400kph +

Its just the fact that even when I set my tranny to the max it could possibly be when you did that Im still unable to reach the same speed at RPM that you do with minimum downforce no camber or toe and lowered ride height.

My setup was based on my 400mph experience with the NTSC-GTone of GT4 ..
and due to my experience lowering the height it's not the best choice
to obtain a high speed, the same for the downforce at minimum !
I remember a frase by one of the best speed tuner i've ever seen in GT ..
"remeber ..downforce is your friend " ..about TOP SPEEE in GT !

I was also playing practise mode to make sure my GT One was fully broken in so maybe that would be a problem.

The real problem is not the car ..is the track !
The SSR7 (as any other track of GT5 ) is not good for top speed trials ..

I just really cant get it to happen no matter what, Im able to hit 380 MPH (616 kph) on my GT4 so I dont think me tuning is the problem.

In the NTSC version of GT4 the 380mph is easy with the GTone ... in the PAL version ..is IMPOSSIBLE (different car .IMHO)

In the evening i'll send you the replay of my 454 km/h 👍

SEE you

Alright I got your replay but Im not gonna watch it as I dont want to upload it to my PS3 but ill beleive you.

Im still unable to reach above 425, you're probably 100% correct on the track but I dont see how you did it and I cant! it starts going uphill half way through the tunnel (if you go either way) so you have to enter the tunnel going very fast and I just cant do it, I hit the tunnel at like 410 and it just wont pull any harder then that.

RH isnt quite the lowest either and SR's are a little softer to try absorb some bumps on this wonky track.

My 380 mph was on my ZZII, I remember it was somewhere around 615-625 and that was a few years ago. Im pretty sure it was exactly 616 though.

I live in Canada so I had the US version.

PS2 doesnt work anymore sadly :(

Im pretty sure I was unable to reach quit 380 on my GT One though, never really played that car too much as I've never liked it really.
380 are 611.4 km/h and is very good 👍..
One my best with the zz2 was 380.16 see the 300mphClub...

I had for some days a NTSC-ps2 with a copy of GT4-NTSC so i could make my test with the GTONE .. that time ..4 years ago ...

Watch my replay and follow the suggestions in the PM..
I'M sure you can go faster 👍👍

Now i'm training my BSpec at level 40..after that i will start my Speed test in GT5 ..
the 454km/h was only a fast trial nothing more ...

see you
Yeah I thought I was going a bit faster then 611 but maybe it was about that, it was about 4 years ago for me as well so I cant be sure.
I know for a fact I couldnt get my GT One past 365 or something like that on GT4.

Ill keep trying I guess, doubt Ill ever hit 454 in it.
285 MPH in my Bugatti is good enough for me to call it quits with that car too.

Im not going to watch the replay because I am too lazy and dont have a USB or anything like that
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The thing is though can you replicate this again? I dont want to watch the replay but I still have such a hard time beleiving it. My car stops pulling AT ALL at 420. Which is 261 MPH, 6 MPH faster then the highest possible before the patch.

I was also able to hit 255 before the patch so I dont see how you got another 30 MPH out of it.
hold on poppins, are you saying you do not believe him still? and have evidence to prove yourself wrong but don't want to view it? you're giving some mixed messages here.
He knows I beleive him because he sent me the replay and he wouldnt have if it was fake.

But I havent watched it because I have no USB.

And even if I did I just find it hard to comprehend possible, Ive lifted the rear, dropped the front, +0.50 toe on the rear and only 425~ nothing I can do changes that by 30 KM/hr
I know how to tune properly, Its just the fact that I want to see video proof of him in 3rd person view not slipstreaming somebody before I beleive it.

Like I said, with everything tuned for max top speed (no toe or camber, aero at minimum, gears tuned to 50+ different configurations and beleive me i know how to tune better then 95% of the people on this forum, every single tune i read on here is crap, ive gotten my gt one to a MAX of 430~ km/hr without drafting with ANY gear config because i HIT the DOWNHILL tunnel at 410 km/hr, and its NOT possible to get 455 as thats nearly 25 faster then I have while im at 7400 rpm at 425 and BARELY pulling, its just not possible.

I-Runner is part of the 5%, and unlike the 95%, he doesn't share his setups with anybody. I was fortunate enough to get an insight into his tuning methods in GT4 for the 1/4 mile so I know his times and speeds are genuine.

like honestly are you that ****ing stupid, there isnt even a camera view in GT5 like that and there never has been, that picture is from GT4 and i dont care what you say this loser is lying.
You obviously don't check the replay area that often, because it is like that.

