well,I just beat your record at SSR11 last night!*whew* barely..but I just basically said,"Screw the F1 Championship!Bite me!",cause I've got 6 of the races done already,so later I can just come back and finish the rest..cause I sure as hell missed goin' on the Free Runs with different cars BESIDES just an F1!the first car I got in was my AE86 (Shigeno Version),hehe!I drove that around Seattle Circuit II for a lil while,then I whipped out my RX-7 Type RS and I beat your record!barely!here's my time -----------
Special Stage Route 11
with that 445 HP RX-7 (FD) of mine,once again!and just to also let you guys know,just to pass along the information,cause I thought it looked soooooo awsome what I did last night,after saving my ghost at SSR11,I went back to Seattle Circuit II,only this time..with my Spoon Civic ^_^!and you wouldn't BELIEVE what I FINALLY did!I was on that pretty long straightway ya know (the one that all of the sudden,at the end of the straightaway,it's a sharp right,yeah,that one) I did a full 360 before I entered the corner and when I entered the corner,I just kept goin'!and I also did it again on that lil straightaway before you have to turn to the left to start going down them humps on the road (yes the ones that make you fly in the air a lil bit =P) and I pulled a 360 before entering that corner as well,then I just slide a lil to the right,then I pushed the analog a lil left,then straightened myself out while sliding so cool looking into that corner!it just looks soooooo awsome!!well,I gotta get ready for school,so I'll see you guys later!