458 vs 1198

Ace vid. Must admit, I didn't expect the 1198 to be quicker around a lap, but then the 1198 is to motorcycles as the 458 is to cars - not necessarily ultimately the quickest in a straight line, but staggeringly better than anything else overall.
While racing Superbikes are nowhere close to the lap times of F1 cars... road-going sports bikes actually have a big edge over road-going sports cars. I remember an SCC (or was it C&D? Was a long time ago) issue where a pair of bikes (one racing-spec, one road spec) totally demolished their road-car opposition (one of which was a high horsepower track-attack car).

Most impressive was the slalom time... around 100 mph or so... but when you consider how far apart cones are in a US-style slalom, it makes sense... the biker barely had to twitch the steering to make each cone... :lol:
Great video:tup: To be honest I also didn't expect the ducati to be faster on track. But niky is right about the difference between road-going sports bikes and road-going sports cars. I guess that's one of the reasons why bikes are so popular. (and dangerous :nervous:)