5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. Bought a house before I turned 25. (24 atm)
2. I love milk & cookies.
3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a favorite movie.
4. I do not care for GT Academy in any way.
5. I'm too lazy to come up with a fifth.
1. I love football and rugby, almost obsessively
2. I have an appreciation for, and can watch, almost any sport.
3. I'm good at tennis despite only taking it up a few months ago.
4. I love driving the country roads where I live.
5. I completed the 12 pubs of Christmas comfortably.
6. I don't have OcD.
6) can't see the color red.
7) had reconstructive knee surgery when I was 12.
8) played college soccer (even though it was just at a junior college)
9) know a former U.S. congressmen
10) took a road trip across Finland this past summer
21. Goodfellas is my favorite movie.
22. I'm a huge procrastinator
23. I got through the first play through on a Borderlands 2 in one day! (Never will I attempt anything like that again)
24. My favorite animal is the Narwhal
25. My favorite TV show is BBC's Top Gear
1. I believe global warming is a hoax.

2. I have never been in Hospital.

3. I have a unlimited appetite to build on Minecraft and can play it until 3:00 AM.

4. Haven't watched TV in a year.

5. Weihenstephaner is my favourite beer and weihenstephaner is the oldest brewery in the world.
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1. I believe global warming is a hoax.

2. I have never been in Hospital.

3. I have a unlimited appetite to build on Minecraft and can play it until 3:00 AM.

4. Haven't watched TV in a year.

5. Weihenstephaner is my favourite beer.
You sir you are awesome
6. I don't like hot weather.

7. My favourite actors are dead or retired.

8. My favourite cars are TVR's.

9. Always collect Mercedes-Benz on Gran Turismo.

10. My favourite TV show is Top Gear.
Might as well go for a few TRON-related facts as I watched that this morning

  1. I like TRON Legacy, but not for that god-awful story.
  2. I prefer the newer Daniel Simon designs to Syd Mead's
  3. I hate most songs on the R3conf1gured score
  4. I have my school's high score on the space paranoids online game (yes, we have a score board) and signed myself as FLN
  5. if Jeff Bridges isn't in TR3N I will cry.
11. I don't believe in Valentines Day "it's for Americans"

12. I put the Christmas decortication up at Halloween.

13. I have broken 2 windows playing sport.

14. The only mobile phone brand I have had is Nokia.

15. Never had a credit card.
1. I love 1980s hair metal.
2. I do incredibly dumb and stupid things for Snapchat. Don't even ask.
3. I have a tough time falling asleep.
4. I live on GTP.
5. I love Chevrolet Monzas.
1. I also don't believe in Valentine's day. Australia Day and Halloween also follow in this category.
2. I've spent most of my spare time nowadays on either Drawing a Car Game with the Tracks, Events, Cars etc. detailed in or Playing WWE 2K14 and have been making my WWE Universe PPV results on Google Drive (using a hint of imagination too for added storyline zing :P).
3. I find any method of getting Shiny Pokemon except by chance in the wild to be "false" Shinies and are worthless.
4. I hate Drifting in Car games.
5. I enjoy a good story in games but I hate games where the Story in the game is so big that it feels like a Movie. Its too distracting of the gameplay which is what I look for.
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Australia Day
1. I arranged for my favourite band (Sabaton) to come to Aus, toured with them and hosted them at my house for nearly a week.
2. I am a repo man in the worst part of the city I live in.
3. I once accidentally severed my sons finger... Thank the gods for the micro surgeons at the Adelaide Womens & Childrens Hospital, 13 years later and no one can tell!
4. My taste in music ranges from Simon & Garfunkle to extreme black and death metal.
5. I collect vinyl records and players.
1. My favorite colour is orange
2. my birthday is april 1st
3. my favorite pokemon is Inkay
4. have never left Canada and never been farther than 7 hours from home.
5. i am shy and hate it.
  1. I own at least one Pokemon game from each release...except HG/SS :(
  2. I have over 800 Pokemon cards.
  3. I hope to one day own a collection of MR and RR cars.
  4. I dig four foot deep holes at random, usually taking no more than 4 hours
  5. I love foxes and plan to catch one this Spring.
Edit: Corrected by @RESHIRAM5
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