
  • Thread starter AltF8


Staff Emeritus
Well, 3DMark 2003 has been released.

If you think your video card is 'all-that', this sucker will shut you up real quick. My card is in pain, I swear. There are parts where I dropped to 1 fps. :eek:

My System: Athlon XP 1800+, nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4600
My Marks: 1572
lol damn take a look at this crapy score.:banghead: :P :lol:


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Originally posted by NocturnalPS
lol damn take a look at this crapy score.:banghead: :P :lol:

Jeezus...I don't think my video drivers like DirectX 9. I should be marking higher, I think.

What are you running for hardware?
Originally posted by AltF8
Well, 3DMark 2003 has been released.

If you think your video card is 'all-that', this sucker will shut you up real quick. My card is in pain, I swear. There are parts where I dropped to 1 fps. :eek:

My System: Athlon XP 1800+, nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4600
My Marks: 1572

It crashed on me in Demo mode, and in the benchmark mode I too got 1-2 FPS in some scenes. I can't edit any properties either, so we'll have to wait and see until I get the Radeon 9700.
Btw Alt, did you toss your GF4 MX just because it didn't have shiny Water in Morrowind and NWN?
Originally posted by Tom M
Btw Alt, did you toss your GF4 MX just because it didn't have shiny Water in Morrowind and NWN?

Uh...no. Of course not. Wouldn't dream of it. No way. Yeah...that's the ticket...


*runs and hides*
Originally posted by AltF8
Jeezus...I don't think my video drivers like DirectX 9. I should be marking higher, I think.

What are you running for hardware?
You know what? I told my friend to dl this new benchmark and hes running a better comp then i am. But he got a score like yours.:confused:
This is what he has:
GeForce4 Ti 4600 (same as you)
1 gig of DDR
I belive hes was not using DirectX 9 Pretty sure he was using 8 cause he had just formatted his comp.

As for ME i have:
ATI Radeon 9500Pro using AGP 8x <~~ he said i have a high score cause if the 8x AGP
256 of ddr ram
and im using DirectX 9
Originally posted by Tom M
It crashed on me in Demo mode, and in the benchmark mode I too got 1-2 FPS in some scenes. I can't edit any properties either, so we'll have to wait and see until I get the Radeon 9700.
Btw Alt, did you toss your GF4 MX just because it didn't have shiny Water in Morrowind and NWN?

I bet you that people with that card are not getting that high of a score. Might as well wait till the Radeon 9900 pro hits. Or that new Nvidia card thats comming out right after they release the FX. That is if they ever do release the FX :confused:
I just found out that people with the ATI 9700Pro are hitting scores of 5000 to 6000+ but nothing higher then 7000. Anyways. Just got some new drivers for my 9500Pro and well did a little bit better. Got a score of 3379 My friend was telling me that he had a sound test on his. for some reason i dont have those test. Anyone know why? :confused:


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Well, I think it requires DX9, but not positive.

I might dink with stuff and see if I can get higher. On the sound test, I think you probably have to have the full version.
Basically what we're missing is a few Direct X 9 features that are done in Hardware by the newest set of cards (The Ati 9000's and the upcoming Nvidia's.) That's why we're getting horrible frame rates (it's still forcing the card to do DX 9 effects we don't support.)
If the 9900 comes in an All in Wonder Version then I'll get that in March, but otherwise I'm still shooting for the ATI aiw 9700 for the various features it has.
And I've seen the specs on the new Nvidias and they are looking good, but the fastest announced model has half the 9500's memory bandwidth (which is more important than many people realize, especially in intense action games.)
I'm also looking for something reasonable in cost as the amount of PC gaming I do has gone down dramatically in the past few months.
I wish nVidia will hurry up and get a Direct X 9 compatible card out, supposedly NV35. The FX is FUBUR and there will be so little quantity of them that no one will be able to buy them at a reasonable price. I really don't want to go over to ATi. I have a serious gripe on ATi's drivers. :irked:
I'm not too crazy about Direct X or GForce, I have an ATI Radeon 8500(I think, might be some variation of that though) and 64MB I'm pretty sure. I also have a 1.7Ghz P4. I'll run that test once I finish demuxing a DVD my brother just got in the mail today.
My system sucks.

Still, I must be the only one who has managed to succesfully install DirectX 9 on a computer with a Geforce 2 card.


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Originally posted by TVRKing
My system sucks.

Still, I must be the only one who has managed to succesfully install DirectX 9 on a computer with a Gefore 2 card.

Nope, I have a Geforce 2 card and a P3 1ghz (overclocked to 1.2ghz) with 512mb ram.

I installed directX9, although I would probably get worse results than you anyway.
Uh, uh stop copying me!! :P

Err, I bet you don't have a Gigabyte motherboard err, orr a HP CD-RW or a Lite on CD-Rom. :D
I was going to buy an Asus motherboard, but I couldn't find one.

Mind you I want to get an AMD pc when I buy a new one.
The older athlons are a bit flaky.

I have built a few Athlon XP systems and they seem to be pretty stable, even durons are pretty good.

Were you running 98 or ME?
He was originally running ME, then switched to XP, and it became unusable after that.

He's since rebuilt it with a P4 2 gig and Geforce 4 Ti4200 Graphics card. No probs with it at all, and is actually faster than nearly all other Athlons around.
Originally posted by TVRKing
My system sucks.

Still, I must be the only one who has managed to succesfully install DirectX 9 on a computer with a Geforce 2 card.
My cousin is trying to figure out how to do that. So how did YOU do that?:)
Originally posted by NocturnalPS
My cousin is trying to figure out how to do that. So how did YOU do that?:)

I downloaded the latest drivers for my card (Hercules 3D Prophet Geforce 2 MX 32mb) and just downloaded DirectX 9. Accepted it without any trouble. :)

*Edit* 3D, not 4D. :dunce: