FIA Creates a Digital Motor Sport Group to Discuss the Future of Esports

Well, this is pretty funny. "how to encourage virtual drivers to take up “real” racing was significant". How about just give them a bunch of money or sponsors? I can't imagine this was really much of a conversation as I don't think they lack willing drivers, just willing sponsors. I can see they would/should be concerned though about how to keep/gain eyeballs and hence sponsors in which e-sports can definitely help. However, with the costs increasing so dramatically motorsports might one day all be digital beyond a few select series and cheaper amateur events.

They are fortunate in that no-other e-sport to date has as close of a parallel to the real thing but also unfortunate in that it might be close enough to satisfy many would-be real life drivers given the difficulty of securing a racing seat.
yay now we have idiots in control of the one thing we could definitely achieve.............................
Well, this is pretty funny. "how to encourage virtual drivers to take up “real” racing was significant". How about just give them a bunch of money or sponsors? I can't imagine this was really much of a conversation as I don't think they lack willing drivers, just willing sponsors. I can see they would/should be concerned though about how to keep/gain eyeballs and hence sponsors in which e-sports can definitely help. However, with the costs increasing so dramatically motorsports might one day all be digital beyond a few select series and cheaper amateur events.

They are fortunate in that no-other e-sport to date has as close of a parallel to the real thing but also unfortunate in that it might be close enough to satisfy many would-be real life drivers given the difficulty of securing a racing seat.

My thoughts exactly. There is never and will never be a shortage of willing drivers. I think it would be safe to assume that at least 70% of GTPlanet members would love to be race drivers. Mind you that is just the population on this site. It is silly to even suggest that there aren't enough willing drivers out there.

I have been wanting to be a race driver since I was about 4. Guess what? Broke ass family. Lol. Like you said, it is not a lack of willing drivers but a lack of money.
Initial meetings usually involve establishing a framework for funding, roles and goals...look for the FIA to take the lead in the coming months as they know the Motorsports infrastructure.

It's not as simple as just acquiring sponsors and hosting global events. A scaleable enterprise has to be formulated with a glidepath...Even potential sponsors will demand a crisp revenue model in order to calculate their investment and ROI. Once the interested monies are specified, the legal team is sure to follow. Like I said, this is nothing new to the FIA

Early days, glad they are making it official in someone suggested, not a bad idea to include some younger perspectives into the steering team to ensure market viability.
Errm, I'm 50 and a sim racer.

Are you being a stereotypical stroppy millennial that got bored telling us "olds" how we ruined the world and have now decided to start on how we're about to ruin sim racing?
Nope, im I'm 78 model myself, I just think that abit more youth in the FiA board would not go a miss and also more Women being it Womens day here in the UK.
All of these positive posts are great.

I mean, who actually wants officials for esports?
A calendar of FIA live events with larger audience engagement? Pffft.
Virtual racing - an educational tool?
Motor racing esport organisational guidelines?

What good is any of that rubbish for sim racing, right?

And where was there any mention about a "lack of willing drivers"?

Honestly. :rolleyes:
Well, this is pretty funny. "how to encourage virtual drivers to take up “real” racing was significant". How about just give them a bunch of money or sponsors?

It's a bit ironic. It's not too different from the actual minor series drivers who can't take the next step up. Not every family can spot $10.000 - $200.000 a year to turn their kid's passion into the real deal. That's absolutely the biggest hurdle.

I don't for a second think that anyone who's between 15-35 years old would turn down the chance to drive an actual race car at least once in their life and see the surrounding environment of a real race driver. Mental motivation is not the issue. The FIA are just highlighting another layer of the money problem - prospects simply can't afford the next step up in almost all cases.
Errm, I'm 50 and a sim racer.

Are you being a stereotypical stroppy millennial that got bored telling us "olds" how we ruined the world and have now decided to start on how we're about to ruin sim racing?
The whole “I’m [deviation from norm] and I still do _____, are you being stereotypical” is a very dangerous thing to try and force on people in situations like this.

Look at literally any eSports event. Look at the F1 eSports finals. Look at the FIA GT Finals, even at the Regional level. Look at the ages of nearly EVERYONE in those competitions.

Now look at the ages of the people on this board/committee, and try to tell me that they dont look like the exact opposite as far as age is concerned.

