5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. I´m addicted to Dr.Pepper and Vanilla Cola.
2. Born in Norway, but feel like and want to be an American.
3. Prefer diesel to petrol.
4. I have 2 Friends.
5. Suicidal, and tired of life.
It's time for another round of "Facts we couldn't care less about!"
  1. I love Tecmo's Monster Rancher series and would easily pay 70$ dollars for a ps3/4 version or even a straight HD remake of Monster Rancher 2.
  2. I have every Monster Rancher game to date except for MR1 which is out of my game price range...upwards of 110$ (and both online ones which didn't make it to the US. :()
  3. I am semi-fluent in Dovahzul.
  4. I'm a danger to myself and the public...I'm clumsy and could fall into a shelf, injuring upwards of one person, at any moment
  5. I love the car in the guy above my post's icon.
More irrelevant stuff about me:

  1. I'm addicted to Vitamin Water.
  2. I have a fear of anything that has a potential to make a sudden loud sound; this includes guns, balloons, thunderstorms, I even get a little anxious around running timers sometimes.
  3. I burnt hot chocolate last week.
  4. I defy almost every stereotype about my race (African-American). :lol:
  5. I can't even.
1. I stapled my thumbs together when I was small.
2. I saw Motörhead in Detroit Michigan.
3. I accidently fell in love with Omega Boost without knowing who made it.
4. I have purchased two cars in my life, both black Ford Mustang GT's.
5. I'm named after a red-headed Irish railroad man.
How can you not? Especially when it's sided with Freedom, Drones and Free Healthcare

Random fact which may seem unblieveable: I've been to an OFC. And a KFB, a CFK, DFK and a whole host of other KFC immitations. China is full of them, complete with almost identical staff, menus, décor and diarrhoea the following morning.
21. I've never been in KFC.
22. I forgot my pen today.
23. I don't like typing on touch screen devices
24. The first car I've driven is 2003 MINI Cooper S
25. I'm 174 cm tall.
1. I didn't sleep last night.
2. Tonight my friend should be paying back the £430 I leant her.
3. I am 6 weeks away from finishing my second year of uni and next year is my final year.
4. I burnt my finger very badly 2 weeks ago.
5. I am currently broke without a penny to my name until tonight. (Slight lie when you take into account my savings but I mean what is in my main account.)
* I'm an Austrian but since my first Iceland camping trip I wish I was born there every single day.
* When I speak my voice makes metal ring and wooden furniture vibrate so badly people comment on it.
* I'm into tall women, I like it when my parter is as tall as me - which is quite a problem at 186cm / 6'2''
* I can deadlift 200kg / 440lbs
* First concert I've been too was Rammstein in Paris
* I don't like the number 5 so this is my 6th fact
You are the exact opposite of me then. I like short women.
Whatever floats your boat, its definitely a more common ''taste'' to prefer shorter women.
Its just that I want a more or less equal partner, that also involves some physical aspects, my partner needs to be able to keep up with me when I go cycling and climbing and....
A tall athletic woman, oh yes thats what my heart wants. :sly:

Here is my phone number 06.... ah screw it, wrong site.

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Whatever floats your boat, its definitely a more common ''taste'' to prefer shorter women.
Its just that I want a more or less equal partner, that also involves some physical aspects, my partner needs to be able to keep up with me when I go cycling and climbing and....
A tall athletic woman, oh yes thats what my heart wants. :sly:

Here is my phone number 06.... ah screw it, wrong site.

I had one tall woman teach me at school if that helps. :dopey:

I like short women because I think they are cute.
I had one tall woman teach me at school if that helps. :dopey:

I like short women because I think they are cute.

It only helps if you give me her number. NOW.

Seriously, I envy you, if you have a taste like me you're almost automatically doomed to be forever alone. You could be hunting unicorns, it would make no difference.
1. I didn't think I'd play Asseto Corsa so quickly in my joining of the #PCMasterrace.
2. I am not the driving-god Gran Turismo got me to think I was.
3. I literally have a McLaren P1 addiction, and I'm not seeking help.
4. I don't see myself dealing with consoles anytime soon.
5. I'm 25, and I still enjoy watching Spongebob. :lol:
  1. I have a fear of anything that has a potential to make a sudden loud sound; this includes guns, balloons, thunderstorms, I even get a little anxious around running timers sometimes.
How about the toaster?
I personally don't care for the suspense of the toaster.
(The cancel button was a brilliant addition to this appliance! :lol:)
And that game where you put the shapes in the right spaces within a few seconds or it goes POW! really loudly? (for a real challenge try ten seconds)
Five facts.. this'll be interesting. I'm pretty generic.

1. I came up with the idea to move in one month and moved the month after.

2. My ADD/OCD makes me get really nervous, so my bodies natural reaction is to attempt to lower my blood pressure drastically. People say I'm really chill, but it's probably because I had just gotten done having a near nervous breakdown, though it's not as drastic as it may sound. I get really sleepy after experiencing a situation I don't like.

3. I have really flat feet. I wear size 14 2E (2E is extra wide)

4. My mind has an eye for good designs/build quality . Nearly everything I own, I've researched nearly everything about it before purchasing. I take a few weeks to purchase somewhat expensive items ($100+) because I'm really, really one to make sure I have the best of the best for the price.

5. I have a fairly straight forward personality. If you piss me off, you'll see me in a way no one else has seen me, though it takes a fair bit to truly piss me off. I have high tolerance to morons, but if you go out of your way to bother me and do it multiple times, I will probably hurt you.
1. My job working in a shipyard office, sort of makes me a third generation shipyard worker in my family.
2. I tend to be quite blunt when saying things, but I'm also quite witty.
3. I caught an undisguised Mini Coupe in Toronto in 2011 well before it was supposed to go on sale.
4. I have an uncanny ability to find my way around downtown Toronto.
5. I'm a simple man.
1. I'm an amateur racing driver.
2. I've won two go-kart track championships, and in 2005 I was ranked 5th in the World Karting Association RLV Weekly Racing Series Southern Division.
3. I'm writing a fantasy book where everyone's a six-foot-tall anthropomorphic dragon. Oh, and there's guns and tech involved, too.
4. I like heavy metal. Like, a lot.
5. I have an Alienware PC, as well as every PlayStation product to date (aside from a Vita and a PSX), two Texas Instruments TI-99/4as, and a Sega Genesis. #PCModernAndRetroConsoleMasterRace
1. I've become completely bored of new cars, and find older cars far more interesting now.

2. I just created a really awesome Moutain Dew livery for my Lancia Delta S4 in Forza Horizon 2.

3. I'm an American but I say "livery" because the closest equivalent term our dialect has is "paint scheme" which sounds stupid to me. Why would I be scheming to do something with paint?

4. I ate granola bars for breakfast, a giant blueberry muffin for lunch, and pancakes for supper so my entire day has been one long morning, especially considering I'm on spring break and I've been sitting around at home all day.

5. I say "supper" rather than "dinner", and people often find that funny.