgotten on console, more are playing the big names like Forza, GTS and PCARS. Wouldn't it make more sense to put all of their effort into a PC sequel than a console game bought by the handful of players they have left?

Is that such a big deal? Porsche are no longer an exclusive brand, PC exclusive games like Raceroom have managed deals with them since the EA deal ended.
Imagine being one of the owners of Kunos, a time dev in a field of much bigger players, and Porsche hand pick you to be the first to represent them in a game after 15 years of exclusivity in an arcade game. I'd say that's a big deal.
I’m not sure, but I don’t believe their console efforts really tax the wider team. I think they’ve said as much.

If they really want to make bank on console...

...this. It’s a shame. Both what controller users are missing and what a bad deal they’ve been given.

Kunos needs to come up with good interpolation type controller algorithms. It’s shady business but a necessary evil. If they want anyone aside from hardcore enthusiasts interested they’ll need to make it playable. I once spent a week trying to come up with half decent controller settings. At best I cloud get 1 clean lap out of 3, never really fast. I played GT for 10 years with controller before going to wheel and can go back and forth there pretty easily.
I really hope they don't make it easier. Improved, yes. Easier no. GTS and driveclub controls are far too slow and unresponsive for me now. At the end of the day, if you want to play a SIM be prepared to master it, rather than pick up and play.
It's all opinion of course, but tuning AC's controller settings properly made it the best response and feedback I've had in any driving game. Even on a controller I feel like AC is always able to let me know where the limit of grip is and how to recover it.

I always post this same video of mine in a controller debate, but that's because it's a visual representation of what I've just been saying, this thing was more slippy-slidey than the Yellowbird I was chasing, but the game always 'tells' me when to catch it.