4th GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Collisions Off)

  • Thread starter fishfash
I would be very greatful, if the race could be posponed, I think speading the word will be key. If this is possible, then I would be very happy, as this next race is key for me, as it is for many others, 2 points, seperate me from King, and F1MadAd, but I don't want to be a pain. Thanks for the option. Table looks great:)
i need the points so im going to say no we all have to miss a race from time to time i look foward to friday's so i dont want to miss one sorry we should stick to the rules iv been told that in the past.
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i need the points so im going to say no we all have to miss a race from time to time i look foward to friday's so i dont want to miss one sorry we should stick to the rules iv been told that in the past.

I needed every regular driver to agree for a postpone, as this has not happened we will race this Friday :)

Sorry DonkeyFuzz.

I totally understand, as we could not postpone every week as we would never get anywhere in the championship, thank you for considering the idea, its much appreciated, and I understand why Ginty wants to race as rules are there for a reason. I just hope that not to many points are lost. My target for the end of the Championship is 3rd so for USA GP I'm going to push like hell. Thanks for the conderation once again and I look forward to seeing who is where in the standings. See you next week!
gyles can my mate make a guest appearance again please he enjoyed the last one let me no on ps3 thanks

Yes sure no problem.

On another note can somebody please host the race today ?

My Internet has intermittent problems and I am not sure if I can connect to any lobbies. I will try to join but please don't wait for me if I cannot get into the room.

Also can somebody send a message to GINTY72 via PSN that his mate can join in.

Yes sure no problem.

On another note can somebody please host the race today ?

My Internet has intermittent problems and I am not sure if I can connect to any lobbies. I will try to join but please don't wait for me if I cannot get into the room.

Also can somebody send a message to GINTY72 via PSN that his mate can join in.


I will do both mate
Well qualified 3rd and finished 3rd. Not much to say had a little battle with glyes till he put away and then with lush went i caught him up.

To many silly mistakes in that race but 3rd is a fair result and well done gyles in a great come back and i feel for you F1MadAd
Qualified 2nd, Finished 2nd

Just missed out on pole by 0.017 seconds! Got off to a strong start behind GYLES and was keeping up with him for a good few laps. Then he got a penalty at the final chicane, which let me through. A few laps later he hit the Wall Of Champions and wrecked his car. With that i thought i had the win in the bag, but knowing that GYLES would be pushing i was keeping up a good pace and making no mistakes. Lap after lap he was gaining on me at an unbelievable rate. The laps were counting down and counting down, and he was getting closer and closer, proper pressure! The final lap and he was right up my backside, and he got me on the last corner!! Got to say what a drive from GYLES to come back and win from a penalty and a respawn takes some doing, even with a wheel lol. I'm absolutely gutted to be honest, but i made no mistakes under pressure, he was simply faster than me. Still 2nd a good result for the championship...onto the next race :)
Montreal Race Results:-

1. fishfash
2. F1MadAd
3. kingmart1n
4. lush60
5. GINTY72

Pole:- fishfash - 1:10.140

Fastest Lap:- fishfash - 1:09.234
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First of all a big thanks to King for setting up the room 👍

I was struggling with my internet connection, but realised it was my router that was playing up, so I just about fixed that during the warm up session !!

Race Report:-

I just about managed pole and F1MadAd was right along side me just a few 100ths behind. As I expected a very close grid, just 4 tenths of a second splitting the top 4 :crazy:

I had a good start and F1MadAd was all over the back of me for the first few laps until I got a penalty on the last turn on lap 3. I then was battling with lush60 and PJ for a few laps, excellent racing there guys. On lap 5 I hit the wall of champions, when I came back on track I was just behind king and we had a great battle until the first round of pitstops, king was matching my times and even pulled out the fastest lap just before the first round of pitstops.

We came into the pits together, I had a good stop and from then on I gradually pulled away from king and set my sights on F1MadAd. I was closing the gap every lap, putting in mid 1:09's, and on the final lap, and on the final straight just after the hairpin I caught up with F1MadAd. Half way up the straight I picked up a slip stream and pulled a very risky move accross the final chicane and just about by the skin of my teeth managed to pull out a win :crazy:

It was a very lucky win, had it not been for the slipstream F1MadAd would have won the race. I also managed to better the fastest lap on the final lap.

I thoroughly enjoyed this race and it was great fun racing with nearly everybody today 👍

Thanks all and see you next week at Indy, hopefully Team Redneck will make a guest appearance and surely hemi and the duck are favourites to win there :)
Great race for me, well, it would've been. Qualified 6th, Finished 6th. I got a quick start, something i'm known for, and by stayin fast and consistent, I gained position and was up to 3rd, comfortably, and not a mistake, not a penalty, not missing the pitlane, but my little 4 year old cousin decided to come into the room to annoy the **** out of me. He threw pillows on me, jumped on me, put his feet in my face, and covered my head with a blenket ,all making me fall back down to 6th :(. Dammit man.
Hello everyone!, the race sounds absolutely great, something that should be placed in my 'Hall Of Fame' thread, for Gyles to get a penalty and then crash and still win is incredible. I'm show F1MadAd puut up a decent fight as he does when I race him!. Great result for King coming 3rd and sounds as though, Lush, PJ and Ginty were putting in some lap times. I'm so annoyed I couldn't make it because I'm back down to 4th in the standings I think but oh well, you win some you lose some. See you next week where I will return with avengence.
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Table looks great:) Just wish I had a few more points from Friday, whilst away I tried to get an early night but didn't drift off until about 12:15:crazy: so I should of been there. Oh well, like I said before, this race I'm gonna drive the hell out of that Super Aguri, hopefully to secure a podium:sly: If not, the second half of the season will be on how fast I am, and how unreliable Friday nights can be:guilty:
Qualified 3rd finished 4th. The first few lap didn't go to plan but lucky for me duck was there so i got the drag down the straight.New made a mistake before the 1st pit and me and duck was level going into the pits. As we can out duck made a mistake on the out lap so was 3rd only problem was i was getting no drag down the straight from F1MadAD. With in 3 laps duck and nev used there drag and was back on me then i got some again and we a caught F1MadAD up. All 4 of us was level going into the 2nd stop but duck went another lap and me nev and F1MadAD all left the pits together. I made a error on my out lap so had to settle for 4th place.