It's also funny that you say the pic is fake because SSR7 was never in GT4 and the replay in GT4 is NOTHING like the pics here that I-R has shown. Does my status apply to you?? Because right now you're proving that it does.

go try bumper cam in any car, it has normal circular gauges and always has been like that since the first day this game has came out

ON TOP OF THAT, go ahead and set your custom trans to 480 after defaulting it and not customising ratio's. at 454 km/hr he is at 7600 rpms when at 7600 rpm you are only able to reach 425, further proof that he is a liar.

See, I-Runner is an expert at perfecting high speed suspension setup's and gearbox tuning to allow him to do this. You keep saying he's a liar, prove him wrong.....oh that's right, you can't because he sent the link to the video replay (and I have the link too, he sent it to me via PM aswell).

go ahead and beleive him

I will, much more than I would believe you and your claims of being better than 95% of the forum, that's for sure.

funny how with his "top speed records" and with his bugatti only at 446, mines nearly 465 if i get lucky on ssr7.
Where's your pics then to prove it?? Once again, you have squat to prove your claims.

The people of the 300MPH Leaderboard, and every ones who spent a lot of time in the Power&speed section of the PREVIOUS GT, know that it's not only the gear setting or the downforce and the engine power ..but a lot of other "elements" are involved in the REACH of the top speed and top acceleration...

About my speed with the GTONE .. let me check ..if i have the "GHOST REPLAY**" yet . ...
I'll send you ... (by sharing_service )..

For the moment .. This is the link to my TOPIC about top speed race in my Board (GTExD)
check the date of the post, 01/25/119 (before the 1.06) ..
GTExD top speed contest URL


**.(its possible only in time trial mode= ALONE ON THE TRACK)
👍 Try doing it online aswell Robert. :)

Its just the fact that even when I set my tranny to the max it could possibly be when you did that Im still unable to reach the same speed at RPM that you do with minimum downforce no camber or toe and lowered ride height.

I just know that there isnt really anything I can do to increase my speed by 30 km/hr to what yours is at the same point (Im guessing you are running from the backside to the start point on ssr7 like I do.) When I am entering the tunnel at speeds of nearly 410 and it Isnt able to pull anything past 425 as the tunnel starts going uphill.

You aren't tuning it well enough then.

Ive also just gotten my Veyron to 285 miles/hr on the same track which is faster then Ive seen anyone else go which tells me that Im just not EVER gonna get another 30 out of that GT One.

Pics & Vid of 285mph Veyron or the BS flag gets hoisted.

hold on poppins, are you saying you do not believe him still? and have evidence to prove yourself wrong but don't want to view it? you're giving some mixed messages here.

Let me get this straight.You're too lazy to watch the replay but you spend hours on this site?

He knows I beleive him because he sent me the replay and he wouldnt have if it was fake.

But I havent watched it because I have no USB.

And even if I did I just find it hard to comprehend possible, Ive lifted the rear, dropped the front, +0.50 toe on the rear and only 425~ nothing I can do changes that by 30 KM/hr

Excuses, excuses and claims, that's all I'm hearing from you. Prove us wrong or quit your yammering. :cool:
Lol you dont beleive my Veyron hit 458 KM/HR?

No I didnt watch the video because I have no USB stick to put it on my PS3. Did you watch it? What speed does he enter the tunnel at?
And him doing 20 MPH faster then anyone else can get is just insane. If he can get 282 in his GT One he should be able to hit 300 in the Veyron.
Funny how my top speed in GT4 on my ZZII was equal to his and yet you say Im bad at tuning?

I want to see him or someone else repeat it.

Either way what you're saying is irrelevant, My Veyron speed at 285 MPH is entirely possible for anybody, yet Im unable to get the GT One to keep pulling AT ALL after 425 no matter how I gear it, adjust the suspension, downforce, anything. Yet he supposedly hit 455.

His is 20 MPH faster then ANYBODY else Ive seen, yet Ive seen people hit 285 in the Veyron before me.
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Yesterday .... i've improved my best ... by 1km/h ..:grumpy:

427 (~265mph) over the bridge and 433(~269mph) in the first tunnel :dopey:

... but only a top speed of 456 (~283mph) .. at the end ...:ouch:

see you

Which way do you go? Because there is a sharp turn before each tunnel. Do you go very fast through here or what?
Always in normal dierction ... .. no backward !

