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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Michael Leary (@Terronium-12) on August 10th, 2019 in the Forza Motorsport 8 category.
But they have taken some lazy ways like copypaste car sounds that should not sound alike
I honestly thought they were spending an extra year on FM8,
I wonder if Motorsport will be '21 and Horizon 5 will be at launch since it sells more.
Yeah Forza 8 is 2021 at the earliest, maybe even 2022.
best make the Forza 8 for PS4.
am best Idea.
I would be surprised if FM8 isn't a launch title to boost the next Xbox in 2020 in sales. @ShakesMcQueen imo, is on the money with his time frame.
We won’t have to becouse we will have gran turismo with a full vr make the Forza 8 for PS4.
am best Idea.
We won’t have to becouse we will have gran turismo with a full vr experince.
It literally started development this month, 2020 isn't happening, they are in concept phase which means the actual development hasn't even started, this is gonna take a while.I would be surprised if FM8 isn't a launch title to boost the next Xbox in 2020 in sales. @ShakesMcQueen imo, is on the money with his time frame.
It's important to note that Halo Infinite will be on Xbox One and PC as well, it's not gonna be full on nextgen and will probably have crossplay across all devices plus possibly playable on mobile through Xcloud if that services launches by that time.Having Forza and Halo as launch titles would certainly be a full court press for Scarlett early on
It literally started development this month,
It literally started development this month, 2020 isn't happening, they are in concept phase which means the actual development hasn't even started, this is gonna take a while. in their latest Forza Monthly update, Creative Director Dan Greenawalt confirmed that Forza Motorsport 8 is in early development, in the concept phases- which probably means that we won’t be seeing a new Forza release this year, and that Forza 8 is most likely going to be a next gen title.
“The weight of the team is shifting over to our next project,” said Greenwalt. “So we’re getting into that concept phase.”
Sprint is a software development term, it's not strictly linked to the speed of development in any way.Forza 7 is still a buggy mess to this very day, AVG and Avast make it stutter, and has other graphic bugs and inconsistencies on the car models.
Sprint... so it will be rushed, thats bad news.
Sprint is a software development term, it's not strictly linked to the speed of development in any way.
Even 3 years isn't enough to produce a full on next gen title, let a alone a supposed reinvention of the franchise. It took them 2 years to implement any sort of penalties in multiplayer and even then it's barely working. I wouldn't call T10 a team with fast development, the only reason they pushed games so quickly is because there haven't been any major new features since Forza 3, it's literally the exact same game every time except with new tracks and cars added which are handled by indian and vietnamese workers instead of T10 themselves. I hope the new game is the most ambitious they've don, because the decline in sales is sharp and even in X360 era it wasn't the best selling series.
This was back in March, and Dan had also said that the team began that transition months prior, so likely before 2019.
There's also been shared statements on the official forums that T10 would be taking a year off in the Motorsport franchise, which would coincide with a 2020 release. Given the studio's vast collection of cars that have already been modeled higher than the in-game visuals allow combined with many assets being outsourced, I fail to see how a 2020 Holiday release at its earliest is beyond the means of accomplishment.
Even 3 years isn't enough to produce a full on next gen title
Even games like Call of Duty and Assassins Creed take 3 years per game these days, with the increased asset fidelity and scope I expect the dev cycles to further increase next gen, and especially in the age of GaaS having a new FM every 2 years with only marginal increases in content doesn't make sense anymore. Of course this means we could see a FM game at launch but it will be barebones and will be updated throughout the generation. But then again it will most likely launch on Steam anyway and modders will improve it instead of T10, so that's all good.To get back to the topic at hand, I actually hope they take four years to really build a new foundation for Forza, but there's a near-zero chance they take five years, and they could absolutely make a new next-gen game in three.
Even games like Call of Duty and Assassins Creed take 3 years per game these days, with the increased asset fidelity and scope I expect the dev cycles to further increase next gen, and especially in the age of GaaS having a new FM every 2 years with only marginal increases in content doesn't make sense anymore. Of course this means we could see a FM game at launch but it will be barebones and will be updated throughout the generation. But then again it will most likely launch on Steam anyway and modders will improve it instead of T10, so that's all good.