That doesn’t mean I, or anyone, has anything wrong with these people being on the committee. We also have no clue if they are sim racers. But that isn’t the point.

The point, is that there is next to nobody on there who looks representative of the people we see in competitive eSports.

For every member on that committee who doesn’t have any competitive eSports experience, there should be 1 person that DOES, in my opinion.

But then we’d end up with 60 people on the stupid committee, and it doesn’t take that many people to say “Right. We need more sponsors.”

So if compromises have to be made, I would much rather have more competitive Sim Racers on that board than people who aren’t.

And as of right now, that doesn’t appear to be the case, which is why you end up with some.. questionable, input, from these board members, as some have gone over already in this thread.

Playing the whole “I’m a Sim Racer and I’m not young” thing is so counterproductive. Congratulations. You’re a statistical deviation from the norm.

That doesn’t validate the fact that anybody with eyes and a brain can take one look at this committee, and realize that a group half this size made up of 50% of COMPETITVE eSports sim racers (who, again, if you look at any eSports event, are generally younger, yes) could come up with better solutions in no time.

Also, the whole “millennial” statement reflects very poorly on yourself. If it weren’t for us, none of these companies would give a damn to make any of these eSports games (or many of your favorite video games in general) because the sales and money just simply wouldn’t be there.

Look at the winner of the F1 eSports competition. He’s (apparently) been offered, BY MERCEDES,a role to start training to slowly work his way up to driving a real F1 car. Do you think Mercedes F1, or any team, would put that kind of dedication behind somebody in their 50s or 60s? I’m sorry, but the answer is no. And then the whole F1 eSports thing would be without any real purpose at all.

I’m sure some will take offense to this, and I’m sorry. I don’t mean to upset anybody. I would love to see a compelling argument suggesting differently from what I’ve said.
And then the whole F1 eSports thing would be without any real purpose at all.

Honestly I'm ignoring your arguments for the most part but this one piece caught my eye. If you think e-sports is mostly about driver development I think you are mistaken. It's about marketing. They only are engaging in it because they need desperately any new way to bring in more money. They are of course willing to see it as also a way to find a new driver but the main driver is marketing and increasing eyeballs and hence sponsors to their respective niche of racing.

Hence, e-sports would do best to engage all ages to that effect. Maybe some young guys/girls for possible future drivers and the rest of us (older guys like myself) for advertising dollars. I'm the guy that now has the money to buy the Porche or the Ferrari or whatnot so it behooves Porche and hence the racing series to take an interest in sim-racing since that is where you are more likely to get my attention. In fact it was only through sim racing that I really started to take an interest in cars at all about 10 years ago. Before that I really did not give a crap to be honest other than the normal "yeah, <insert sports car > is cool". I certainly would never have considered actually watching a race on TV or attending one but now I do thanks to sim racing and e-sports will only help that.
Also, the whole “millennial” statement reflects very poorly on yourself

Yes, yes it does. However the post was made in haste after having had a couple a of beers after having spent the day dealing with our new influx of trainees of whom none arrived at the required time, which was an easy 8 o'clock, and all of whom thought it was OK to pack up and go home at 4 in the afternoon. They are going to get a rude awakening.

So I was a little anti young people when I posted that - I apologise.
I love what everyone has said above, all of you. But look have you seen a 30 or 40 or 50 or say 60 plus male/female win a epsorts event. I personally have not maybe I have missed that. Let's face it reflexes do go over time if you think they don't you are kidding yourself this has been proven.
I love what everyone has said above, all of you. But look have you seen a 30 or 40 or 50 or say 60 plus male/female win a epsorts event. I personally have not maybe I have missed that. Let's face it reflexes do go over time if you think they don't you are kidding yourself this has been proven.
Oh i think john might have something to say on that at age 69

How meany 69 year olds do you see in F1, Indy RX, LMPs etc? Off the top of my head none .my post was directed at your statement on reaction times.

The 69-year-old Force ended a frustrating crash-filled drought to win for the eighth time at Bandimere Speedway, edging Ron Capps in the final with a 4.075-second run at 315.42 mph.

You cant win a NHRA funnycar race without a fast reaction .i think when it comes to racing it is not age that is the factor , it is more motivation to be as good as one can be . Paul newman proved that the oldies can race with youth on proper courses. I bet mario could still put down decent lap after he retired.
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