Good win gyles it was a good race a part from all the drag down the straight.
Well, what a bloody exciting race. Qualifying P2 was awsome because it's good to see where your going into turn one. I was in a battle with everyone bar Gyles, who won yet again, well done! A few laps into the race I recieved a penalty, and was not happy but thought if you lose but try you've won over greed. Anyway, I pitted early, same lap as Gyles and lost major time. I caught King, MadAd and Duck back up and we started doing some serious racing. At the second round of stops there was barely nothing between us. When we exited I rejoined 3rd and me and MadAd got a slight margin over King for the last 2 laps. On the last lap second was anyones guess, 50:50, so I pushed my hardest, but came 3rd, 2.5 seconds behind Gyles as well which was pretty good, however call me sinnical but I could of sworn my car went over the line first, maybe it's just my eyesight as it was written in black and white that I came 3rd.
Indy Race Results:-

1. fishfash
2. F1MadAd
3. DonkeyFuzz
4. kingmart1n
5. FastDuck
6. GINTY72

Pole:- fishfash - 1:08.300

Fastest Lap:- fishfash - 1:08.499

Qualified 4th, Finished 2nd

No practice at all on this track until the race itself, so didn't have too high hopes. Started off well though, and i was keeping pace and not making any errors. GYLES as usual went off into the sunset, but after a few laps i was holding my own in 2nd. Over the course of the race the guys behind were getting slipstream off each other, so by the letter half of the race they were right up behind me. Coming out of the second pit-stops ME, NEV and KING were all 1 car lol. KING make a mistake which left ME and NEV battling it out for the last few laps. Like he said 50/50 and it was gonna be luck as to which one of us crossed the line ahead. NEV got a slip off me through the banking, and was looking like he would hold it, but i got back in his slip and JUST managed to get my nose ahead as we crossed the line. GYLES made a few mistakes i think so he was only 2 secs ahead at the line. Good drive by him, and an enjoyable battle with NEV as always :)
That was an enjoyable race, qualy was very close, from 2nd to 6th there was a gap of less than 8 tenths of a second.

At the start of the race I had all the major players all over the back of me for the first few laps and I knew it was important to pull out a lead. Up until the second round of stops every lap was in the mid 1:08's.

After my final stop I eased off a bit and then started to make silly mistakes, I did 2 consecutive laps at around the 1:15 mark :crazy: I could see that F1MadAd, DonkeyFuzz, kingmart1n and FastDuck were just a few seconds behind and if I made any more mistakes I could have finished 5th. Regardless, any of the top 5 could have won that race in particular Duck. I noticed that Duck had got stuck in the pits and as I went past whilst he was in the pits, I could see smoke around the pitwall, I think it's possible that Duck could have won that race had it not been for that problem as he was only 8 seconds off at the end.

Oh and I never got a single slipstream ? When ever I approached a bark marker (AI car) just before the straight they ended up going into the pits !!

Great racing guys, I was under pressure towards the end, it felt like I was trying to run away from a swarm of bees :yuck: Also what a Fantastic photo finish for F1MadAd & DonkeyFuzz :)

Next week we go to France, where PJ must be the favourite for the win, that is if he does turn up :lol:

Hey guys, started to play F1CE again after a long absence, looking forward to the new F1 game, was wondering if I could join in the championship for the last part of the season, looks like good fun and fancy having a bit of competition. I'm definitely not a brilliant driver just need a few weeks to get back into the swing of things so if i can join in, please let me know here, thanks.
Fishfash, I also have a request, would it be okay to hold a training session once a week, I haven't come up with a date but just asking for confirmation. It wouldn't be compulsary but I think it could help others who were off the pace make adjustments to their driving style at that circuit. It's really to try and make the championship a bit closer in the final stages. Thanks.
I think if people wanted to practice they would do in the week. For me i don't really bother as i don't get much time i know im not the quickest but enjoy the challenge racing you guys each week.
Hey guys, started to play F1CE again after a long absence, looking forward to the new F1 game, was wondering if I could join in the championship for the last part of the season, looks like good fun and fancy having a bit of competition. I'm definitely not a brilliant driver just need a few weeks to get back into the swing of things so if i can join in, please let me know here, thanks.


Yes, sure you can, please read the first page where you can find race details.


Fishfash, I also have a request, would it be okay to hold a training session once a week, I haven't come up with a date but just asking for confirmation. It wouldn't be compulsary but I think it could help others who were off the pace make adjustments to their driving style at that circuit. It's really to try and make the championship a bit closer in the final stages. Thanks.

Yep no problem, you can host this yourself and let others know the time and day 👍

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