5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1.I like metal and hard rock music old or new doesn't matter.
2.I am 6'3''
3.I have been on GTP for five years and I don't post much.
4.I like Nike shoes.
5.My favorite TV show is Futurama.
1. I still collect hotwheels cars.

2. The most recent movie I saw in theaters was the "Minions" movie. I enjoyed it of course.

3. I have bad short-term memory.

4. The first platformer game I played on the original Playstation was "Spyro the Dragon".

5. I had a pet cat once. She was a stray cat that my parents and I adopted; I named her "Whiskers".
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Since I'm fairly new around here, I'll join in.

1. I have glaucoma in my right eye.

2. I'm a huge Metallica fan.

3. I used to play guitar and sing in my own punk rock band called Exempt. A few members had a falling out so we haven't done much in quite a while.

4. I've been to concert for Brad Paisley, Green Day, and Volbeat/Five Finger Death Punch.

5. I'm a pretty big Star Wars nerd; you can ask me just about anythig about the series and I'd probably have an answer for it.
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I'm a cinofile, I probably, on average, watch 25+ hours of movies each week. Often more. Old, new, all genres*, many languages. *No romcoms. Sometimes I watch a film I've already seen 20 times if it appeals to me.

I'm now quite proficient in Thai conversation. Languages aren't something that come easy to me but I strive to make progress and I'm seeing results.

If I could be any realistic fictional character and have their traits I would be James Bond.

I can't say with any certainty and I certainly hope for the best but due to my lifestyle and diet I will most likely contract diabetes at some point in the future.

I like talking about myself. I'm generally pretty open (in real life) like I am here. I find talking about myself often means I don't have to put people in awkward situations where they have to talk about themselves.
1. I enjoy modern country music.

2. Over the summer, I got a photo radar ticket for doing 56 in a 45 in a Chevy Suburban. Since it wasn't my car, nobody had to pay for the ticket. :cheers:

3. The fastest I've driven is 130mph, twice.

4. Pretty much everyone I meet ends up being really surprised that I like hip-hop and rap. lol

5. I met @Pinkintron over the summer and can attest that he is not a molester. 👍👍👍
1. I have a strong preference for thick versions of video game consoles and I never have liked slim versions for a number of reasons. (Of course, I don't want to buy a console at day one of it's release either.)

2. My Youtube channel is dedicated to uploading content nobody has uploaded before.

3. I only play a Call of Duty game if it has zombie mode on it.

4. I don't dislike Xbox's or Microsoft as many would possibly assume.

5. I actually like the Gameboy Advance better than the PSVita. (And yes, I am serious.)
1) I have size 5 (UK) feet.

2) My middle name is Bo. I love it.

3) I have a slight obsession with Ginetta.

4) One of my best friends is a perpetually unlucky racing driver.

5) I haven't missed a BTCC race in approximately 10 years.
1. I have never owned a COD game.
2. I have got to the stage where I enjoy living away from my parents more than with them.
3. I still haven't got a house. I am due back in 4 weeks.
4. I need to get my JET application done soon.
5. I still need to get a driving licence at 21.
1) I have size 5 (UK) feet.
I am double that. Those feet are tiny.
1. I was born in Las Vegas.

2. My dad and I together have put less in $800 in to that motorcycle including the cost of the bike.

3. I have a slight obsession with British classic cars although it will be years before I own one. (I don't count the 1970 MG Midget almost parts car that I never got around to restoring)

4. I have size 11.5 feet (US).

5. The farthest I've ever ran was 15 miles (at practice this past monday).
Do you need one though? I didn't get a licence until I was 28 and on my third car.
Yes because if I am going to Japan next year then I can just convert my licence instead of learning the Japanese roads.
Seriously? You do know a UK licence is probably one of the most difficult and expensive in the world? Plus the Japanese drive on the same side as the UK.

I got my licence here for 4 quid. Took me a morning. I can pay another 4 quid for an international permit which means I can legally use my full Thai driving licence in the UK for up to one year.

Why would you make life hard for yourself? :confused:
1) I've had the lights turn off on me in the bathroom at work 4 times.

2) I passionately despise Java. With a passion.

3) Speaking of java, I can't drink coffee (without cream and sugar) or most beers, amongst other things, because they are too bitter to me.

4) I have an unhealthy attraction to salty and sweet snacks.

5) Whenever I have a progress bar on a computer, I put the cursor at the end of said bar so I can make sure it's actually moving.
1) I have ate an unhealthy amount of noodles in my preteen-hood.
2) My favorite band is Weezer.
3) I currently have 10 cats (Yes, It's out of my control)
4) The only show that i watched every season of, Was Breaking Bad*
5) I once almost got the chance to get around a track in a Toyota Coaster.
1. When I was young, I used to think the ESRB ratings was rated by difficulty.