You don't have to loose speed in the turns before the tunnels ...:)

"Poppins", you strike again! Just wait a second Poppins... lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I missed the part where you apologised to I-runner for calling him a "lying loser", proclaimed that you know how to tune, (best 5% of tuners :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ..... :lol: so we should obviously immediately question his claims and listen to you. I mean, you use bold text and bestow yourself with titles, who the **** is he anyway?)...

..Oh wait, it's not a fake screenshot where he forgot to put the right UI in! He has proof!.... Now you're asking him questions about how he does it?

What a coincidence that you've now decided to show him a trace of respect, (god forbid an apology), because you now want something from him. Obviously a way more chilled guy than me, he's actually pointed you in the right direction. Do you thank him? Nope! As soon as you've acquired this knowledge you will be roflstomping/bullying normal players on SSR7, and posing around these boards, calling everyone who doesn't know how an ***ing idiot loser.

Lol you dont beleive my Veyron hit 458 KM/HR?


Funny how my top speed in GT4 on my ZZII was equal to his and yet you say Im bad at tuning?

Where's your proof? Please don't expect us to believe it without proof.

I want to see him or someone else repeat it.


Yet he supposedly hit 455.

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Thanks Slurm 👍 and thanks to the :bowdown: others too!

I'm used to "various" comments about my speeds since GT3 :crazy:...
so i don't care to much ..

Poppins in His PC has got the key ..but he doesn't want to watch .....

You don't believe it but I-R make it possible.:bowdown:

in GT4, with the escudo at las vegas can't believe, but the I-Runner time, to spurred me to get there and I improved, but not enough for pass him :banghead:

Thanks Slurm 👍 and thanks to the :bowdown: others too!

I'm used to "various" comments about my speeds since GT3 :crazy:...
so i don't care to much ..

Poppins in His PC has got the key ..but he doesn't want to watch .....


I was woundering if i could see the vid?

Before people start a war i belive that you can do that speed i just want to see the line you take.
"Poppins", you strike again! Just wait a second Poppins... lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I missed the part where you apologised to I-runner for calling him a "lying loser", proclaimed that you know how to tune, (best 5% of tuners :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ..... :lol: so we should obviously immediately question his claims and listen to you. I mean, you use bold text and bestow yourself with titles, who the **** is he anyway?)...

..Oh wait, it's not a fake screenshot where he forgot to put the right UI in! He has proof!.... Now you're asking him questions about how he does it?

What a coincidence that you've now decided to show him a trace of respect, (god forbid an apology), because you now want something from him. Obviously a way more chilled guy than me, he's actually pointed you in the right direction. Do you thank him? Nope! As soon as you've acquired this knowledge you will be roflstomping/bullying normal players on SSR7, and posing around these boards, calling everyone who doesn't know how an ***ing idiot loser.


Where's your proof? Please don't expect us to believe it without proof.



He did send me proof and yes I do beleive him.

And no I wouldnt do that to other people because for one I never drive the GT One and dislike it, and two I dont think Ill ever be able to get going that fast.
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I was woundering if i could see the vid?

Before people start a war i belive that you can do that speed i just want to see the line you take.

I have a link to the vid if you would like PM me, and Im pretty sure he starts the time trial, drives straight to the end, and starts coming down the back straight and hits full speed there.
So after all this, will you please back away from the keyboard Poppins in this thread because you have been shown up by the 2nd quickest person in the world, with the #3 (rossifumi) & #4 (myself) backing him up. Quit your yammering, no one believes your claims and we ALL believe I-Runner's. :cool:
So after all this, will you please back away from the keyboard Poppins in this thread because you have been shown up by the 2nd quickest person in the world, with the #3 (rossifumi) & #4 (myself) backing him up. Quit your yammering, no one believes your claims and we ALL believe I-Runner's. :cool:

Who is first? Well done though
Who is first? Well done though

:bowdown: MasterStorm ..a real Genius of Speed .. and Mr. evokid2 a drag Monster!
But there are many Other "Gods of speed" in GTPlanet ..
Most of them are listed in the 300Mph Leader Board.
For the DRAG monsters read my signature or the signature of ( :bowdown: ) Mafia_Boy !!

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Just because of this thread. I went out and achieved 446kph this early morning with my Bugatti Veyron and learned how to tune the customizable transmission which I was hesitant to tune before. Also, reading from what the people have done and what the people have attempted. Helped me achieved this feat. Thank you folks from GT Planet! Too bad I can't tune my Veyron to Poppins' 458kph Veyron. Another to add is I want a GT One. So I could to attempt to reproduce what I-Runner did... stupid random Used Car lot...