2. I can drink a Yoo Hoo in less than 30 seconds. Sometimes without even trying.

3. I actually prefer the PS2 version of NFS Undercover over any other.

4. I have a very strong preference for any NFS titles ranging from Underground to Undercover and I haven't liked any of the titles afterwards. (Undercover was the last NFS game I truly enjoyed)

5. I never have cared highly for any sitcoms and I find them to be quite boring.
When I was young, I used to think the ESRB ratings was rated by difficulty.
I think to a point it is because as far as content goes, there's no way you should have to be 10 to play any of the LEGO games.
1. I have size 14.5 (UK) feet.
2. I eat something with Marmite daily (bread, rice cakes,crumpets.)
3. I have a dislocated left thumb with no feeling in it.
4. I don't like mainstream rap music (sounds mass produced.)
5. I don't like playing Call of Duty.
1. I'm one of the shorter guys in my class (last year), let alone being compared to anyone outside my country...
2. Back when i was in 4th grade in the school, we were told to draw image of anything related to some local race circuit. I thought about drawing a Super GT/JGTC Supra lookalike driving on the track but somehow i accidentally ended up drawing a NASCAR Stock car instead... some student did notice that also.
3. I don't like Game company's when they close online in some of their older games (I'm looking at you PD with GT5 and tons of other company's...)
4. I always wonder how members who joined 9-12 months ago got more post than myself?
5. I want to buy an XBOX ONE but the problem is that Xbox consoles are really underrated because here...people grown on Playstation consoles since it came out in mid 90's.

Bonus Fact: I'm drinking some coke while typing this post...
  1. I am 6 feet 2 inches tall
  2. I have a gray spot on my head from being hit by a golf ball when I was 6
  3. I enjoy fall more than summer
  4. I have never broken a bone or been stung by an insect
  5. I like to build stuff out of legos, k'nex, etc.
1. The most magical moment of my life was watching Jeremy Kyle filmed live.

2. Despite the years of joining in the running gags about @Small_Fryz being incredibly short, we're actually the same height. I feel like it's time to come clean.

3. I'm actually a lot nicer than people seem to think.

4. Art has always been a huge passion of mine. It's ALL subjective from start to finish, so endless discussions concerning the validity of one piece or form over another is something that really winds me up. Don't like something? That's fine, but you don't get to dictate whether something is art or not, everyone sees things differently.

5. Telling me not to do something is like a red rag to a bull, and probably the quickest way to make sure I do it. I've always been a little bit contrarian like that, I guess. I think it's in the DNA, a lot of my family are the same.
26. I hate taking pictures of myself and I have no idea why I took one today.

27. I have a tendency to take the battery cover of different electrical devices such as TV remote and mobile phone off and on when I have one on my hand, which is why I'm glad that iPhone doesn't give you that ability.

28. I've recently started to consider getting a bicycle again, mostly because the weather hasn't been awful for few weeks and I've forgotten how appalling it is to cycle in sleet.

29. I can't even remember the last time I started the PS3 for some other reason than watching a BlueRay or DVD anymore.

30. I'm fed up with the local bus service.
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1. I've been watching Youtube Videos since around 2007/2008...
2. I went to a cinema just once in my life.
3. I have problems with identifying Boeing/Airbus Commercial Planes since the exterior designs of those planes are similar...... some just look like taller a bit or shorter a bit...
4. I prefer a lot of foreign music over local one's (or the one's in my region).
5. My first ever post in GTPlanet is the 450PP Mini Challenge - A-spec Season Event from GT5:
1. Once I find the correct terminology of a word. No matter how common it is, it annoys me when people get it wrong. (for example, a Selfie with more than 1 person is called an USIE not just another Selfie).
2. There is only 1 reason why I hate watchmojo.com, they know nothing when it comes to Pokemon, it is cringeworthy.
3. People who know me will tell you that you would rather argue with a wall than me. Though I have no idea if that is an insult :P.
4. I find Sonic Boom to be the only good American Cartoon that is currently running.
5. I have yet found my natural talent.
1. I didn't know that Minecraft was a shooting game until I played it. Then I got hooked.
2. I'm a whopping 147 cm tall. About 30 cm shorter than most of my friends. No, it is NOT genetic, mum says that the medication I'm on effects growth. Although it's yet to be proved because puberty for me is delayed.
3. The above fact means that I look and sound like a 12 year old at 15
4. I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy in May 200. Mum thought she would die after hearing the news.
5. The first game I got for the PS3 was Midnight Club LA